Near to Your Heart But Far Apart? Send Her Flowers from DAMIELSONS Your Extra Touch Florist 127 S 13th 432-7602 1st RUN! ENDSTHURS. 1 2 R ; SiRLS ; 1 1 WHO HAVE f --w f .. ! a splcial iAl Wt f7iPccoi U Jfjfw ImmLAfs Ma AT-11:30. 1:05. 2:40. 4:20 6:00, 7:40, 9:15 PM EMBASSY THEATRE xsxsm THE APARTMENT LOUNGE AMATEUR NIGHT TALENT HUNT Starting Jan. 28 Do You Have Talent? PROVE IT! Here is Your Chance to Perform VOCALISTS - MUSICIANS - COMEDIANS MAGICIANS - E.S.P. - STRIPPERS GO - GO DANCER - ETC. (finalists appear on Friday) FOR DETAILS CALL: The Dutchman 432-4471 NOW f?adisson Cornhuslcer Hotel APARTMENT LOUNGE btmmdesses 1st RUN! : ENDS WED. I2l-V V 4xh & f'nal wk! The girls who know how to st keep a patient happy NURSES"'"" REPORT 1 iMS0 LLttLLllLlV STARTS I THURS. C JAN. 24 th 1st LINCOLN SHOWING fHj$t ' I 'I l.j.n i !. ! nun iiiii in MiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiMiiiiiiiiciiini 2 : Seminar: How fo use if he Small Claims Courfi m m m m This will be held to inform an students of the rules and I procedures of filing claims in m m l the small claims court in E E Lincoln. m m Z m m m M H " ; - E Speakers: M "J I Lincoln Attorney E John Stevens Berry Bruce Hamilton E HI E of University Legal Services m m m m m m S Thursday, Jan. 24-7 pm Hi m M S Watch the RAG or call ASUN for further information E S Room No. will be on Union calendar. : z HIIHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIMIIIIIHIMIIIIIIIIII l" Si ,- , , .. ,Y SEE. IESV3TE OIL CHANGE SPECIAL 5 Quarts of Oil Baldwin oil filter Grease Vi Hour Hoist Time All Tools only $7.95 Also: U-Fix-lt Literature and Always Someone Discount on All Parts in Stock. Around to Help. "Fix it yourself and know it's done right!" Hour' i1"? fFiHF YCh ' 4fe C ';30 9:30 Dm nth & 'B' Street 475-7269 PLAZA THEATRES 12th & P STS. PLAZA I 477-1234 Another Hit at The Plaza - 1:30, 4:15 7 4 9:45 No passes. escape is Everything! fry"- t. . ?f ALLIED ARTISTS in a FRANKLIN J.SCHAFFNER film PANAVISI0N' 1FCHNIC0L0R . ALLIED ARTISTS GD P PLAZA m STARTS FRIDAY- 6ud call em gross . . . we say they're wild!!! . . . if Ik ' ' If k, , ' ' ' Si , , ' 'if , k A HI 4XS" ' THOMAS Mil. IAN-Tf:.IJY SAVAI.AS SUSAN GEORGE 53 Hi. Willi KOSSANNA YANNI and IAURA BLTTI Music, by I MIO MOFHICONi: Iircr tci by SMRCil CORBUCCI . ,,.,!. II..., Ml ill! Kill 1 1 ll HA I INI Mull M ,KAI1IY I lid 1 1 1 1 INI MAI(.KAI4IV .nd IIHRA III MS Rf h.chnicoi.on KMH MOIIONI'lt M 'HI SI'RI S NIS AKOBI KIO IOYOI A CHOIH IC'TION fmmA PLAZA STARTS FRIDAY THE CRIME WAR TO END ALL CRIME WARS. M ;i m wf.'dnesdjy, January 23, 1974 daily nebraskan page 5