The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 13, 1974, Page page 5, Image 5

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trosfc strik&s.
Editor's note: The author of the following Guest
Opinion, mitten under a pen name, calls himself the
chairperson of the Associated Streakers of the
University cf Nebraska (ASUN).
A Streak For Amnesty And Impeachment is
planned for Thursday at 3 p.m. All streakeri should
meet at Broyhill Fountain wearing easily removable
clothes. Black armbands will be distributed. We then
will strip and streak down Centennial Mall to the
steps of the Capitol. The streak will be a symbolic call
for innocence and naked truth in stark contrast to the
injustice and corruption which now run rampant in
this country.
The black armbands will be worn in memory of
fellow streakers who have been victims of repression,
mishandling by police, frostbite, hernias, oid ladies
with umbrellas, sharp stones, animal droppings,
vicious Chihuahuas and other injustices. We must not
forget the noble sacrifices of those who have suffered
for the valiant cause of truth, beauty and boday hair;
those who fell by the wayside, ran too slow or
weren't quick enough climbing out of their jeans.
We demand amnesty for these comrades who have
been victims of unjust laws circumscribing our
inalienable right to free expression.
The greatest service we can do for these martyrs
to individual and academic freedom is to demand the
immediate impeachment of that enemy of
self-determination. State Sen. Ernie Chambers. This
representative of bourgeois morality has consistently
opposed students' rights to receive a quality
education that stresses individual growth and spiritual
development through the unrestricted consumption
of alcohol on campus. Chambers must be impeached
and nowl
When we reach the steps of that noble, if
inadvertant, monument to streaking, we will be
addressed by a guest streaker from one of the major
Eastern schools. We will chant movement anthems
such as, "Have You Got The Cheek To Streak?'
or innocence, nan
ed truth
"Heli, Yes, We'll Undress!," and "Stop Your
Grinnin', Drop Your Linen." Those who don't know
the tunes can follow the bouncing balls. Streakers
should run around in circles to avoid being arrested
by police. . .. :
Members of Tau lota Tau sorority and Alpha
Sigma Sigma fraternity will lead the protest. Thera
should be enough of them running around to divert
police attention from several sculpture students
armed with ladders, hammers and stone chisels who
will strip the thin veil of bourgeois respectability
from the figures on the nearby Woodmen Accident
and Life building.
IV :1 fti T
Along with the impeachment of Chambers, we
demand a general upgrading of education at the
University. The administration must be. made to
realize that, in the words of one of our illustrious
comrades, "college is a time to do crazy things on
impulse," not a time to waste the prime cf our lives
in a musty library.
Many faculty members have already realized this,
as their grading policies show. It is time students also
were given a share of the responsibility for creating an
atmosphere of whimsy at this University. As another
of our comrades said, "We want to do things in
college that some day we can think back on and
In order to keep abreast of the latest
developments in higher education, we also demand
that monthly field trips to the East and West Coasts
be included in all courses. The University lagged
behind other schools in creating a progressive
streaking movement. Can we risk similar delays in
following the next educational developments?
It is time we stopped tooling around and got
down to serious business. There is an urgent need for
the establishment of an on campus rathskalbr that
would serve all students. It is an essential duty of all
universities to provide safe places for their students to
drink themsclvei into stupors.
Likewise, the necessity of going off campus or
hiding from student assistants to satisfy our
primordial urges clearly shows the need for an on
campus, co-educational massage parlor. This could be
organized and operated by ROTC students for course
credit and set up in any of the seldom used areas of
Love Library.
Finally, by our nakedness, we hope to expose the
crying need for social change in Lincoln. We streakers
'know the joy and self-satisfaction that come from
breaking laws and getting away with it. In the interest
of community mental health, we propose that
everything be restricted or prohibited by law, but
that no laws be enforced. In this way, all citizens,
young and old, rich and poor, fast and slow, could
reap the psychological ber ;i t: u constantly flouting
the laws of the land.
As another example of our social commitment, we
will donate any clothing removed that has been out
of style for more than a week to Goodwill Industries.
We also call for the establishment of neighborhood
streaking associations to bring the benefits of a
college education to all Lincoln citizens.
It is time we brought back the spirit of unity to
this campus. We streakers are replacing the "Hell,
no!" negativism of the past with a positive program
for academic progress: "Hell Yes, We'll Undress!"
Let's get it off our asses and show people we really
care about what's going on in the world. Streak For
Amnesty And Impeachment!
Editorial endorsements
Dear editor.
My basic complaint with the endorsement editorial (Daily
Nebraskan, Mar. 11) is the lack of responsibility it shows. I
feel that someone writing an editorial as widely read as yours
should know more about what heshe is saying than the
average person reading it. I contend that very little thought
and research went into your editorial, but rather a memory of
past failures of ASUN.
A a senatorial candidate, I resent my decision to run being
labeled "as'boring out of the woodwork." Also, do you hold
the motives of other previously unknown candidates suspect
simply because you haven't heard of them? If your aim was to
alert voters, you could have suggested they ask the candidates
from their colleges why they're running. No, you couldn't do
that. You had to add a bit of malevolent cynicism to your
You point out that new ideas are few and far between. I
would like to ask what's wrong with trying to make old ideas
work to their optimum? The key word in your fifth paragraph
is "workable." Did you bother to check into how many new
ideas came up within each party but were thrown out because
they weren't workable? Workable new ideas are hard to come
One thing you might have complained about more is the
shortness of the campaign. I suggest you level your editorial
guns at the editorial commission which saw fit to limit
campaigning to about 10 days. I'd like to tee anyone deliver a
platform and 36 candidates for assorted positions to an
apathetic University community in 10 days, (not to mention
go to school, do homework and keep up with other things
you've committed yourself to.)
More than once, you and other writers for the Daily
Nebraskan have less than delicately suggested that the
senatorial candidates-with the exceptions of the ones yo
know are a bunch of wide eyed, innocent dupes of
megalo manic executive candidates. Well, that's a lot of crap. I
am running because I believe in the platform of my party, and
I consider myself an equal of my executives.
You also contend that the real campus leaders are in Union
Program Council, Union Board and Performing Arts
Committee. Well, if they are the real leaders, why aren't they
in ASUN positions? They surely aren't leading anybody where
they are now.
In doting, I'd like to say that perhaos you should think of
responsibility to your readers, which I feel you and some of
your staff have shirked in your editorials during this campaign.
You should perhaps be promoting and helping the University
and the students, rather than degrading ASUN candidates and
contributing to general apathy. Also, if your best candidates
were truly the best candidates, they'd be running, not
John Albin
Tim Evenson
Arthur S. Alexander
Streaking ovation
Dear editor.
Streaking! At first I was indifferent to it.
But after Chamber's reply about campus drinking and his
remarks (asinine) about streaking, I'm for it!
Vive streaking!
Len Wallo
Art disgraced
Dear editor,
ir editor,
I have just witnessed a disgrace to the art of streaking, end
I feel it my duty to speak out and uphold the honor of the
The blocking off of streets without organization, throwing
cherry bombs, streaking at night barefooted and barefaced,
running in jock straps, shooting the moon, standing on top of
cars and crowd hysteria is not streaking. It's stupid. It could ;
only happen in Nebraska., i . .,: .) -t. j,j"jij-tt.q
A streaker must have a goal in mind (a point A and a point
B), he must streak in daylight and the really professional
streaker naarts tennis shoes and 'a ski mask. These factors all
make for a champion streak a streak where you have to look
st your neighbor to see if 'tit? just-saw what you saw. ' v
s Soasnot to leavy4Artienkiod.or UNL out of the nationals
scene, I executed such a champion streak last Wednesday at
7:10 p.m. in the front cf the Neihardt Residential Center in
broad daylight, with tennis shoes and ski mask and destination
in mind.
Lynn M. Purdy
Resolution revea!ed
Dear editor,
A streaking resolution will be voted on tonight by the
ASUN Senate. The resolution, which I introduced, suggests a
number of interesting sidelines that could be evolved from the
current streaking craze.
Among my suggestions:
-That ASUN sanction streaking.
-That law officers be discouraged from arresting said
-That March 18 to 24 be designated UNL Streak Week.
-That the City of Lincoln post "streak paths" throughout
the town, analogous to bike routes,
-That "streak crossings" be posted at major traffic
arterials in Lincoln. Anyone interested in helping this
resolution become reality would be welcome at tonight's
Todd Patterson
Dear editor,
I would like to comment in response to the Guest Opinion
written by Don Wescly (Daily Nebraskan, Feb. 23).
My daily mode of personal transportation is the bicycle.
Unfortunately, like the bus system, the marked bike routes do
I IUi Ml M f t y vvtv VMW liivw - - -
A bike route passes directly by the house where I live. I
would use it to travel to campus every day, but If a person ever
rides their bicycle faster than about 5 m.p.h. on 18th Street
between D and L Streets; you know what it's like to risk
having a flat tire. The chuckholes cannot be missed when I am
traveling at my usual speed of between 15 and 20 m.p.h. This
pace can be maintained only on surfaces like these found on
the arterials.
I would contend that the bicycle is the most efficient form
of mass produced transportation to date. When I travel, I use
no fuel, pollute no air, take up far less land surface than a car
and keep physically fit in the bargain. I would suggest that
ideaiiy the car be removed from streets in favor of more
efficient forms of transportation such as the bicycle, the
Lincoln Transportation System and, in future, possibly the
But, more rationally, since we live In a world
ever-shadowed by the Big Fou' automakers, and since so many
are stuck in the 2car syndroms, the bicyclist at least should
be allowed to use an adequate road surface for fast, efficient
and safe favel when ever it needs to be used.
Bob Krcgh
Wednesday, march 13, 1974
daily nebraskan
page 5
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