The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 25, 1974, Page page 5, Image 5
The media snd the victims . john michoel dsheo Considering the current competition for front page space between hostages and assorted body parts, it seems a critical time to reflect on the news media, . its responsibilities to the general public and its responsibilities to the individual in a free society. Our first case involves the kidnaping of newspaper editor Reg Murphy, who was supposedly being held by the American Revolutionary Army (ARA). He was abducted only two weeks after the Patricia Hearst kidnaping and was being held for a $700,000 ransom. The ARA, a right wing organization, claims the kidnaping was a response. to a news media that have been "too leftist and too liberal." In addition to the ransom demand, the ARA claimed that its organization is "stronger, better organized, better disciplined and better spread around that the SLA" (the Symbionese Liberation Army). A week ago in this column, I predicted the Hearst kidnaping would be only the beginning, and today 1 can safely make the same prediction about the Murphy abduction. Kidnaping seems to have much of the appeal skyjacking had. It offers a chance for power and recognition on the 5:30 p.m. news. As of this writing, Hearst has been held for 18 days, and on each of these days the major news sources-radio, TV, and newspapers-have covered, analyzed and covered again that particular day's installment. Is it any wonder another radical political group has demanded equal time? Our second case involves the death of a young Lincoln girl and the arrest of her possible killer. The girl had been missing for months when body parts were found near Table Rock. The next evening a local television station not only showed film of fanner "Jones" pointing out where he found the head, but accompanied it with detailed speculation of where the rest of the body was and how it may have been scattered. That is important news. I'm sure the girl's parents and friends were glad to know. Soon after the discovery of true body, a suspect was arrested. Within the day, his name and face were in every Lincoln home along with a label: murderer. You may say, "But this is the public's right to know. We must know to protect ourselves." It seems the question is "Who needs protection?" The accused is in jail. He cannot hurt anyone. But the premature label of murderer and the rolls of news film can hurt him. If he is not guilty, what defense does he have? These examples illustrate the conflict in responsibility of a free press. In the first example, the media actually becomes the tool and plaything of the kidnapers, heightening their sense of power by reporting their every whim or comment. And by doing so, the press may well be assuring the abduction of someone else. One must surely ask if the public is being served. In the second case, it becomes a question of satisfying the traffic accident curiosity of the general public or allowing individuals to endure tragedy in private. These are not easy questions to resolve, because they demand an accurate and mature definition of news itself. Yet the time is such that they must be considered. lilt' Dear editor, Regarding iviary Cannon's column against abortion (Daify Nebrsskan, Feb. 21). The problem with an issue like this, "an unruly issue," as Cannon says, is that the supportive and dissenting arguments go around in circles. For every pro argument, there is a con. For every person who is aghast at the thought of abortion, there Is one who believes in it Cannon, I think, loses sight of two facts. First, abortion is a private, moral decision. Second, women are seeking and will probably continue to seek abortions, no matter what the political climate. Since that is the reality of abortion, the least women deserve is a safe one. So, before we get into a round of debates concerning murder, battered children, promiscuity, contraceptive failure, etc, let's partially reconcile the facts. Those who do not believe in abortion are in no way being infringed upon. Those who do believe in abortion, for whatever reason, are free to live in accord with their beliefs. Sue Aitcheson SCliCl FICTION we stock several hundred titles with new titles arriving weekly as usual all books discount priced Ten 0 'doc's Sefiefcr around the corner from Dirt Cheap 1017 "Q nmmn mi The Tab of the White Hair Girl Date: Feb. 26, 1974 Time: 7:30 p.m. Place: Sheldon Art uailery Admission: member-50 cents Non-member-75 cents Additional Program: 1) Masterpieces of Chinese Art 2) Documentaries from China Sponsored By: Chinese Student Association Nominations for Dltlgulthed Teaching Award ar now being ccoDtsd by the varlou college. Student are Invited, Indeed urged, to make tuch nomination. Simply follow direction outlined by your college, Agriculture: , , ,,, . , . . Submit nomination and upportlve material to Office of Resident Instruction, co T. E. Hartung, 103 Agrl Mall. "Contact "Dan' Of flea, 104 Arch. lmnXd nomination form from OW. Oft.c.13 Ml Send malarial to Joan W.dlow, 1223 Oldf ether Hall Contact Oaan' Offlca, 240 CBA. Dent it try Submit nomination end supportive matarlal to Or. William 8. Krtrrmr, Dental Building, East Campuc Engineering Technology Maka nomination through departmental student organisation. rn5nt'Tt,irou Bh tha Student Advisory Council or directly to the Dean' Offlca, 101-C Food and Nutrition Building. I'frJWrfffi" -and when you say Bod-you've said it all! Law . .r. nuaria thrauoh an Ini-coDaae process. Contact Dean' nfuniiii.'" " if- Nominate throuyh Student Advisory Boerd or directly to the Dean'. Office, 101 Teacher coueoe. I liefer I i I M k'AI IN flQTRiri! ITHR m V I page 5 monday, februsry 25, 1974 daily nebrsskan