V V V V- V V X.' V V- W V V V. V V'-f'Nj' - w v vv .. V V 'w ' V. -4 V1'' . V W - W V w page 2 Librarians offer help on research Students wanting help writing research papers may attend a research paper clinic Monday and Tuesday. Librarians will be available to help students find information from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. at these libraries: Love, Undergraduate, Law College,. C.Y. Thompson, Bessey Hall, Morrill Hall, Chemistry and Architecture. doily nsbfGskan The Daily Nebrasksn is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring semesters, except on holidays and during vacation. Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinted without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second class po-tage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The 'Jolly FJubraskan, Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R Sts., Lincoln, Neb' 6850& Telephone 402-472-2583. Creativity, innovation keys LU l&ClUtllliy lyiCUIlO, fOTwrwinw One of six grants was given to James Perry and Sharad Seth of the Computer Science Dept. They received money for a workshop in computer aided instruction (CAI) in teaching mathematics. They will hold a 2-day seminar March 29-30 on the UNL campus. Since the CAI field is broad and expanding, much more research will be needed, Perry said. Martin Peterson, associate professor of anthropology, was a 1973 summer fellowship winner. He introduced beginning anthropology as a result of the fellowship- The course accommodates the wants and needs of the student through the Personalized System of Instruction (PSI) or the Keller Plan," Peterson said. The plan allows students to work through course material at their own rate. "Without a Teaching Council fellowship," he said, "it would have been impossible to find the time needed to complete the course." ,By Scott Svoboda A taped jazz record collection and an advising program in mathematics are just two of the projects receiving 1973-74 grants and fellowships from the UNL Teaching Council. According to Jackie Voss, council member and assistant professor of human development, the council received about 60 applications for funding. This year's budget is $34,000. The council awarded 12 small grants and seven summer fellowships for 1373-74. The 11 -member council is composed of UNL students, faculty and administrators. It screens applications of UNL faculty members and awards grants to some of those wanting to try different approaches to teaching. "The words 'creative' and 'innovative' have never lost meaning," Voss ssid'but the most innovative way is usually going the traditional route but doing something extra." r v7 n n i U J 4 XXJ REFRAMESFRO DULING OPTICAL A complete, professional optical service. Over 200 frame styles fo choose from, plus contact lenses and a!! the latest in eyeglass technology and fashion, Wk' Li Ihc'ALi 1324 o st. mmsi m H. 43 St. 446-1924 l&mtmwwmmm Crossword Puzzle ACROSS step smoke" farious 1. Spigots 18. Danced character 47. Shade of 5. Mimic 20. Resemble 32. Medley green 8.Deneb, 23. "Dr. Zhi- 34. Antitoxins 48. Kind of for vago" 35. Grafted wolf dog one heroine (Her.) 49. Ruminant 12. Rivals 24. African 38. On animal 14. Biblical seaport 37. Spud 50. Education weed 25. Dwarf 40. Constella- org. 15. Waybill 28. Proscribe tion 51. Open a 16. Tear 29. Scope 41. Overt letter 17. Dance 30. "Gun- 42.Multi- . DOWN , . , . .. - B,gm .. 1 urn 111 1 mbmnm wmmmmm vfrty"-f mm "Mw mb" -f- ;iMP?7 " lie 19 AY 't 1 . . II mini I 1 wnd.fl.. 1 mmmmm -mm umiri Ijimlil '.! 20 Z 22 25 j --mmm hhwwpb ummmmm mmmm mmmw 'in'iftfrfd mm-mmmt mmmmmm mmmmtm mmmmmm 'mm& 24 2S 26 H '"' I - ; mi, 1 miiriMin Mqnfii nwiin -MMnn mmmmmmm mmmmwm t vvmm Dff mm mmmmmm iwJ.. . ( 29 10 3 jiiiia. j wwii mmmmmm ifJ&W mbpib mmh mhmw mmmmmm tm-V MMMW mmmmmm MMHm ;:r : fis 'AS''". -'I JiAtitfuA If l1 H.Yl-At MMM MMMMMM ffKfW U- MMMMMM MMM II WMWWWMMMB.IWMJ .1 37 J6 i? iO MMMM MMMMMM MM MMM) ii M MHplliLH MMMM MtfAMMWl MMMMMM MMMMMM MMMMMM hltMWrtotoM JJWMalti. 47 ; 14& 49 so rjp- aMMMi MMMXMMmMMMMMMMMMMMM 1. Egyptian god 2. Chalice 3. Play on words 4. Style of sweater 5. The sweetsop 6. Footlike organ 7. Alienate 8. Vein 9. Liang of China 10. Man's name 11. Foxx 13. At a distance 19. Large lake 20. Watch pocket 21. Ancient country 22. Weather cock 23. German feminist 25. Certain talks 26. fixe 27. Ibsen character 29. Rave ' 31. Bounder 33. Hobber 34. Lightning bolts 36. Diva's forte 37. Body of water 38. English painter .39. Far: comb. form 40. Handle 43. English rural festival 44. Fuel 45. Medieval short tale 46. Chemical abbr. plQiSiTiDt I IE Ml 17 DIE A ATNSUt :DlE4f fClANS Listen to th Lady Glob Scoreboard tvtry Friday night-'for tht scores of vo'T fvorit high school taam or call 432-6 GOB. spopondi by t ip r 1240 on your dialhlUK I 1 - 0) tad K UKV f c3 3SM til U ' - i fa F I r I II F i 1 ft I I 1 I El VdT I r (0 (UJ fir en authsntic glass for CocaHCo!a. ColiEct your set of 6or8 OFFtH GOOD AtlYTIf.lE WE'RE QT-IU 11:C0 to 10:C3 Fri & Sat I2h & "Q f Mi i 8 IwmI iHH j ,. I s daily nebraskan monday, march 11, 1974 A . it .B . ft 'rfcl4.,isli A -1 .