ra t . UCJS DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS' WV.-1 . - - p. . - - w. . . 34, Nebraska Union, waakday 8-12 and 1-5; or called In between 8-10 only at 472-258?. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum, payment In advance preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americard Is also accepted In payment of advertising at no extra cO&L Rates quoted are for cash order or charge ordnrs paid within five business days, Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads Is 3:00 p.m. day befoia publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only If error Is brought to the Neboskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE With student or faculty I.D. 20 discount on ail 10-spaed bikes. 10 discount on all tiros, except promotional Items. Terms available. GOODYEAR STORE, 1918 "O" Street Fine used Dressmaker zlg zag sewing machine; Sony & Apex 1800 ft. recording tape on 7" reels; Vanity table with mirror; Lady's wetch Dominion call 432-9632 after 6 p.m. Original Poetry "because words are all we speak", $1.50 including tax. Box 133 Selleck. SWAP MEET-FLEA MARKET, 11th St CORNHUSKER HIGHWAY Every Sat, Sun. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tisnoberg 3000 X reel-to-reel tape deck, perfect condition 423-2536. King size waterbed, padded frame, liner. $75. Call 435-7339 after 9:30 p.m. Carman Ghia Coupe. 8 months oid. Only 5600 miles. Warranty (2 yrs) Must tell. $2900. 488-3265. Tape Deck Sony 252D Excellent condition. $160, new, year ago. Will sell $100 plus 25 large tapes free. 475 8283. '64 Oids 488-2927. 83. Dependable. HELP WANTED Need daily cashier, 11:30-5:30, Mon. thru Frl. Apply Plaza Theatres, 1 2th & P. i. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. B. 1. Any one RULES AND REGULATIONS Chi!b ojjfli la tK.-iidi.df sfudttnift fl an octtmiiitod coltayo or university Wir'"S iii Un aiK.imt iy th W A Wifholt CwpoIkhi. n inriopftdpni tidgng (ny.miation Winners will sskM.tcd 91 random arvd ihe rifcision of tte o(Jys will be fHiill A liti tl H wmemn will be vil.lk) iipou wtttun rqul lo Nv tia Hcod to fyisift. i )'( inlofmaiion in pacs fHvidjd 0f cou(Xi f t0: 1 1 00 !o p(x.kiriy and handling Remit by r hr k or postal msney ordw only PAYABLE TO; "NfW IHARCCORDS-CCI." Mil yuur reymiration lu NEW tWA RECORDS CAANECHE BUHDIrMQ ATLANTA, GEORGIA 30303 I ni'iwf, fiusi i.m ioimatfj no I LAltH t KAM March 8!h, 194 SERVICES Babysitting, days, N. 8th St. area, 477-2558 after 6:00 p.m. Dressmaking. All types of clothes: Wedding, evening wear, sports wear, et CLIFFORD S6Q4 S. 48th, 4801 98. WATCH REPAIR, AlL MAKES FAST SERVICE CAMPUS BOOKSTORE, EAST SIDE-at YELLOW DOOR. 13th & R. 432-3414. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 4778021. Will do typing for students In my home. 464-6897. Termpaper Arsenal Inc. Local agent Call after 5:00 p.m. 799 3541. FREE TAX ASSISTANCE, Wesley Foundation, 640 N. 16th, Man. . thru Thur. 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. 435-6822. TUTORING Freshmen math, chemistry, zoology. $3.50 per hour, Brian D. Rude, 483-7512. FOR RENT 2503 S. 8th St 3 bedroom house, redecorated, new paint, new carpet, stove, refrigerator, off-street parking. Singles end pets, O.K. $165 plus deposit 464-0239, 464-3628, 2311 U. 2-4 De-room. Carpet. Panel. Utilities pd. 464-1394 or ,477-1756. 2823 N. 49th. 1 bedroom, dining room, fireplace, carpet garage. $150, utilities pd. ...1 bedroom, utilities bedroom, utilities pd. 477-1750. carpet garage, pd. $120. ...1 carpet garage, $110. 464-1334, 2928 S. 2 or 3 bedroom remodeled, carpet $140. Utilities pd. 4S4-1394 or 477-1756. ROOMMATE WANTED Share, basement apt Own carpeted (Kjrm. , Q docks to stauium. $S5md. Share electricity. Contact Gil, after 3:30 or late evenings. 1021 Claramont, 477-4998. Curfis Enterprises arid Now present OVER $10,000 YOU COULD Five, unfilled day - four fantastic nights at the posh "Pier 60 Motel" on the ocean st FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA! First-Class round trip transportation from winner' location to FT. LAUDERDALE! Honda rental bikt during the duration of your ttayf ' Dinner for two at the fabulous "Pink Pussy Cat"! Dinner for two at the "Windjammsw" Dinner for two at "Pier 68" - the world's most fantastic supper club overlooking the beautiful blue ATLANTIC! $100.00 credit account in your name at "She" - the swingings! singles spot in Florida! Top name entertainment seven days a 550.00 credit account in your name st 'The $109.00 eath - to spend as you please! Three days, two nights at Holiday inn, on the ocean, ai FT. LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA, Round trip transportation (from winner's location). Dinner for two at 'The Windjammer." iv triwuH MAuuiii mi ywui tiwim ai "Giw." $25 00 cash to spend as you please. stereo LP or 8 track tape of your bedroom. Walking distance, to campus. Cell 47C-G393. Female roommate wanted to share large 4 bedroom house own bedroom. 475-1876. MISCELLANEOUS P.E.O. College Group, Sunday March 10, 1974, 6:00 p.m. 2408 Bradfleld Dr., Call reservations 489-2314 no later March 7. Need volunteers to help elect J. James Waidron to Congress. For more information call 471-2729. Nebraska Book Company needs a limited number of Biology by Helena Curtis (8th printing or later). We will pay $3.00. The books ere to be used on another campus since the new edition has been delay id. Get out of your world and experience new culture and way of living. See, Hear, end Feol and Growl Overseas Opportunities Center, 205 Nebraska Union. vNV r 3iVEAr40OT.' kV- ,4mT POLLUTE (Ot '472-2200 '(t WALK-IN WEST DOOR HEALTH CENTER 1 i IN PRIZES TO BE AWARDED! ENTER NOW! WIN THE VACATION OF YOUR LIFETIME! Grand Prizs Button" - Lauderdale s leading after-hours clubl 10 Each Second Prises 1,000 Third Prizes choice listed in the current New Era SPECIALISTS inc. r.iAJon ifSiGnspAins "Wheel AEjsagnt Dyr.:& Wfesel Eeiaticing Cenisbire Paris m jo fit 2435 H 33rd tax CfHct '47M371 Ifcblt f TnrrrinfiiirTiMim wimiaiiiiiiiiMi'iiMi.iwin m wii n i, mil iiwi,ii"i miihi.'IIMih"" '"''' oHnmim (n Dark AM I . of flie. i , Moon - X 4r - UNIVERSITY THEATRE - 'J"C March 1 ,2, 4, 5, Era. Record Records Catalog, KWQM cubth tmmmms - um tm recoups l St $ "i ciTtify that I sm a student at .. . 'Oir (nam oi tcno.ji) a j ' . J I Hsm : ., ' , ,,,..,......;. ., . i Address , . J c) I City - 5?ate ..Zip. . I Phon, : j k 22 12th ft I Lincoln nnimwr-mimaiiii-ii ihmwiwwiii iwiifiniuM 6, 778, & 9, 'M"F.u7 week I ' 3 KAAA A AAA. A AAA A A AAA' 1 V r V V yw r monday, march 4, 1974 daily ncbraskan page 7