j1 nfci w J$ ' "V v Sat 43 Innocents Society, the senior men's honorary society at UNL, is accepting applicants for membership. Applications are ' available in the Daily Nehrsskan office, Nebraska Union 34, or in the Union Program Office, Union 115. To be eligible for membership, a Student must have accumulated 85 credit hours by the start of next school year. Applications are due March 22. Students interested in talking about their college experiences at their high schools during spring broak should visit the Builders booth in Nebraska Union on Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Applications for the Women's Athletic Assoc. Board secretary or treasurer are available on Gail Whitaker's board. Women's Physical Bldg. 127. Applications are due by 4:30 p.m. April 2. Course descriptions are available in ail UNL. living units and in the ASUN office. The handouts, put out by various UNL departments, contains descriptions of courses being offered next fall. The NU Meds election will be Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the Union. The Office of Scholarships and Financial Aids want to start a summer work-study program in student's hometowns. Anyone interested should contact Doug Severs, Administration Bldg, 1 1 3. (Registration open for ' i"" r iiiui lai i o Students who wssh to attend a series of lectures on the American Revolution given by Henry Steele Commager should register. for the course April 5 at 3:30 p.m. in Burnett 104. The lectures are given by Commager, 70, a professor of epf I jfpC American history at Amherst VIUI VU Cocge jn Amherst, Mass. Commager has been called the most distinguished American historian living today. His course will be taught April 8 through 26 at 3:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Tte fnitnirlioiiii worn Bleed at prices you cam affforcL Atwwaw -mm"""'-""- '"Winnie rfTfr' HZX"1"""1 "I SR-10 -npsss-sa Jnl 1 1! E3 in o ts u . . ! V I! CS t5 & E3 u rf L.- SR-ll s109ss Texas Instruments ait-iu ana dju-ii siiae-ruie caieui&i ooo ors SR-10. SR-ll. Two proven performers. And now with crisp, new price tags. At only $109.95, the SR-ll is priced so you can have one of your own. Yet, it delivers the computation power to handle a wide range of slide-rule functions. A single keystroke give3 you square roots, squares, reciprocals, and multiplication and division by a con stant or Pi. And using simple methods, you can quickly compute nth powers, nth roots, sines, cosines, tangents, arc sines, arc tangents, exponentials and logarithms. Without writing down interim results, you'll be able to solve quadratic equations, the sum of products, the stin cf quotients, the reciprocal of th "'jf1 Yt"'''Tr,t cals, the square root of the sum of squares and more. But all this scientific capability doesn't mean the SR ll is hard to operate. An easy-to-use algebraic key board lets you key problems as you'd write them on paper. Data may be entered in full floating decimal point,' scientific notation, or any combination of the two. And the SR-lTs bright, 8-digit display is clearly visible for hours of fatigue-free operation. A little more capability than you need? Then take a look at Texas Instruments SR-10. Exceptfor the absence of a Constant capability and Pi Key, the SR-10 ha3 the same basic features and capabilities as the SR-l l. But it costs just $89.95. Both the SR-tO and-SR-ll include AC adapter charger, vinyl tarrying case, user's manual and appli cations guide. And both carry TPs fullyear warranty against defects in parts and workmanship. Order your SR-10 or SR-ll from Texas Instruments and use it for 15 days. And if you're not completely satisfied, just leturn it for a full refund. SR-10. SR-ll. Either wiy, you get the functions you need . , . r -d at prices you can afford. Try the SIM0 or the SIM 1 for 15 days at no risk. 1 'ivnri rhi. wrtfcf (mm and en Ow.t i (.heck, money order or company purchase order of $113 30 for each OH 11 ($11) 9', plus $3 95 poMag'i and handling). Or ?3 90 for each SR-10 95 plus $3 95 (or poMage and handling) either (or 15 days. then it you're not completely satisfied, just return ft m the origin.il carton with a'i aa.eriories for 3 full refund Pie add iiate and local taxes here yppltcati'e. To Tc lri,lmwnH inmrntratort P.O Box 3040, M5B4T. Dallas. Texas 75221 Dear Sir. I entires a ( ) check ( ) money order ( ) company purchase order for $ . for the purchase of SR-tl(u). SR 10('.) I u'l'iersfand that I'll get my money back rt at anytime during trie 15 day tml I'm not completely satisfied. Name . 'Address State School. Major . Zip . A2 , OA . CO . ft H, . IN . KV . MA , Ml., MN , NM , HJ , NY , PA , IN . IX U! ,VA . WA (jQ ( '97a "(ir' Hr.KiltlHlutH IfK.&tjlO'il'l'lt 8W17 Texas Instruments IN CORP OR A r II) TECHNICAL CARffR OPPOHIUNIftf S. Write ft V Mw,M. V. MUM. 9 0 !) W4 0ii. Tm 7',??? Anfw!'W't My(nrv;-,.t daily nebfaskan Wednesday, march 13, 1974 if j jt;. ? . A 4 -4, & page 6