1 i Si,V'''V''l'i: y y y H ' f" ( '"' - - n r - ,c'V" - -r t i I J. . tv. T" 4 1 v-, ! 1 jf - awimiM'.iii.ainjR iiiMiffiirtiwm c 0 I a '" 80 1 r!ii.rij.T (- -f.x p.-tttneis Male Female 60 50 10 30 20 10 0) c l"1 . a 5 o U'5 n." ,". dope Figures from the 1973 t'-aiiy Nebraskan Super Poll indicate tiwt sexual activity among single Uf ! L students has increased since last year. Sixty-one per cent of single students said they had engaged in sexual intercourse. Last ear the Daily Nebraskan reported thcM 54 per cent of the single students poSSrd were experienced sexually. Of those polled in that jS3 survey, 89 per cent said their participation in sexual intercourse had occurred in the last year. Ten per cent responded that their sexual experience had happened at another time in their lives. Sixty-four per cent of those students who had encaqed in sexual intercourse are male, while 3U per cent are female, according to Super Poll statistics. Among students who have partipated in sexual intercourse, ihore is a wide disparity in the number of partners each person reported. More 1 than one-th'ird of those surveyed, (30 per cent) said' their"t:xponcin;e fiad been limited to one partner Thirty per cent indicated they had engaged in sexual intercourst? with more than five partners. In between the two extremes of activity, 12 per cent said they had had two partners, 9 per cent said they had three partners, 0 per cent said they had four partners and 4 per cent had engaged in sexual intercourse wth ti ; oartnet The number ot i.i-; vu'.h v-vural sex partners ommni;.ij! v. i.ien who had enyugei) in ;-a si ihu-.-'-uuise with more than one paanor. ''P' hguica are given in tho graph chfn on This page. The greatest dispan'.y occurred those who had rmir ih,." five sex partners, 38 pet cent oi u sexually experienced men had unit:: J.'s.tn live partners, while only 1U n:c unt of the women hail more Ui.i. live v.-x partners. to J-riiau:it', whr- have participated in intercourse seem to bt hesisiant "f ; is n,;i mrolc ac;":ty, 1 : cun.Joi't their cwr ai-rnrfiino to Gut-e Thirty-five per cent said thoy would be bothered somewhat if the person they intended to marry had engaged in intercourse with someone else. Other reipo.-.-.cn to the r..tine question told thai 40 pet i.ni would not be bothered at all, 17 per cent would Ikj bothered considet-ib'y, but not enough to prevent marriage, per cent said they would not many the person who had sex, and 4 per cent were undecided. Of those who had experienced sexual intercourse, more than half h."d become sexually experienced by the age of 18. When asked at what age their first incidence of sexual intercourse occured, 15 per cent said at age 16 or younger, 21 per cent responded age 17, and 27 per cent responded aye 1 8. Sixteen per cent said 'ironot engaged in sexual intercourse at age 19, 12 per cent said at. age ?0, 6 per cent said at age '' and 4 per cent, said at age 22 or older. In their attiiurtns, the results of the Super Poll show 1 hat most station ts believe it is permissible for men ;jnd women to have sexual intercourse before marriage. Four-fifths of all students polled said it was permissible for a man to have premarital sexual experience. N iarly a-. m;ny, 77 per cent said they also thought it was permissible for a woman to have premauiii sexual ntercourse. Thirteen per cent said they were against men having promnrital ex, while 15 per cent nave the same response for women. Seven per cent of the total numtvr uf M'SpomLints was undecided ;;!.. v. boili men or women engaging in ptuirvirital intercourse couis .' not !: re (.'v'.i she does answers v of those polled v;( cent said n: '(. undecided. Student relationships h;$ lest year. Bod 5-s- 1073 poii, ::c pv ' polled inriicai :! -homosexu?!l j,i consentirtg wdulu. said this year tin' 1 8 per c, -ni vam polled, otiiy 3 per '" a homcsexuV f'-tio; T,-xu: wf'io - smol'ed marijuana r-.'icid ui'-ision over whether they v-no'.' contir,!.-; lo or not. Fifty-six per :-.' :J they would continue to ."i e ma 1 iit.' . H'ovr; per r..?rtt 0? the students wl:o I'i.v ui nuriiuana said they l; - I . . M I. - he ' 1 ;K'r 1 in the sot jl ' s Thirty six pet ''. cf polled said tUy m hvu t more, FiHixn per week, ancjl .sfd ' two or ihir n'mi. , a wl'io date !, ih;,;- r (uni!"it'i 1H f '. ' respondent,.. Of thoso ;;..liv..l. they ht'vf1 :o,-ismi. Lxiveiages, A-"k.-.iJ ''.'..! habits, 9 per alcoholic l-v ;es . f. ' or more, 23 !..) t, : two to thieo 1 : cent said they d ! week, Tweri'y 1 "' '' '' 01 ily t'-ronk iw 1 '); '.' ' ; ' orvi I'i .)er I.'-. 1 i"1 ' 1 ! i'i (.in;. ' u ;',, : :) l:ltry-twa pt.r .?u f oil that lb-; y v Siie 48 pf'.r cent ! r 'vrt no: : - ! 1 j ' red 0' Of 'Lo-;; a ,'or:, 1 '. ;.iiel::r,;-" r.! oer:: , .', (l.iu:d fl.. i!(.'i'. s.if iiV : 7 tie, ,1 .' . y .iii St 10 t: mriin (t fet;,- tirr.es a week or more. :.r r.e -,t $:r-l 'hey s'r jke two to ;::',(,. a week nd 1.en per cf m. 'f h?y s'-e.,;--;(j ciic; a week. 2 .n pei ,:. r said they siof'e two . tin:-, a ,-nonih '..vh1! 25 per ;! t,v stroke less than once a i, rhirty-three per r:cnt said they moke, Oi the 2 pet con cf UNI. student!; vho tfini;:3 themselves very cr-i-.n-vic'.-'e, 73 p-r cent said they had ;.Ki . 1 itujMjn..'-'? -wh'ie 80 per cent S";'t' thfee per cent of those '. r,.;i(! tn'V were mooei aiwiy ? jisv-'ivci've Hb per cent)-had not h'ii ; . ;rji. f.' Uf 5 the road students, 22 per ,-,f th, !rt,!i nuinber polled, ;:;..ii ihit b? rx?r cent had not iof- ei riianfi' ";. I ;VI U r.i 1 i : 1 1 1 ; 1 r .'1 i ..ii.ratclv !iiK-:ral students, 40 per A W: 1 iplu, said they smoke ;tI H T0 Id . 1. 1 " 1 1.)', v ct pe per m i d'-:y i'i; '('!. said eiuvy t '.".''.'i-; Si1') ' e ,1 rnontn 01 ,1 dumber of very tended K, smoke . r;:i times a week iirir.s a month. Ten : ? polled ierrned iir.;ral. tiglity per vv s'li. 'its, w!,o ;:ent of the survey .;, id they smoke four times a ; ..-M.it vhe legal ftatus of I iiei cent ot the UNL. r-d !,,.)(: maiijuaiia should i hiily five per cent said J, ,rid I B :ior cent wefe ic i 10 my A)'.', G0')i. 4U"A, ?,0 20 10 0".. .I tniil)i oi lirno iiidoiils, -in r'iok Mi,iriji,ihu, f. r.fil'c 11 .- - ---- 4 i IT I'M n it, k. i uw5 J -'jif fc. Jiij 1. f!4 Wednesday, docembor V?, 173 rf'!' I ! "'l it .'!',! i" I