The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, January 30, 1974, Image 1

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Visitation suspended in Schramm, Smith halls
By Jinn Fullerton
Residence Hall Association (RHA)
visitation hours once again have been
suspended in the Harper-Schramm-Smith
Residential Complex.
Complex Program Director Marie
Hansen said except for floors 3,7 and
9 of Smith, which weren't in jeopardy
of losing their hours, Schramm and
Smith were to have visitation privileges
revoked on Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week.
However, . Schramm student
government officials decided to appeal
tfie suspension to Assistant Director of
Housing Kenneth Swerdlow, so
visitation suspension dates were moved
to Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
The appeal was received by
Swerdlow a little after noon Tuesday,
but at press time, no decision had been
made regarding the suspension.
The appeal asked that vioiaters be
dealt with individually, and not on an
"everyone is guilty until proven
innocent" basis, as one student put it.
It also asked the administration to
designate exactly how many violators
on a floor warrant taking away the
whole floor's hours. The appeal stated
that Hansen had failed to produce any
evidence of visitation violations.
Th eye of the rjcpcnsicr.s was
the failure by the floors to obey the
RHA open door policy, Hansen said.
The policy states that residents must
keep their door open at all times
during visitation hours while
entertaining members of the opposite
Harper Hall's RHA hours were
suspended last week because of its
residents' failure to obey the open
door policy. Then, Hansen warned
Schramm and Smith cf similar
suspensions if they didn't obey the
Jim Baiters, Schramm's government
representative from the second floor,
said "She , took away our hours, and
we'd like to know what the crime is."
He said no one on the floor noticed
anyone checking whether the open
door policy was being followed.
Hansen had refused to say if she had
any evidence of violations at all, he
"If she (Hansen) knows it's going
on, she must know of individual
violators, so why doesn't she just
prosecute the guilty individuals? he
One student involved was overheard
io mutter (in reference to Hansen), "I
think she's just trying to teach us how
to go through the proper channels to
gel things changed. It's just one great
big political science course."
. The Schramm student government
is trying to have current policies on
visitation and alcohol on campus
changed. The government voted
Monday to buy 250 stamps for the
letter-writing campaign it is
supporting. Schramm residents who
are dissatisfied with the current
visitation policy will be given stamps
for letters written to the regent
explaining their dissatisfaction.
A bill allowing the consumption of
alcohol on campus, LB783, is
scheduled to come before the
Legislature in a few weeks. Schramm's
student government also is urging
students to write or call their Senators
to express support for the bill.
Wednesday, January 30, 1 974
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97, ho. 9
Task force
to battle
drop add
If drop-and-add leaves you down and out, and the
toughest assignment you've had at UNL is fighting class
registration process, relief might be on the way.
The Council on Student Life (CSL) Registration Task
Force is evaluating the UNL registration process. A report
by the ad hoc committee should be ready this semester.
CSL established the task force to suggest changes and
alternatives to the current UNL class registration system.
Roy Arnold, task force chairman and a CSL faculty
member, said the group's purpose is to help students in
"registering for a course. ..(and then) getting that course."
Arnold is an associate professor and chairman of the Food
Science and Technology Dept.
Questionnaires prepared by the group will be sent to
some students and faculty in the next few weeks asking for
evaluations and suggestions for improving the UNL
registration process.
Topics covered by the questionnaire include registration
materials, course information, advising, drop-and-add and
student ID cards. t - - -
One dart of the Questionnaire deals with students
priorities in selecting classes. Students are asked to rank
what criteria they use in selecting classes. Some
considerations might be classes which meet college
requirements, the instructor and the time the class meets.
When students register they will be asked to rank their
dasses in ordsr of preference.
If registration officials know the three classes a student
most wants each semester, they can determine which
students should have first priority in overfilled classes,
Arnold said.
Under the , current system for assigning classes to
students, "there is no way of knowing which one of those
(classes) the student has to have," Arnold said.
TasK force members hope to identify the major
registration problems and then focus on those problems,
Arnold said.
The group will wait until the questionnaires are returned
before making specific recommendations. Arnold said he
hoped questionnaires would be returned by the end of
1 No crisis too small' for Outreach service
By David Bess
"Outreach, Cathy speaking."
A caller to 472-2200 will hear a voice ready to
listen. ' never a wrong number, no matter who
The tef3phon9 number belongs to the Outreach
Center, part of the University Health Center (UHC).
Outrcech is a confidential service for students with
personl, emotional and health problems.
Outreach is "designed to help the individual
resolve a crisis, and, if possible, function even more
effectively than before the crisis," according to
Carmen Grant, developer and staff coordinator.
The word crisis has a broad interpretation, from
. "wanting to commit suicide to fueling down because
a favorite high school pin was lost," as Chuck, an
Outrrsch v.-orker, said.
Chuck explained, "No crisis is too small. It may b
that the person just doesn't know how to go about
solving his problem."
Robin, another Outreach worker, said, "Students
call for objectivity" in solving their problems.
Most people call, because "they have no one else
to talk to," Chuck added.
Outreachers are careful to explain it is a
confidential service, with no attempt made to find
out the callers' identity. Last names of Outreach
workers are withheld to increase the service's
According to Chuck, the program's major problem
is that "people often don't know it is available, or
don't view it as an alternative."
In addition to the crisis intervention services they
offer, ontreachers are trained to answer some medical
and general information questions.
Outreach began as the Crisis Health Aide program
in 1971 "with many other hot lines, free clinics, and
suicide prevention centers emerging in numerous
communities and on university campuses," Grant
Outreach is "unique because of the closeness
between paraprofessionals and professionals" in
helping to solve the callers' problems, said Sheila
Collins, one of several supervisors from the UHC
mental health staff.
Each of the 17 outreachers works five or six
5-hour shifts a month at $5 for each shift. Unless the
worker Is a trainee or "provisional," he works alone
answering the phone. The outreacher also has a,
second phone he can use to contact one of the nurses,
medical doctors or mental health staff members on
Paraprofessionals and professionals also hold
weekly meetings to discuss problems related to the
telephone service.
Special topics, such as suicidology, drugs, sexuality
and other problems are discussed at the meetings.
Having students, and not professionals, answer the
phone benefits the program.
"Many students who, otherwise, might not have
sought help do so, either because of the anonymity of
the service or because the peiion on the other end of
the line is another student and not a mental health
professional," Grant said.
Any UNL student at the sophomore level or above
see 'Outreach Page 3
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