Xir i. Mi 1 1 - vH Redneck radices militant radicals when they felt their wallets thinning out. The drivers seem to show that the student radicals eons ago apparently did not have enough experience, dedication or organization, for if the students were as "inspired" as the rig jockeys now are, the Vietnam War probably would have ended in 1S68. In any event, if the Soviet Union attacks the U.S., Washington D.C. may fall but God help the Ruskies if ' scidisrs via th Snferstata. Dear editor, Remember, if you can, the student demonstrations of long ago-the protests, the sit-ins, the marches; and how furious it made certain segments of our society, particularly the conservative faction sometimes referred to as "rednecks". Remember how so many cheered when Gov. George Wallace said that if a protester laid down in front of his car, it would 'be the iast car he'd ever lay down in front of. And now we have Johnny Cash humoring truck drivers who block highways with their rigs to protest higher expenses, and who have already demonstrated their committment by shooting at fellow drivers who are in dissension with their pretest. It's amazing how quickly these former law-abiding Jim Baiters sidunt;n censervauve 'God Bless" Americans became Byzantine board Dear editor, Regent Robert Raurs's suggestion that new books for the University of Nebraska Uw College Library should be paid for by the donations of attorneys instead of by the regular university budget was an insult to the students, administration and faculty of the university. The idea was another indication of the contempt and hostility which some regents hold toward the institution which they were elected to serve. It also was another indication of the attitude toward education in general that continues to pervade the thinking of the people and the government of the state: the idea that educatic Is a cost to bo borne grudgingly, instead of an investment to be made willingly.' I was accepted last week for admission to the University.of Nebraska Law College. Before I make my decision on whether or not to attend it this fall, I am going to have to ask myself if I am willing to ftudy for three years under the authority and direction of a Byzantine governing body that would rsthsr sea law students begslng with tin cups in their hands than see books In their library. I cannot imagine the students of the University putting up with something so disgraceful, and I cannot imagine myself doing so either. Kevin Boatright Vicious vending Dear editor, I am writing in the interest of those unwary souls who, like me, occasionally subject themselves to the whims of our friendly neighborhood vending machines. Last Friday I was cruelly attacked by a tuna salad sandwich and wound up in the hospital with food poisoning. Cindy safari k y WW ni i in -iii' ji wwiMlfcMi an it NOW! THE CONTROVERSIAL... Iter J felfe TONlTg AT7;1S aS:10 """"v ENDS WEDNESDAY T''l A . - - 1 TONITE f 7:30 &9:20 t ' ENDS WED. f"""I " "1 1 ' '1 . t nl as tr S S my VY. 5HAKEV... rjav cctth mr lady's YSEA9M A LAPSE SALAMI H PIZZA W HER. HEAP f 3S0 NO. 48th 464-8323 This Coupon Good For 502 Towards Purchase Of Any Sandwich, Spaghetti j Orders, Lassgne Orders, j Salad, Bunch Of Lunch, ! Pizza,Garlic Rolls Or Chili Orders At Si ; 3 keys. Pitchers of beer $1 8-10 p.m. nightly (except Sunday) k 4 1 I 3 feJ iwMn.l5 i 1 I .--x n n V n i u i a ft rW FACT IS - WE ALL DO. I am not talking about acquairv tances. We all have plenty of those. I am talking about real friends the do or die kind. We both know those aren't easy to come by. In order to establish real friend ships, we have to make ourselves available to meet other people, we have to be willing to work with other people, and if we expect other people to appreciate our ideas, we must be willing to listen to theirs. If you hear an acquaintance or an unknown individual making a ziztzT.snt y?J Hn't agree with, it makes little difference. If that per son were a true friend, you'd make the time to discuss it with him thoroughly. When you have a personal prob lem to discuss or something to be happy about, you don't take it to an acquaintance you take it to a true friend. I could go on and on relating the differences between acquain tances and friend. r. but you already know the difference!?. The thing I want to tell you about is an or ganization which was founded to promote honest friendships. When a group of Boston Univer sity law students first gathered to gether in 1 909, they did so because they were already friends. Hut when they decided to expand their fraternity to take in new members on their own campus and on other campuses, they did so because they wanted to share their friend ship. Because of their belief in the concept that honest friendships promote the best in men, over 1 20, 000 individuals have shared their ica. A group of acquaintances with out purpose is called a clique, but that is where a fraternity is differ ent. We have proven that the more a man learns about being a good fraternity brother, the more he knows about being a good friend to his associates outside the fraternity. Even though you will make life long friendships within the frater nity, you will find that the real value of the fraternity is learning how to be a good friend and a pro ductive member of society. A fraternity is then a growth in stitution. It is designed io help your acquaintances grow, your friendships grow, and most im portantly to help you grow a an individual. You make many decisions every day. Choosing to join a fraternity, and, if so which one, is an impor tant decision. The only individual capable of telling you about the fraternal experience is someone who has experienced it. Talk to a r . ua S 1 about his experience. I did and I found the frater nity experience to be extremely worthwhile. Gary Tiller and Denny Jor gsnseii of Lsmfeda Clu Alplia will fee meeting wilh interested students in Room 332 of the Nebraska Union February 1346 from 9:00 AM to 5;C0 VU. LAMBDA CHI A LPllA-tw Fraternity of Honest Friendship viedncsday, februsry t3, 1974 daily nebraskan psga 5 J. ,ft. f 0. 4.. 1 V ,