The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, December 05, 1973, Page page 7, Image 7
PLAZA THEATRES 12th & P STS. 477-1234 M gift The Consumer Group Ji 7,h WEEK iV to you DIOIE DRAWS 8-10 p.m. Wednosday Christmas comes early! Director-Interviews will be held Friday, Dec. 14tfi Information & Sign up Rm. 200 Nebr. Union 4 "RAMPARTS OF CLAY is one of the most sophisticated protest ffens ever made. Like THE BATTLE OF ALGIERS, it is a re-creation of an actual incident, recalled in a spirit of quiet fury.' Time Magazine Sponsored by UNION SPECIAL FILMS directed by: jean-Iouis berfucefli dec. 5 3, 7, & 9 p.m. Sholdoil Xi i. X X. X oplional pit! . fc. ?yrr .. ... HUMBUG IoOkxih npix)tht;us) nasty little creature which swoops m on the Christmas runh Its many mutations include: THE DUMB BUG. Hangs out behind store counters or saloa floors Sometimes known as inexperienced help THE JUNK BUG. Nestles in llashy merchandise and hatches on Christmas Day rendering the item useless THE GREED BUG. Inlosta. price tags causing excenaive swelling The Humbug attacks the Christmas spint Causing loss of smikj. ringing in the ear pain in the neck and shortness of dollars II untreated can lead lo dashed hopes. TREATMENT OF HUMBUGGERY While symptoms can he severe treatment is quite simple This year do as murh shopping as l0Mible at a TEAM tteclronrji Center. TEAM s experienced sules staff is also friendly and courteous TF.AM s merchandise is always ol lop quality with a varKtly of resisted brand names Irom which to choose TE- AM s enormous buying power aMows prices to tm as low as poRBiblo. (There are over 100 IP AM Centers in the country ) T his year don t let the Christmas rush go to your head Come in lor a shot of TE AM spmt and have a happy humbug tree holiday TEAM'S BEST BUYS FOR THE SEASON. PANASONIC RQ-413S PORTABLE CASSETTE RECORDER $59.95 i our opinion thu m the twtil caused Mdni in this pur e range Allow you I uirw ny ttnrn ipiiipnonn iwiiri up) external mike built-in i. a changer or turntable iiu M.iL..i. m m.. h iuIiiiI Mitt tm iludtintt wfilnn miisiaani ononis hi business and reluctant loiter wnlui. GENERAL ELECTRIC TA-800 8-TRACK RECORDER 8 vtf.'yx GARRARD ZERO 02 AUTOMATIC TURNTABLE $169.95 The follow-up loGnrtatd lopolthtHine two tuoc Han the Illinium zero backing error lone arm lovnr operated anli tikfltn device ovet hang ant) lill ndajstments and doens of other Mlut es thai will nam you a big kiss (mm any audiophile you give it tu II : 1 1 rmmmTT fr I i m MM E I H , . si i r i e u r. si, i , m $119.95 T he Great Entertainer n exceptionally versatile Allow recording Irom many sout ces live from microphones Itwo included), oltthe air, Irorn ret.otdti or another tape deck OneAll twitch lets you record one channel or all four Plenty more lentutes t,om in and Ity it ELECTRONICS Comer of 21st & "0 435-2959 ALTEC DESIGN I LOUDSPEAKER $199.95 t 1 Musi be heard to I believed1 if" It Altec latent and one ol J iltgroatest Anettremuly ellicienl two way speaker system rjf' iBuliitirig a big 10" wikiIki anil horn iwi'eter uneo wainui cannier nas end of hanttttttme black slate Presently only available at T LAM Also 3 locations in Omaha ,f M iwiiimiw!101 C PtCKiction- AUNIIvtWAl PiCfUW TCHNICCX.OB, , ft PLAZA 11 l Fai,y 1:00' 2:45-4:30' 6:15' 8:00 and 9:45 Their goal... assassination. Nov. 22,1963...accomplished! 10IEI1T iI0 andlliUL GEEH PG as FfJWARD I EWIS oioduciion PROBABLY THE MOST CONTROVERSIAL f U M OF OUR TIME STARTS FRIDAY DOUBLE FEATURE PROGRAM! mmmmmmm,mpmmm.immmm mm I if. f - , H ' Rome. Before Christ. After Fellini. An AlBIKIOUIMAIiXI't,,),.!,., FELLINI SATYRICON PLUS (81 'fNBTlJLlliJITjS iBBI Dm I y Ht 1:30, 3:30. :30, 7:30 and 9:30. Her business was pleasure. Until her date with.. a AA I Jr !L l'l Set it., .find out whatit mean .I Wednesday, december 5, 1973 daily nebraskan p.i' 7