editona WbOLD YbU -TfcAC 116 USfcP MAN FOR A n FORD ? faculty obligation Wc.n .-tudent leaders have remarked that ti.c r iciji: ,' Senate is to be admired. 1 ..'rid'11 ; ri?o:..' -tus. frustrated by what they have called "the Mickey Mouse tactics" of the ASUN Senate, have seen something worthwhile in the goings on of the faculty's govern in ;j body. 1 he Faulty Senjte has dug into issues such as the NU p-w scale, tenure, campus surveillance academic freedom. Meanwhile, the ASUN Senate has wallowed in its own red tape, allotted money to various student organizations and approved the minutes of the previous meeting. But perhaps the Faculty Senate and its members should be viewed as skeptically as ASUN. The Faculty Senate April 10 passed a resolution prohibiting hour exams and finals during dead week unless the class unanimously approves Now either the senate's dictate is being ignored or UiL must have a goodly number of the stereotypic, absent minded professors. A random telephone survey conducted Tuesday night showed that 37 students have exams this week, dead week. Of the 37, only three participated in any sort of vote or classroom consensus on whether to hold the scheduled examinations. The departments in rules established to govern itself, then the case which the exams are being given are varied. It would seem that the faculty would have some sense of obligation toward a policy established by its own governing body. If the faculty, like the students, refuses to adhere to for self-government on this campus is weaker than originally believed. So long, John Vihstadt He has been called "Richard Nixon's first cousin," "a simple-minded fascist," and "the mouthpiece of the Republican party." For about two years, John Vihstadt's opinions, many similar to those espoused by the Nixon administration, have appeared weekly on the Daily Nebraskan editorial opinion page. But now the campus won't have Vihstadt to kick around anymore. Today's Different Drummer column will be his last in this newspaper; he has decided to stop editorializing and concentrate on other pursuits. The Daily Nebraskan seldom has agreed with Vihstadt, but we, like many others, will miss his column. Michael (O.J.) Nelson Coalition: Nixon guilt includes corruption, moral bankruptcy Editor's note: The following guest editorial was written by members of the Nebraska Coalition for the Impeachment of Richard Nixon. The nil. -m bei of the Coalition for the Impeachment of Richard Nixon are Nebraskans of vaiied backgionnds who have chosen to publicize the masons foi n"in.'sting President Nixon's imi.j' hfip 'tit Our goal is the immediate resignation of H ichor f f Nir"i oi his imachment by the House of Representative', uPd trial before the Senate. We Ivilieve ".t r hnbli.' cause" of Richard Nixon's cummittiiiu hkjh crimes and misdemeanors exists, and that he is li.jh!t to impeachment. There is a lange of opinion among coalition members in calling for impeachment. Some feel strongly that Nixon is tx)th morally bankrupt and criminal. Some see Nixon's guilt as implied and desire full and open examination, postponing final pronouncements "f his guilt Specific charges agianst Nixon start with the American Civil Li!y;rties Union (ACLU), which alleges six violations of civil lilx.Mties. These include "specific, provd violations of the; rights of political dissent; usurpation of Congiessional war-making lowers; establishment of a personal secret police which committed crimes; attempted interference in the trial of Daniel Ellsberg; distortion of the system of justice; and petversion of other federal agencies" (ACLU News Release 104-73). Add to these the firing of Archibald Cox and the abrogation of justice in not provifing subpoenaed evidence. Another charge is that Nixon violated moral law by forcing men to fight and die in the Southeast Asian War. He is also responsible "for sending m i I i r a i y .i.d cri;jpt oppressive military dictatorships in Saigon, Brazil, Uruguay, Spain,Greece and elsewhere." His vetoes of the day care and minimum 1 i! .ed needless suffering of paii'ti!,,, .j p.HMly paid workers. Richard Nixon should be impeached for "generally being insensitive to the plight of millions of suffering, oppressed people in this country and around the world, for putting corrupt privileges ahead of equality and the liberty of the masses of people." (Ron Kurtenbach in "Blood, Impeachment, and Apple Butter," Coalition leaflet). The result of these and the many other serious charges is a staggering loss of faith by U.S. citizens in their government. Our government needs to regain this trust by answering the charges against it openly and fully. Impeachment of Richard Nixon, both as the man most tesponsible for this administration's actions and as the accrsed leader of illegal activities, is the most direct path o answering the charges. The Coalition uses jny legal means to acquaint this state's citizens w; i President Nixon's immoral conduct and allege rimes and to pressure the House of Representative? impeach him. We are trying . mobilize large numbers of people who want open ; Jtmy of Nixon's activities. We ask Nebraskans to ite Congressmen Thone (1531 Longworth Bldg.), McCollister (511 Cannon House Office Bldg.) and Martin (2227 Rayburn House Office Bldg.), expressing the reasons they feel Nixon's impeachment is imperative (The Washington, D.C. zipcode is 20515). People who have already written their Congressmen are urged to write again and also to write Congressman Rodino (Chairman of the House Juduciary Committee, House Office Building). Others may wish to use the various media: letters to editors and phone calls to radio and television talk shows. Individuals wishing to work more closely with the Coalition can join us in distributing the leaflets we've printed. This leaflet contains various groups' and individuals' reasons for calling for Nixon's impeachment. Coalition plans include: sponsoring a debate, organizing town-community meetings for discussing opposing viewpoints, canvassing the Lincoln area to acquaint people with the impeachment issue, organizing letter campaigns and working for the defeat of candidates who have not supported Nixon's impeachment. As more people join the Coalition, new ideas will be incorporated. Finally, we request your financial support. Send donations to Tom Manig, UNL philosophy department, G8508. ' . , if WWEBr "fc'.vis i vhjp .ms. wjux angular 14. WW' 7 6tw ve ip vou'vft HCAC?r -tti, one... . . . . . NIXOM I pc'ig? 4 daily nebraskan Wednesday, december 12, 1973