r (btrcgiilsoiffi) OQIIU mcnday, february 25, 1 974 lincoln, nebraska vol. 97, no. 24 j Arts hall may cost $10 million By Lori Demo Ten million dollars is the price tag for a proposed UNL-Lincoln community performing arts center, according to George Izenour, Yale University theater design consultant Izenour met Thursday with a group of University and community leaders to present his study of the existing performing srts buildings in the area. He proposed the possible construction of a new building and compared its construction price with the estimated $6 million needed to convert the present Coliseum into such a facility. Izenour's recommendations were based on his work on other performing arts centers in Akron, Ohio and at Kansas State University, he said. After studying the campus, city and Lincoln Public Schools facilities, Izenour said only Kimball Recital Hall is suitable for fine arts performances. The recital Hall is suited for recital and chamber music but not for ballet and orchestra performances, he added. His recommendations for both the conversion of the Coliseum and the construction of a new building include movable ceiling and stage shells and side absorption sound panels. These would enable the building to be used for drama, musical comedy, chamber or recital music and dance performances. His conversation design for the Coliseum called for tearing out the building's interior and reconstructing to provide seating for 954 persons in the main floor and 1,603 in the balcony. Izenour said his design for a new building, which would .be constructed where Temple Building is located, would have three seating layers and four ceiling positions to provide seating arrangements accommodating 900 to 3,057 persons, depending on the type of performance. The building would also include a separately housed experimental theater with flexible seating arrangements. He said lie recommended the new building because figures for the Coliseum conversion did not include money needed to construct a new men's physical education building. The new P.E. building would be needed if the Coliseum were used for performing arts instead the men's physical Izenour, -whose stud was financed by the Woods FouncTaTTon'. ana iFe" University dTrTISrask F$mm$tt, was contacted to do the feasibility study several months ego. NU President D. B. Varner commissioned the study efter he and Lincoln community leaders talked about the possibility of financing the building. "We had some assurance the citizens of this community might put up as much as $1 million," Varner said. "As always, my mind is boggled by $10 million, but if dozens of other communities can do it we can," be said. "It will cost no less five years from now." Candidates to release platforms A press conference will tentatively be scheduled Thursday by the parties running for election to ASUN Senate fit executive offices later this week, according to United Student Effort (USE) presidential candidate Ron Clingenpeel. The press conference will be to announce party platforms, he said. This gives c!l parties the opportunity to all nnounca their platforms at the same time, said Sharon Johnson, USE first vice presidential candidate. Clingenpeel and Johnson Indicated that they had conferred with Todd McDaniel, Act Communications Together (ACT) presidential candidate, about simultaneously announcing platforms. "We don't went to start the campaign too early, and if we let the platforms out that's what will happen' Clingenpeel said. Clingenpeel indicated that tfie outcome of the election could be changed by a decision of the ASUN Student Court today. The court reportedly is meeting to decide on tn appeal of Clingenpeel's. He said he Is questioning two decisions of the ASUN electoral commission in regards to the pooling of campaign funds and the eligibility of two USE senatorial candidates. The commission has stated that no pooling will be allowed and that two of USE'S candidates are ineligible to run because they are not currently enrolled in the colleges in which they wanted to seek a senate seat. Ron Sindelar, Unite For One (UFO) presidential, first vice presidential and second vice presidential candidate, said he had not committed himself to a press conference "but ha would go along with it." Pat Olson, Celibacy, Lysterlne and Anti-permissivenss (CLAP) presidential candidate, said he is "momentarily stymied at the audacity of witholding platforms" for joint announcement. "r f 1 A f Frances "Sissy" Farenthold i n political activist to spea By Meg Greene A Southern belle turned social activist will speak Tuesday at 3:30 p.m. in the Nebraska Union. Frances "Sissy" Farenthold acquired national prominence during the 1972 Democratic National Convention when she became the first woman to be nominated for vice president. She placed second in the voting to Missouri Sen. Thomas Eagleton (D-Mo.), receiving mote than 400 "votes. Farenthold has served two terms in the Texas House of Representatives. She ran for governor of that state in 1972 and placed second in the primary voting. A few weeks ago she announced her candidacy for governor for the second time. While serving in the Texas Legislature, Farenthold and 29 other liberal Democrats demanded official inquiry into the 1971 "Sharpstown Scandal." This resulted in the trial of the former Speaker of the Texas House and others on charges cf conspiracy. She is currently president of the National Women's Political Caucus. She never has campaigned as a feminist and admits that "when I started running, I didn't even know of the women's movement." She says she never encountered discrimination until she became one of three women in a class of 800 at the University of Texas Law School. Farenthold says she believes women may have something unique to offer the American political process. But she says it wasn't until the 1972 Democratic Convention that she learned the full vaiuo of women as a political force to be reckoned with. "I ti9ta irnn ! hindrance ... to be actually supported because ... I had never had that experience," she said. Farenthold will have a press conference in the Union at 2:55 p.m., to be followed by her talk. She aiso will havj an informal discussion at the Sandoz Hall lounge at 8 p.m. was a woman State YRs to oversee elections By Greg Wees When new officers of the UNL chapter of Young Republicans (YR) are elected March 21, four representatives from the YR State Executive Committee wiil be there to supervise, a Republican official said Thursday. "We want to be there when the elections are going on so that everyone has a fair chance to become a rmrnber andor run for office," said Gretchen Gottschafk, chairman of the Nebraska Young Republican State Executive Committee. state YR Executive Committee hut received complaints from U'L students that membership and offices have been closed to them, Gottschalk said. There ho have been charges that YR meetings have not been publicized or even held by the UL chapter, she said Last week the slate Executive Committee passed 3 resolution that would allow four YR representatives to supervise the UNL chapter election originally scheduled for Feb. 21 by campus YR President Mark Cannon. Cannon said the allegations made were "absolutely false." The YRs have held five meetings since September, ho said, and no one who applied for membership was refused. Cannon objected to the election supervision. The state Executive Committee "made no attempt to pick people who would be fair to us (campus YRs)" he said. Cannon said three of the four were "handpicked" by the Executive Committee and would not be fair. He did not ;ay, however, how they might be unfair. Gottschalk said the election was moved back a month to give persons a chanct to joirs the campus YRs. However, Cannon charged that the election was moved back to increase the opportunity of removing him from office by letting those opposed to him join. J jt. .