Fromm attacks old theories in book on human aggression The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness by Erich Fromm In his quixotic search for human nature, Erich Fromm now has pierced the dragon of human cruelty and aggression with his new book on destructiveness. Fromm begins by arguing that "most notions of human nature have been mistaken." He then attacks both instinctivists and behaviorists as being mistaken and spends almost half the book criticizing instinctivists like Konrad Lorenz, who argues in his book On Aggression that people's destructiveness has been inherited from animal ancestors; therefore, it is innate. Drawing from neurophysiology, animal behavior, paleontology and anthropology, Fromm argues convincingly against the predominant instinctivist approach to aggression. Perhaps the reason he spends almost 200 pages on the subject is because he argues so well. Unfortunately, in doing so he almost forgets unassuming B.F. Skinner and his belief that there are no innate human traits, because everything is the result of social conditioning. Perhaps the reason is that Fromm has no able arguments for Skinnerian behaviorism. Except for a few passing pages, behaviorism largely is left unattacked. Questions immediately begin to arise, however, when Fromm begins his own theories on aggression. The first problem is with Fromm's definition of aggression. He believes there are two types of aggression: benign and malignant. Benign aggression includes biologically adaptive responses "to threats to vital interests; it is common to animals and men; it is not spontaneous or self-serving but reactive and defensive." After his criticism of Lorenz, one wonders how he now can admit to this "innately" benign aggression. Fromm defines malignant aggression as "biologically nonadaptive, characteristic only of man;. . . its main manifestations-killing and cruelty are pleasureful without needing any other purpose; it is harmful not only to the person who is attacked but also to the attacker." Unfortunately, as Fromm details his " faftWftWW IttnlgTr VggPession 't bcbmeV a ' 'veV'broaa one." 'For' example,' under W heading of pseudoaggression are incidents like that of "the firing of a gun which accidentally hurts or kills a bystander." Fromm fails to answer why we have guns in the first place. This avoidance of what seem to be main points to me is a problem throughout the book. Other exemptions from malignant aggression are people who fulfill certain religious needs through ritual cannibalism or blood sacrifices. Attempting to defend these acts as benign aggression surely would find dissidents among the victims of various Middle Age inquisitions or Aztec human sacrifices. To attempt to pass off this type of cruelty as "reactive and defensive" only can be regarded as naive. Fromm agrees with the popular idea that to kill, a person must decide the other person is nonhuman. Evidence for this, he says, is that we called Germans krauts in World War II and the Vietnamese gooks. He fails to explain adequately how this applies to murders, which overwhelmingly are among families or acquaintances. Although indebted to Freud, Fromm is not reluctant to emphasize social or cultural influences on aggression. He feels that crowding and the disturbance of hierarchy are the causes of most aggression, the latter being the major cause. Hence, as a society becomes more advanced in terms of division of labor and ownership of property, it becomes more violent. This seems good at first, until one recalls that crime rates have fluctuated in large cities like New York for years. In light of this, Fromm's causes become too simplistic. bruce nelson ex libra Fromm contributes a new idea in his definition of necrophilia when he adds that not only is it an attraction to all that is dead, destroyed or decaying, but also a love of all that is mechanistic. American society then is suffering from necrophilia as shown by its worship of parking lots, computers and automation. Following this condemnation are the overused lectures on death machines in Vietnam and the self destructiveness of drug addiction which are, by now, in the repertoire of every preacher, politician and reformer in the United States. Fromm finally combines all this in a psychoanalysis 'of Adolf Hitler as a clinical case of" necrophilia and malignant aggression. While being both interesting and provocative, the study is weak because Fromm has only one reliable source for Hitler's youth and early childhood. Considering Fromm's neo-Freudism, the use of only one source for psychoanalysis especially is questionable. Despite the many criticisms, Fromm has written a thought-provoking and controversial book. Unfortunately, his dragon of de$tructiv;ne:s has turned out to be a windmill. OUR HOLIDAY SALE IS STILL IN PROGRESS. SAVE UP TO 90 ON THOUSANDS OF GIFT BOOKS. BOOKS FOR EVERYONE THIS CHRISTMAS Open 8-5, Monday - Sat urday 1135 R 432-0111 m Wm ft flfc. M f'WI'fWM! 'WA'?W!WWrT 54th & O STS. 464-7421 1 N.tely at Mu,i,,,....IWm ,, i . .,i . i. mjmmmmm.mmmms.nmJ 1 7:30 & 9:30. 1 L A MIRACLE OFA V l. ifcuu.,. 1 riinia 'Ml ft II K ' ) F J SONGS Heat ltd 12 great hit songs Including l. 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