The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 21, 1974, Page page 3, Image 3

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Wwfe sauce-a break
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from Mcuonaio s
The student blues can really be a drag, especially in the
Inflated food prices can be disastrous for the small budgets
and empty stomachs of the 12,000 off campus students.
If most of you 12,000 handle this situation as we do, you're
probably living on McDonald's hamburgers and peanut butter
sandwiches. For those lacking ambition and large bank accounts,
the quick service hamburger stands offer brief relief from hunger
pangs. But after about three successive meals there, the menu
becomes boring at best and is of questionable nutritional value.
Through experimentation, we have come up with racipes that
are cheap and easy to make, yet filling and nutritious. A sampling
is presented in this column.
Common dishes can be improved with additions or
substitutions. A little daring can turn simple foods, such as
ground beef or luncheon meats, into excellent main dishes.
For example, try a recipe for white sauce, which can be used
as the foundation for a variety of dishes.
There are three thicknesses of white sauce, each used for a
different purpose. Medium white sauce can be used in gravy,
sauces and scalloped and creamed dishes. Thick white sauce is
used for croquettes and souffies. Thin white sauce is best for
soups and creamed vegetables.
karen richddson
& ron sindehr
Thin (makes V cups!:
1 Tbspi butter or margarine
1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
14 tsp. salt
1 cups milk
White Sauce
Medium (makes 1 cup):
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine
2 Tbsp. all-purpose flour
14 tsp. salt
I.cup milk
Thick (makes 1 cup): '
3 Tbsp. butter or margarine ' . s
4 Tbsp, all-purpose flour
14 tsp. salt -
1 cup milk v .' , .;v, . ; f 1 ' 1
To prepare white sauce, melt the butter in a &ucepan WlrviH
heat. Blend in the flour, salt and a dash of pepper. Next add all
the milk. Cook quickly, stirring constantly, until the mixture
thickens and bubbles. Remove the sauce from the heat when it
bubbles. Then add flavorings or whatever and stir until smooth.
If the sauce cooks too long, it becomes too thick and the
butter separates. To salvage, stir in a little more milk. Again cook
quickly, stirring constantly until the sauce bubbles.
Thin white sauce provides an excellent base for any creamed
soup, such as potato, mushroom, tomato, celery, onion; nearly
anything you wish.
Once again, if you have an unusual or not so unusual recipe
that you have concocted or has been in the family for centuries,
you can share it with the rest of the community by mailing it to:
Tooth Picks
co Daiiy Nebmskan
Nebraska Union 34
Lincoln, Nub. 68508
doily nsbraskctn'
Editor-in-Chief: Mary Voboril. Copy Desk Chief- Rendy Beam.
News Editor: Jane Owens. Associate News Editor: Vinos Boucher.
Layout sno5 Sport Honor. Dennt Gnnen, Enter tifumHi EuUwi:
Diane Wanek. Night News Editor: Cheryl Westcott. Chief
Photographer: Gail FoSda. News Assistant: Lori Clepper.
Reporters: Wes Albers. Bill Boyd, Lori Demo, Jim Fuller! on,
f ilyn Hess, Mark Hoffman, Jane Hoge, Tom Jensen, Michael (O.J.)
Nelson, Susanne Schafer, Mary Shackelton. Lynn Sihasek, Greg
Wees. . . ' - '
Entertainment Writers: Greg Lukow, Bruce Nelson, Meg Greene,
Val McPhersson.
Sports staff: Bob Hill, Steve Taylor, Larry Stunkel.
Columnists: Mary Cannon, Keith Landgren, John O'Shea, Karen ,
Richardson, Ron Smdelar.
Artists and Photographers: Stewart Nelsen, Tony -Ramirez, Mark
Copy Desk: Rebecca Brite, Dave Madsen, K Steinbruegge, Nancy
Stabs, Pamela Ury. Dispatch: Larry Grill.
Circulation: Tom Lundahl, Sue Bruner, Mark Lyon.
Subscriptions: Mary K. Jensen.
Business Manager: Jerri Haussler. Advertising Manager; Jeff
Account representatives: Michele Schmaf, Sharon Hartford, Jane
Kidwell, Peg Kreshel, Steve Raglin, Mitch Mohanna, Mary Borwski,
Barb Greene, Ken Kirk, Rod Heuck, Vicki Bagrowcki, M.J,
Callahan, Kr is Colins. Jack Baldwin, Kurt Wulfschleger.
Receptionist: Kathy Cook.
The Daily Nutoraskan is published by the Publication Committee
on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday through the autumn
and spring semesters, except on holiday end during vacation.
Copyright 1974, the Daily Nubraskan. Material may be reprinted
without permission if attributed to the Daiiy Nebraskan, excepting
matoi id covered by another copyright.
Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska.
Address: The Daily Nebraskan. Nebraska Union 34, 14th and R
Sts Lincoln, Nebr. 6S5U8. Telephone 402-472-2588.
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LINCOLN GATEWAY .f,'' i f,"' , -5
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Thursday, february 21, 1974
daily ncbraskan
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