The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1974, Page page 6, Image 6

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Tiie chancellor's Commission'
on flie Status' of Women
, : will hold on Open Meeting.
Wed.- Feb. 27, Rm. 202
Nebraska link
3:00-5:00 p.m.
The purpose of the mooting
is to 'gather input from women
students on their needs & concerns.
All Students Are Wdcosto
An Address -
ances "5I$$
Women & Politics
3:30 p.m.
Union CcnrcsRi
Tuesday, Feb. 26th
sponsored by: Nebraska
Talks & Topics
r p
Boogie ,to the ;
1 "e
"From the
Startina: Wed. Feb. 27 w'-
The Launching Pad will be closed Mon. & Tues.
33rd & Cornhusker Hwy draws
rnuio mie
grows up
in 'Day
For Night'
greg iukgw
hen ti
What happens to a 9-year-ol French boy who steals
publicity photos of Citizen Kane from the billboard of a
local cinema?
If he was like so many youngsters who were heavily
influenced by the Orson Welles masterpiece, he must be in
love with movies. But if he is Francois Truffaut, he will
grow up with film, become an internationally famous
director and eventually make an important and cleverly
amusing movie called Day for Night
The young boy's situation occurs in a dream of the film
director (played by Truffaut himself) in Day for Night It
and many other scenes show the dedication, devotion and
even the love that Truffaut and his actors have for the
Day for Night is pleasurably easy to watch, yet the film's
many levels make it complex. Dedicated to silent stars
Lillian and Dorothy Gish, it is more than just a film within
a film-it is a film about fslm. In Truffaut's own words, it is
"a eulogy to filmmaking .... a summation of my 12 years
as a director."
In Day for Night, Truffaut plays Ferrand, a director
making a movie called Meet Pamela. Its stars are Julie
(Jacqueline Bisset), who recently had a nervous breakdown
and then married the elderly doctor who treated her;
Alphonse (Jean-Pierre Leaud), an immature actor with
childish affections toward women and the cinema; Severine
(Valentina Cortesse), an aging starlet who is rapidly fading
because of a drinking problem arid a tendency to muff her
lines; and Alexandre (Jean-Pierre Aumont), a handsome
veteran actor living on his reputation as one of the greatest
lovers. .
Just as the roles the stars play in Meet Pamela are
reflected in their parts fn Day for Night, so ere their
portrayals in Day for Night mirrored by the lives of the real
actors. The film is biographical, both for Truffant and his
players. He conceived the idea nearly four years ago and as
it progressed, he began choosing actors that fit the parts
suggested by the story.
Day for Night is slyly funny in Truffaut's special way. A
specially chosen cat cannot be persuaded to drink from a
saucer, but a scrawny alley cat is recruited and succeeds on
the first take; Severine substitutes numbers for words when
she forgets her lines, knowing it will be dubbed anyway;
and waves of soap suds absurdly fill in for snow during the
shooting of the final scenes in Pamela. These scenes, and
others likg them, would tempt one to call Day for Night a
comedy. But this is not considering the extraordinary
emotional experience, sometimes even the tragedy, that
enters in, much as it did in Truffaut's earlier masterpiece,
Jules and Jim.
Day for Night is Truffaut in retrospect and is one of the
best films of 1973. By interplay ing the1 follies and tragedies
of real screen people, he is showing that film, perhaps more
than any other medium, is an art form dependent on the
lives and loves of so many people. But most of all, Truffaut
hasjfiownjjssuaUparkling, quick witted way, that the
hpw rrwst floru -
W 1 of the
i 1 IVIooo
S V. i
A y -A
A Menuhin Tribute to WilSa
Csthor, ETV, 7 p.m. A rebroadcast
of the Dec. 7, 1973 concert in
Kimball Recital Hall. Include an
interview with Yalta, Hepzibah and
Yertudi Menuhin.
I am a Woman. Kimball Recital
Hall, 8 p.m. Swedish actress Viveca
Lindfori' solo dramatic
presentation. Tickets are $2.50;
$1.50 for students. Lindfors will
also hold an informal session on
theater in Temple Bldg. 201 today
at 2:30 p.m.
The Exorcist starts today at the
State Theater. Hag onto your hats
(and stomachs)!
Gtrtrude Stein: When You See
This, Remember Ma and In A Dark
Time. Sheldon Gallery Auditorium,
3, 7 and 9 p.m. today and
Thursday. These documentary films
are presented by Shu Sheldon Film
Theater in America: Leonard
Bernstein's Mass. ETV, 7:30 p.m.
The work commissioned by
Jacquelina Onassis for the opening
of the Kennedy Center for
Performing Arts in Washington,
D. C. Taped in Vienna, Austria, in
1973 at the composition's gala
Potemkin. Humanities Film
Forum, ETV, 8 p.m. Sergei
Eisenstem's 1925 classic film
recreation of a mutiny aboard the
battleship Potemkin in 1905.
Dark of the Moon. Howell
Theatre, 8 p.m. Coauthor Howard
Richardson will be in the opening
night audience for the University of
Nebraska Theater's production of
this Smokey Mountain tale,
Grammy Awards Show. CBS, 9
p.m. Andy Williams hosts.
?MS73 Kdftt n-!" nfi H Umih
M;.r,'i .:'. , ). fi, , H, U 9 H.-00 P.M.
prlng Get fluuot
The Most Fantastic Vacation Contest Ever!
GRAND PRIZE: Five day, ell-expense vacation in FT.
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0 YR $m.QQdltt.BJim
To register, send stamped, seif addressed envelope to:
Curtis Enterprises, Inc.
P.O. Sox 54017. Dent. 110
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Hurry contest anas nnarcn a, iy
1 Is!!fwss4 4 Vise f
iHl At HI V I
llul tfs:i!jr !-!r Cutting
and ail iiro'm(ng Heeds
Phons 4722459 for 8rt fppointmfr.t
or just watk in
Lower Level. ..Stud&rtt Union
Distinctive mlp
grooming fealuring
hairstyles crealed for
the individual, txt lu
iive Quality grooming
elds. Call now.
.lllll IlirU till fill!!...
imm tiiRivr wnmTw
i mm m u tmw vtup w
I Ant. !... ' ffS),
i LHl J4 I IhAt- i.
6 1
- 4
rnonday, february 25, 1974
daiiy ncbratkan
i ', til ' j t t ' '