The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 27, 1974, Page page 9, Image 9
. W "If 4 wvu tin, vJLo DAILY NESRASKAN WANT AOS' can be placed In ;;.. j-j o- 34, Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-1 2 and 1-5; or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. Payment in advance preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americord is also accepted In payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge ordors paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 0 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3:00 p.m. day before publication. No refunds. Complimentary ads may be run only if error is brought to the Nebraskan's attention the business day after publication. FOR SALE '64 Olds 488-2927. 88. Dependable. 1973 Kawasaki 35a Only 1500 miles, mint condition. $850. 799-2807. 1970 Opel Kadett. Excellent condition. Must tell $1480 432-6942. Early American custom made lined drapes, patio door sized, Ilk new. New chest freezer, 6 cu. ft., holds ' beef. Call efter 6 p.m. 467-3747. 1 a speed 1973 Scbwlnn Sports Tourer, like new. Best offer. 475-81 13 after S. "Noblet" tenor tax. Good condition, cell 475-7566. Camera. 35 mm Cannon. F-1 and STB. 4 lenses. Numerous filters, bellows, 432-5282, 475-9229, Ken. Will sell part or all. Marantz stereo receiver model 19, Tmc 4010 GSL reel-to-reel tap deck 475-9229, 432-5282, Ken. Champion mobile home. 3 bdrm. 27,000 8.T.U. air conditioner, skirting, storage shed, new furnace. Call 475-8617, evenings. Snowline ultra light downfllled sleeping bag. 2 Ibt. of down with rip ttop nylon shell and liner. I-beam tvp construction. Temperature rated 0. Stuff tack included. Regular $59.95, special v) $4 9. 95f i SURPLUS CENTER, 1000 West O St ,.",.. All your auto glass needs. WINDVS AUTO GLASS, 335 N. 23rd, 432-5795. HELP WANTED Part time secretary. 12-1 5 hrsweek Alt year round. Inquire at St. Mark'son-the-Campus, 1309 R St. 432-3630. Apt manager. Prefer young married couple. If Interested send short resume to: Manager, P.O. Box 81322, Lincoln, Nb. 68501. JUNIORS AND SENIORS. Interested In employment now with full career waiting for you at graduation, call T.V. Shlnkl, 477-3931, 9-5. for Information on this mind-boggling opportunity. Need daily cashier, 11:30-5:30, Mon. thru Frl. Apply Plaza Theatres, 12th & P. SERViCES Will do typing for students In my home. 464-6897. French tutoring available. Call after 5.00 p.m. 477-8582. Termpaper Arsenal Inc. Local agent. Call after 6:00 p.m. 79 3 41. FREE TAX ASSISTANCE, Wesley Foundation, 640 N. 16th, Mon. thru Thurs. 4:00 to 0:00 p.m. 435-6322 CsitfWftd&flie .(llll III'M jilt' lllill ... 'JIM IS CHRIST StTWLSlAR ANLAVAMKXb Q II Itt r twW ' f t Url. .fun. ..MliM iv i f i t i ff fo WATCH REPAIR. ALL MAKES - FAST SERVICE-CAMFUS BOOKSTORE, EAST SIDE-at YELLOW DOOR. 13th & R. 432-3414. All typing, office work. My office. 335 N. 23rd, 432-5795. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477-8021. LOST Lost: Green and orange choker necklace with scarabs. Great sentimental value. Bring to Daliy Nebraskan office If found. ROOMMATE WANTED Mai Christian, roommate wanted. Full houwj. Flreploco. Close to ccsmpus. Call 432-0976 before noon and after 6:00 p.m. Roommate needed own bedroom, near campus, 435-8492. Female roommate wanted to shm large 3 bedroom duplex with 2 othor girls. $66mo. 432-0817. THIS COUPON GOOD FOR 50c TOWARDS I PURCHASE OF ANY SANDWICH, SPAGHETTI ORDERS, LASAGNE ORDERS. SALAD, BUNCH OF LUNCH, MOJO'S POTATOES, PIZZA, GARLIC ROLLS OR CHILI ORDERS AT SHA KEY'S FOOD - FUN - SING-A-LONG - GAME ROOM I SPKEfS mmimn ye PurIic house PITCHERS OF BEER $1.00 (except ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER PER DAY OR NITE . J 'BLODDY (VJARYSS- BLODDY v 1st DAY OF LENT SPECIAL 1 University f NeEiras'ici j i i ourn i ! Vhsra: Iltfcrsska limn Uznut Hcsni j Vhcn: Fri. f.lcrch 1, 1974 7:03 p.n Pc!rs cri I Entry fca of fha dscr $1.25 per person do clisnceflsr 0 ' file Sfofus vMl hdi m Open fifeoflsg " Wed. Feb. 27, M. 202 Tfeo purpose of ilm meoilug b to cofher fcpwt frcm nsisn tflyi Vi Iawi4 ItW-Wil 41 Wwti'wWJ fte Al SSnJeats Ara WeSmt Male Roommate Wanted. Nice five bedroom house-Share rent of $260mo. 533 South 24th. 477-1491. FOR RENT 231 1 U. 2-4 bedroom. Carpet. Panel. Utilities pd. 4641394 or 477-1756. 2825 N. 49th. 1 bedroom, dining room, fireplace, carpet, garage. $150, utilities pd 1 bedroom, carpet, garage, . utilities pd. $120.......1 bedroom, carpet, garage, utilities pd. $110. 464-1394, 477-1756. 2928 S. 2 or 3 bedroom remodeled, carpet. $140. Utilities pd. 464-1394 or 477-1756. ' Capitol Area. Larqe 1 bdrm, furnished apt utilities pd. $135. 464-0239,464-3628. " 3 bdrm furnished house, close to campus Available now or in May for summer & winter. Ideal for a mens group. Call 466-0677. Let's talk. 22222244 Vine- Just east of campus. Newly redecorated, specious 1 & 2 bedroom apts, furnished or unfurnished. Competent security system. 435-6988 or 475-8 1 24. Cornhusker Co-ed Cocpl Vacancies tor men and women. $95month. 475-6796. 360 N. 48th Lincoln, Nebraska 4348328 AFTER 8:00 P.M. NIGHTLY I Sunday) I I MARYS: Coinmisslio of Women I i MISCELLANEOUS VETERANS Important Public Hearing on Vets Leflls. LB499, possible this week. Watch for Info booth Union North Lobby. NEBRASKA STUDENT VETS CLUB WORKS FOR YOU. ASUN STUDENT COURT will meet Thursday, Feb. 28, at 4 p.m room 1o, Law Bldg., to consider the Electoral Commission rules of Fab. 18, 1974 regarding the March 13 ASUN election. Need volunteers to help elect J. James Waldron to Congress. For more Information cell 471-2729. INTERNATIONAL LUNCHEON very Thursday, 11:45-1:00 p.m. Lutheran Churt.1 on the Mall 60 cents students, 75 cents rs on -students. Sponsored by Student Y. FROM DENiVfARK mm mm flRatedTr ft " IN A A if PLUS... ADULT SHORT 'THE GIRL AND THE DONKEY' TODAY-11. 12:30x 2, 3:30, 5, j 6:30. 8, 9:30; EMBASSY THEATRE fl flfCffiftftrninwdl awnW&wMMwi StaHMWoM auMeaMUiiUUttJ A ) In I .1 1 ..Ha.lnn 'byfiesi8TOLt. Tne hat lor all seasons and ail reason. Oittlnctive Ontsey Casual The finishlno touch to any man's appearance, finest quality Imported fur tell. Seif conforming. wtr intant. JV Inch brim. Studded leither bind. Avilitblt In Ian, block or whit: Sift lot Men and Women 6tt fo 7'i $30. ppd. Mtk. cheek or MO Order b Kail Mlllbrook.NV.12M5 Lsri . xlit BMWM ARCHITECTS-Psace CorpsVISTA is seeking city planners, regional planners, and construct ion science grads for assignments in VISTA and Peace Corps. Re cruiter in Placement Center February 25-28. BBA's-Current openings in the U.S. and overseas with VISTA nad Peace Corps. Management, ac counting, advertising, marketing, and fenance persons needed to work with cooperatives and small businesses. Contact Placement or C8A Hail for interview February 25-23. SPANISH OR FRENCH 1 uage where it can help the mosi. t si k xo reace uorps i VISTA representatives in the Placement Office m Gimi srWMt...f if : ...Itet A J 7 V ' II ciiKHf to Going overseas? So now what? For Info on passports, visas, hostel cards, International Student ID'S, flights, saving money or spending It, etc., see us. Overseas Opportunities Center 205 Nebraska Union. Wanted: to buy or rent assignments, exams, etc. for Economics 212x (Extension Division). Call 488-0527 (evenings). : An experience in Christian Commun ity living With Priests and Oblate Brothers An Indian Reser vation - Canada The Inner City -ESt. Louis, II. The Inner City -Omaha, Nb Young men: 18-25 June 7 - Aug. 12 Provided - room, board & stipend For more informa tion, contact: Oblate Missionary 2104 Davenport Omaha,. Nb. 68102 (402) 341-7708 N A C S Z Mi$siortory Oblotes ol Mary Immaculate A4r ELLIOT 7 aw""- CAROLINE Give the. ffitt of love AperfecJ Keepsake'diamonrJ backed Hy our written guar antee of perfect quality, fine white color and correct modern cut. Come in today to see our exciting collection of Keepsake Diamond King. Ceeosake at out n t ts ml. oi mom d hino Kaufman's MriT,igiwp-M..ii.iijiii WW'W .1 ! J m'WwwwtfMHiam llinijiu inn S'.ar. . it..-. -...... '. ..i , riMHw.iniiiiiiiriiniiii iinnnm i;J - ( Wm (Mlieini CHELSEA u,, av.vvVv ft 111 I - i I SHOW TIMfj '3.JU. b 30, i, j ll AST Nf'.HT 7:n. I ?0i i Wednesday, februory 27, 1974 1332 ()' St. daily nebraskan page 9