CUll friday, december 7, 1 973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 55 Regents vote to take Scott; Exon applaudes By Steve Arvanette Following a personal appearance by Gov. J.J. Exon at their Thursday meeting, the Board of Regents unanimously agreed to take the former Hiram Scott College campus without cost to the University. In a surprise visit, Exon endorsed a revised plan to use the Scottsbluff site for an expansion of agricultural research and extension work in the state's Panhandle region. Exon described the new plan as an "abrupt turn from what was (earlier) proposed." He said he was pleased with the new "direction and approach" taken by the regents' latest study. The initial plan would have used the campus for a more student oriented program of instruction in rural health. Exon conceded to the regents that he had been the "eye of the storm" in opposing Hiram Scott's acquisition. He added, however, that even the special committee appointed to investigate the issue now supports the idea unanimously. That committee had earlier recommended on a 7-3 vote against taking the campus for a program in rural health education. By their action, the regents accepted without cost 225 acres of land from a Scottsbluff corporation and a library-science building held by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare. The regents heard a detailed plan to use the science portion of the HEW building for an expanded agricultural research and extension program. Money appropriated for improvements at the Mitchell experimental station could be diverted to make needed renovation at Hiram Scott. After being told such a change in expenditures would result in a $25,000 savings, Regent Kermit Wagner said to Exon: "Actually, we're saving money, governor." Exon responded, "I'm glad to see that approach." Prior to the vote, Regent Robert Prokop said it was important that the University decide if they wanted the property because several companies had expressed interest in the land. v t l in r mnnniiiiiinii&- Jl .v. (A I V J.G. Elliott, Kermit Wagner and D.B. Varner at Thursday's Board of Regents meeting. v The policy governing the jurisdiction of the Fees Allocation Board was presented to the Council on Student Life (CSL) Thursday night, but came under fire from some of the council's members. The allocation board was established last spring to allow students a voice in the dispostion of funds from the $51.50 each fulltime student pays each semester in University Program and Facilities Fees (UPFF), formerly called "Student fees." The Board of Regents drafted a policy so that the portion designated for student activities and managed by student groups be put under Fund A. The portion of UPFF designated for debt services, staff salaries, maintenance and items designated by the chancellor was placed under Fund B. The allocation Board, made up of students, faculty and staff, was established to make recommendations of financing of activities coming under Fund A, which would bo submitted to the chancellor for approval. A zero base budget would apply to programs in Fund A, where each group would have to go to the Allocation Board each year to request its budget. The UNL administration further divided Fund A into two Fund A, B j fees policy debated by CSL parts, subfund 1 arid subfund 2. Subfund 1 includes those programs primarily planned, managed and implemented by student groups. The Union Program Council, Daily Nebraskan and ASUN are groups falling under this subfund. Subfund ? includes programs primarily directed, planned, managed and implemented by UNL staff andor faculty. The reason for the administrative decision to subdivide Fund A was that Subfund 2 programs involved salaried administrative staff, according to Ely Meyerson, CSL member and dean of administration of Student Affairs. Subfund 1 programs are to come under the jurisdiction of the allocation board for the school year 1974-75 and must make its budget request by March 11, Programs under Subfund 2 will not be reviewed by the allocation board until 1975-76. The reason for riot putting subfund 2 programs under review of the allocation board next year is because of the salaried staffs in Subfund 2 programs, Meyerson said He said that because of limited time he did not want to jeoparadie the salaries of the administrative staff with a quick decision conccrnmci whether a program under buotunu should be cut. - f---ir-:Miiii-ff,--nnitriTniiiiiiiiirtTriiiirr(iiii(H nm iln&WMi nn Jituti iTfiiirT' inrrtiiuru urnnif inni n n rFn.irifci mrn liniiafai mi ift ifrth-ii Possible fund lobby disturbs Exon Today marks the first in a series of articles examining the results of the Daily Nebraskan 1973 Super Poll. The poll included questions on students' political attitudes, personal morals and beliefs and their evaluation of UNL. Story on Page 3. During his appearance before the Board of Regents, Gov. J.J. Exon expressed concern about reports that some University colleges and departments may send lobbyists to the Legislature in hopes of securing additional funds. Exon said such action would seem to be "violating the chain of command" and might work against the University's best interests. His comments came in response to Regent Kermit Hanson's request that Exon give the board some guidelines in preparing future University budgets. Exon said it was difficult to offer such advice but said the state's revenue situation has lx;en attend seriously by lowering the state income tax from 13 to 1 1 per cent. Exon opposed that action, which was taken recently by the three Republican members of the State Board of Equalization. The 3-2 vote will result in the state having $25 million less in available cash, Exon said. "At this time I'm not in a position to say what we'll do," Exon said in reference to the University's budget request which has been fot warded to the governor's office. J 0 mm -,tr nuitmn m mm V X 1 ' , "'mustff' Gov. J. James Exon v Dorm heat lowered for interim UNL will lower temperatures to 50 degrees in most of the residence halls during the interim period tx'twecn semesters, according to housing director Richard C. Armstrong He said special provisions will be made for foieign and graduate students who will be staying in residence halls. Normal temperatures will be maintained in part of Selleck and Neihardt Halls to accomodate these individuals, fie said. It will be necessary to heat residence halls during normal maintenance and cleaning operations, he said, but terneratUK!S will be kept at 50 degrees when employes are riot working there. Armstrong said it is diffiult to determine how much fuel will be saved, but loweiing the temperature 15 to 20 decrees duting the interim should result in "significant" reductions in fuel requirements. Residence halls account for approximately one third of tin; heat required .it UNL, J