The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1973, Page page 9, Image 9
I TOiml ads, DAILY NEBR ASKAfJ WANT ADS can be placed n (K.,son. jn Room 34. Nebraska Union, weekdays 8-12 and 1-5, or called in botwoon 8 10 only at 42 2L88. Cost is $.08 per word, per day, $1.00 minimum. PaV"""t in advance preferred, but phone orders muy be charged, bank Amerimtd is ,,so accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Mains "noted are for cash order or c..irqa orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid willi'm five davs are 50 cents addition;,). Deadline for ads is 3 00 P.m. d.,y before publication. No n '' ' Complimentary ads may H run or,v if error is bro'Mjht to tt'e Nebraskan's attention the buii-ios-: i-V tT puoKciiiion. . F-OH SALE nowi. Insulated vest. White Stag bramJ. t xtra long thigh length. 1.9 07. rlpstop nylon shell. 5 oz. guiuodown insulation. 2 pockets. 2 way nylon dipper. 2 In. Insulat ed collar. Choice of gold, navy or orange. S, M, L., XL Reqular-$19.88, Special $14 88 SURPLUS CENTER, 1000 West "O" St Mummy down Insulated SLEEPING BAG. 2V. b. prime yoosodowri, overlapping V-tube construction. Famous Comfy-brand Mt Hood. 1.9 oz. rip stop nylon shell and liner. Temperature tested to 00 2 way YKK Delrln zipper. 2 bags can be zipped together. Fits Into 9" stuff bag Included. Hoguar-$79.95; Special - $69.95. SURPLUS CC N I E R, 1 000 West "O" St ARHIVlTJll .Kin Biography of a Governor. At bookstores or direct from Foundation Books P.O. Box 29229, Lincoln 68529.' $:?.()u' paper, $5.95 cloth, add 35 cent handling and tax. AKC :;t Bernard puppies. Good markings. Call 483-1355, 4 30-6: 30 p.m. 472-2072 10 4 30, ask for Joy. F la uenco G u i ta r - p rof esslonal movii.l that retails for $500 sale price d $200. 477-2164. Gji;.son lloiiow bodv bass. Kustom li.isj amp. Make offer, 435-0515. Sherwood 5-8900 A receiver, Harmon Kardon Hk-1000 io!by(d ca:.sott:ti duck, ESS V soeek-..r.: 483-1 .?36. I'ioirrr'iXijOo (AMFM) Receiver, CStOO i,'eakers. ph. 483-1377 at i er ri. C ar H tr ick with speakers. 1T.' U04 . -- k I-' f'-T sale. Hart Standard 205, I vrolia blndlnys, poles, Tyrol boots 0i; plus rack. $125. 4.1!, !4!I4 alter 5 p.m. 1 pr. KAS1 LE sklls 205 cm. Brand new :-,3i). 4 36G2. ' ' ' ' ' ' i (,i fi.. ius.1 yj " on en f pi en., r n m. MAttH 0R8 MIMUS FILMS PHESENTS IN Mm Filial bLmwf Uivr" Charlie hwu!sn in I "I ho VuKjgLvnd" I NOW THRU WEDNESDAY AT 7.10, 0,25 t'ACH EVE. - T g I I 1 1 0 I IM.JW- L.IV1.S.J ntv, S 3M fUf K AT 7M K, :1K Liiit t ni ihi r: Kiro iiirri 6',' ' 1 Vv V-7 V ' T.' vvcdrio'.d iy, tlf'cemt)cr 5, 1973 I Sale 10-speed, like new, call 435-8665 after 6 p.m. 1971 Firebird, 350 V8, auto, air, radlals. Excellent condition. 475 6883. '70 Ford Maverick. 6 cylinder. 25 m.p. g. 3-speed stick shift 477-2566 or 477-6061, rm. 219, leave message. 1965 Falrtane 20,000 miles. 289 engine. Automatic transmission, new brakes, new battery, good tires, power steering. A good buy for $375. 467-1435. 1961 Chevy Impala. Runs good, just tuned up, clean, reliable, $200. 464-50 54. 1958 Volkswagon. Engine recently overhauled. New snow tires. Poor body. $150. Steve at 435-5646. For sale: 1972 Royal Junior 12 electric typewriter. Good condition. Case Included. Call 477-8681 or 435-9231 after 7 p.m. HELP WANTED Bass and Piano Player needed for R and B band. Should be willing to work. Call 733 Abel and leave phone number. Ladles. Do you have a husband who' needs a full time, dignified Job. Must be clean and neat. . References. Call 466-01 56. Boy to deliver from 1-5 p.m. Must be 20 years and know city of Lincoln. Dlttmers Flower Shop, 14th & High St 475-2688. PIPWWIPIII m,' , 7" ,m x - , - ' ,r p ' f m ALftlCWT. QuT I WON'T glvCOPMY r ill 1 JljM ? IHi W 3 DAILY NEBR ASK AN EDITOR Friday, Decvmlwr 7, 2: HO P.M. BuildingRoom to he announccdapplk-arions-Duily Ncbraskan office. 34 Union Interveiws for other staff positions hcld'later this semester i APPLICATION 'Nl M DHADLINL: Fruhiy 127 j jj lntrviews will be I II II conducted by the I II U I UiT'IMMWITHUllilliH HI, Ill hiiiiimi WW m Part time drive attendant Crest OH Company, 1545 Cornhusker Hwy, Part time cashier girl wanted. Crest Mini Mart 1545 Cornhusker Hwy. Busboys wanted. Meals Included. Call 477-21 25, 432-0329. Day waitresses. $1.40hr. Good tips. Choice morning hours. Contact manager J. B.'s Big Boy 27th & Vine. 475-4112. PART TIME WORK AVAILABLE FOR FIVE MEN. 15-40 HOURSWEEK. 488-4424 SERVICES Pregnant? Birthright cares you and your unborn 477 8021. about child. Tutoring In French offered. Graduate of Lycee Francals de New York. Call 488-0079, evenings. Need printing? ACCENT PRINTING Is University oriented, helpful and low priced. 432-7263, 226 S. 16th. Wedding Invitations, complete line as low as 50 for $8.20. Extra 1 0 discount when you have this ad. Call Jerry at 466-2628 9 to 5 or 434-5073 after 5. For Information on travel, study, homestays, voluntary service and jobs abroad, see OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER, 205 Nebraska Union. OVERSEAS JOBS-Australla, Europe, S. America, Africa. Students all professions and occupations. $700 to $3000 monthly. Expenses paid, overtime, sightseeing, Free Information. Write: Trans World Research Dept. G2, P.O. Box 603, Corte Madera, CA. 94925. ATTENTION-now serving Salt and Pepper at Heads Together in the Glass Menagerie 12th & Que, 475-44 26. 3 stylists on duty. Ill WIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIII. 9 m m m , s r M m w daily nebraskan r r PERSONAL WANTED: energetic people, all sizes and ages. PURPOSE: folk dance. APPEAR: Union basement 7 p.m., Sundays. 'To Who Laid the Identity Is known." Chunk your J.C. Fogerty LOST REWARD for texas Instrument calculator-Serial no. 9661. Call 432-6144 after 5 p.m. FOR RENT Spacious 1 bdrm furnished apt Utilities paid. $150mo plus deposit Near East Campus. 434-0847, 435-4 159. 1 7th & M. Large one bedroom furnished apartment. Utilities paid. Carpeting, drapes. $120. For rent 2nd semester. Furnished apartment Near East Campus, Fully carpeted, cable TV, garbage disposal, central air, off street parking. Suitable for 3-4 students. 1400 N. 33rd. Call 467-1490 after 5 p.m. 2 bdrm. apartment. All conveniences, parking. Take over Immediately. 489-8698. 1425 Garfield. Very large 2 furnished apartment Garage, air conditioner, all utilities pd. 2 students-$1 80. No pets. Available now. 489-3729. 18th & M. Large two bedroom, 1st floor duplex. Appliances. Students welcome. $165. 432-7671. STUDENTS: Large, furnished 4 bedroom duplex, 2314 S. 17th. Ample parking. No pets! Available Dec. 1st 475-101 1. CARIBBEAN APTS. 1215 Arapahoe. Swimming pool, cable TV, Clubhouse, City Bus service. block shopping center, 2 bedroom-$167 mo.; 1 bedroom-$145 mo. 6 mo. lease. UUice No.218, 477-2329. JOIN YOUR NEBRASKA UNIVERSITY FRIENDS by renting a deluxe apartment at Ruskln Place, South U.S. 7 7. Apartments starting $149. f uif clubhouse facilities- heated pool, lighted tennis court, saurtps and gameroom. 475-5242. Condominium at Dillon, Oolondo. Fully furnished. Near 7 major slopes. Details, 466 02 56. ROOMMATE WANTED 1 studious male roommate to share new 1 bedroom apartment for 2nd semester. 6 blocks from campus. $2month. 477-2284. Male roommate wanted Close to campus. $ 72.50. Monday 475-8297 after 6. Female roommate needed Immediately. Own room $50month. 475-6453. 2 female roommates, 5 bdrm homo Close to campus. $45mo 475-9172. MISCELLANEOUS Want experience working with tin local news media (radio, TV, newspapers)? 197,4 Lincoln W ill' for Development iv.i.cls 1 publicity committee n-l chairperson. Call Harry Baouien. 475-1052 or leave note. No experience needed. CAR POOL from Omaha Bi llt.vuo to UNL each a.m. and return jo p.m. 291-7426, 472-24GU. Wanted. 2 tickets for Monuhlns. Call Marilyn Mantcll. 472-3 701. Hitch Hike Match Up .... traveling over interim? going home for Christmi? IWrd a vUvl riders? Advertise in the Daily Nebraskan Want Ads December 12, 13, 14 j SPECIAL - 3 for 2 days, get the third Ads must bv paid in Advance. Deadline Friday December 7, 1373, 3 P.M. J SHOT f6UTiri;r i- i? 4h (1 CLASS MANWl: Tv'lf "S mc. - ;'morl:'it cm a nu