, Li sferfs wsdnssday 0 WILLIAM PETER BLATTV'S O- S3 CI NW PS WfW f W ? !f IB W II il liL. 04Ja10 9 ' odiMLWM FEEDKN g ELLEN BU.RSTVN MAX VON SVDCW- LEE J CC63 g KfTTV'WlNN mMQWN JASON M!LLELw,, f UNCABLAIvaWs PETER WW g NOEL MARSHALL- wwW!LLIAM PETER BLATSi Tf I MMTMCTW UndJ IT CCQD" X 5T gg fcgdF gp-jj C3 iwji n ' By Mark Hoffman Almost four months after making the charge, four weeks after receiving the report and 38 minutes into discussion, the Council on Student Life (CSL) Thursday accepted and endorsed the Differentiated Housing Report. The report, the work of the Differentiated Housing Task Force la suhmmmittee of the CSL Housing Policy Committee), includes recommendations for alternate life , styles. Those recommendations include visitation policies for different dormitory floors ranging from none to as many as 24 hours of coed visitation, eliminating the current "open door" and individual sponsorship policies, allowing alcohol to be kept and consumed in UNL residence halls with at least one floor of each hall not allowing alcohol and the establishment of academic floors according to student demand. In other action, CSL voted 6 2 to accept a revised and amended version of the council's bylaws. Included in the bylaws concerning membership to the CSL was a segment that would make two current members ineligible. Changed in the bylaws was a segment for CSL membership which now reads 'Two professional staff members other than faculty, not under the direct supervision of the Vice Chancellor of Student Affairs shall be appointed to the council by the Chancellor." CSL members, Richard Armstrong, Housing Program Director, and Hal Smith, UNL Student Development Programs Director, would be made ineligible when, and if the bylaws go into effect because they are administrators under the direct supervision of the vice chancellor. Ely Meyerson. CSL member and dean of administration for Student Affairs, acts as the vice chancellor's designee. The revised bylaws keep the provision that the vice . chancellor of Student Affairs, or his or her designee will be a member of the Council . John Goebel, CSL member and associate professor of accounting, defended the revision by arguing that there "shouldn't be so much concentration from the Student Affairs office" on the council when CSL has so much to do with what ultimately happens with that office. - - - ..-I. M i. ' J X a , Xi. V7 ' I ; v; Ly ff I !. ' . f f I . ' i .a doufi W1 bros'ion. ""t-'Y"- r i 1 I l r-i i -W r-T ! mmm)m wmm riBillJ T7TT r;i i;i n i aire fo IB T Tl: fc-svzr F J, jv st Editor-in-Chief: Mary Voboril. Copy Desk Chief: Randy Beam. Newt Editor: June Owens. Associate News Editor: Vines Boucher. Layout end Sports Editor: Dennis Onnen. Entertainment Editor: i Diane Wsnek. Night ! Maws Editor: Cheryl Wostcott. Chief Photographer: Gail Folda. Nsws Assistant: Lori Clepper. Reporters: Wes Albert, Bill Boyd, Lori Demo, Jim Fullerton, Ellyn Hess, Mark Hoffman, Jant Hoge, Tom Jensen, Michael (O.J.i Netsofl, Susanna Schsfer, Mary Shackelton, Lynn Sihasek, Greg Wees. , , . .. ,,t,, . f En. . .,iuief -.1.w. Orig'Xukow, Bruce Nelson, Meg Greene. Vtl h Ph1KMV - - 4 ' r , ' . - - ,t Spui u staff: Bob Hill, l.ve Taylor, Larry Stunkel. Columriists: Mary Cannon, Keith Landgren, John O'Shea, Karen Richardson, Ron Sindelar. , Artists and Photographers: Stewart Nelsen, Tony Ramirez, Mark Sward. Copy Desk: Rebecca Brite, Dave Madsen, K. Steinbruegge, Nancy Stohs, Pamela Dry. Dispatch: Larry Grill. Circulation: Tom Lundahl, Sue Bruner, Mark Lyon. Subscriptions: Mary K. Jensen. Business Manager: Jerri Haustler. Advertising Managw: Jeff Account representatives: Michele Schmal, Sharon Hanford Jane Kidwell, Peg Kreshrt. Steve Raglin, Mitch Mohanna, Mary Borvwki Barb Greene Ken Kirk Rod Heuck, Vicki Bagrowcki. M.X CaHahan, Krts Col int. Jack Baldwin, Kurt WuKwhlager! Receptionist: Kathy Cook. Th Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn and spring some j tars, except on holiday! and during vacation Copyright 1974, the Daily Nebrartan. Material may be reprinted P"?" " "ted to the DaMy Ntbrask.n, excepting material covered by another copyright. Second clast pottage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Daitv Nbrakan sa tA.i. ... wiMvwiii, ubui, ooawo. i eiepnone 4UZ-472-25S3, mm 8 ID CHANGE HISTORY WITH THE MARNE THE FRANCO PRUSSIAN WAR 11318 I TURNING POINT: THE BATTLE OF STALINGRAD MUSKET AND PIKE RIFLE AND SAEEH SOLDIERS: TACTICAL COMBAT IN 1914 1$ THE AMERICAN REVOLUTION AUSTERLITZ f SOLOMON'S CAMPAIGN ' EL ALAEIN i BREAKOUT AND PURSUIT: THE BATTLE OF FRANCE, 1 I lit CAMPAIGN LEE MOVES NORTH KURSK KOREA SINAI ARDENNES OFFENSIVE BARBARGSSA LA GRANDE ARMEE NATO NORMANDY PHALANX RED STARWHITE STAR SPITFtRE 044 FOXSAT AND PHANTOM RAMFrPANZER-RStCHAN WARFARE 8-5, fonday -Saturday 12E0 Open Wonder Where College Kids go on Sunday Nights? In Gochncr 1 , : 25 miki west Jtk of Lincoln on i-f"' W) X n ! 1133 R 4f J L 1 iyt;J cm 132 ALL YOUR FAVORITE BEVERAGES PLUS STEAKS, SHRlrVIF, CHSCKEN Schuffleboard um mm liquor on sundry Reasonable Prices Friendly Bartenders : '"V. 3V daily nebraskan 'day, february 22, 1974 r Jp- jifr A 0