i doiu f kC : aamaaMuitta inmnnurM, ni'in n, v 1 s X:x Big 10 named in suit 1 ' e 'V", at.. - ' ...jut- - , - .jit v y A &,, , , I The Big 10 controversy ov-t i Uc representative reached ih" xuni ot cont; -fence's Rose Bowl d I jiA'sui t Tuesday as a Michigan student sought to o.'eiunn Sunday's vote to send Ohio State to Pasadena. Michigan and the Buckeyes played to u 10 10 tie Saturday and ended their seasons deadlocked U-x the Hi;; 10 title. Conference athletic directors, in a secret telephone vote the next day, elected to send Ohio Suite to Pasadena on Mew Year's Day to face Southern Cal. The lawsuit was filed Tuesday ly a University of Michigan graduate student, represent ir.g i (in :!', the University's students and Michigan taxpayers. The suit named as defr-mUiiiry li'.n 10 commissioner Wayne Duke, the Big 10 and athletic directors of the conference- schools It seeks to have the pre,! .dure ns d to i.clect Ohio State declared invalid because it vioL.tcd Ji;c liiocrss of law. Until two years ago, conference rules aujom.nicaliy provided that in the case of a tie for the league idle, the team which had been to the Rose Bowl most recency wu-jid not get the bid. The Husker wrestlers practice for Saturday's Air Force Invitational after a successful showing last weekend in the Oklahoma City Open. Sophomore Bob Johnson led the Huskers in Oklahoma with a second place finish in the 190-pound division. a lie vote bunday woue.i r,. the Buckeyes traveled to Papule, was 6-4. There was some spirculet io starting quarterback Dennr; FM partially responsible for (!,' du suffered a broken co!larbon i.m. r:i i.'nchigan this year since l ytee. The vote reportedly m miuty to Michigan S.:luf.l:iy might have been ) '.- mo Ohio State. Franklin f-.ioi 1 1 1 'iu,ii ter. Intramural swim meet to surface next r Cl id if Entries for the intramural swimming and diving meet are due by tomorrow. The meet, which will run Text Tuesday through Thursday, features 12 separate events. Last year "we had many participants in our swimming meet, but I feel this year will be even better," men's intramural coordinator Phil Sienna said. In addition to the swimming and diving meet, there is a basketball marathon now being played. "The basketball marathon is the only intramural activity in which a team may organize regardless of organizational affiliation," Sienna said. Play in the marathon began Monday and will run through Dec. 7. The single elimination tournament is called a marathon because a team plays every weekday as long as it continues winning. A basketball managers meeting for all Class A, B and C teams will be next Wednesday at a place and time to be announced later. Sienna said he has been please d with the first semester intramurai activities. "Everything has run according to plan. I am particularly pleased with the results of the football program. It was exceptionally well officiated and supervised, which mad-.' for a smooth season," he said. Events scheduled for the fiist month of next semester include basketball, paddle ball doubles and water polo. flf ihi- top 1L) in AH University poe.tv 1. A each 3U ?.. t'--;.i .'v'jin.i F'si 31. b 3 Tt: ta a i 4. Alplia i v: Onie-H ?9.0 b. Pni C i.rmm Delta 23.0 C. Bet Pi 20. 7. Sigina A',.;iu ITpsifou 1.!. b C A ' h i VI! i iS.O 9. Ab'-I X t 10. Au -i :, ii T o 0 S)ecial, dual contiol r.ais iiumh tliat ycju can learn to drive with your insttuctoi inconstant control of the car. He'll pick you up at your duo: and bring you back after each lesson, No extra ch.it ri- foi weekend oi evening lessons. BankArner u.at d oi ".l.istei Clmrtji-, You'll learn to diive at youi convetni-rK.c, .vith discount on yout first three lessons. SYSTEM DUAL 17- DUAL SYSTEM IVING SCHOO CALL 477-5223 3601 O" W X McCOX TXNE DEC.2'8RM.'j( 1 j A! KIMBALL h 1973 international jaz critics' poll "alburn of the year-winner i i i i r i r i "t T i n n nnn mw. m k 1 m fef? I m KM mr(& 0i mm 1 J CHRISTfTlAS WRAPPING Let us wrap all your Christmas Presents for for You. Save time and trouble. . . Let us wrap it. I t -C.W pfcl' r page 10 daily nebraskan 4 '( '