Liberals spaced out by Sky lab 's advantages ll is stili fashionable among tin? radical chic circles of the liberal left to condemn America's space exploration program as a wasteful extravagane, d'vcrtinn both attention and gigantic sums of money away from pressing earthly needs. Significantly, however, many foimer critics of U.S. space efforts now perceive the Skylab Program in a more favorable light-and well they should. The common consensus is that the Skylab set ies, a "permanent" orbiting spar:e station manned intermittently by three crews of astronauts, is the most productive program of manned fhghts yet launched into space. In sharp contrast to other missions, Skylab has been an earth-oriented program from which practical payoffs may be realised. j Sophisticated cameras and sensors ! that measure temperature, color, light I and other variables enable scientists to i better scrutinize vast global regions. I Environmentalists are able to monitor j air and water pollution. Land-use j problems can be examined. Diseased crops may be more readily spotted. Earlier detection of hurricanes and other natural disasters now is possible. Skylab-spurred advances in medical technology are augmenting doctors' abilities to remedy human ailments. ohn vihstnd different drummer Apart from the usefulness of the Skylab program, it is important to note the bargain basement price at which we are benefiting from it. The current 1974 appropriation for the space program of $3,046 billion (85 per cent of which goes to Skylab) amounts to less than one and one half per cent of the United States' total annual budget. This year's funding level for NASA is the lowest since 1962 and represents a startling 40 per cent drop from the exorbitant mid-60s levels of over $5 billion a year. In Congress, for the first time in years, there is almost uniform praise for space efforts. Indeed, such improbables as Kennedy, Hughes, Tunney and McGovern lent affirmative votes to the lopsided 90-5 tally by which the Senate authorized current NASA funding. New Jersey and Virginia were not the only Republican disappointments in this month's off-year elections. Scores of U.S. cities also pave the GOP something to worry about. While many Democratic victories could be traced to solely local issues, they were far too numerous to be explained away by the Republicans as mere coincidence. The GOP candidate for mayor of New York City polled the lowest Republican vote in the city's history (16 per cent), and his party was left with only five of 43 city council seats. Connecticut took no fewer than 32 towns out of GOP control. Supposedly entrenched Republican officeholders in Philadelphia were swept out of office. Minneapolis voters gave control of their city council to the Democrats for the first time in memory. The GOP lost control of Cincinnati's local government in its sharpest setback in 40 years. Why did the Democrats do so well? While local issues and personalities played their inevitable role, Watergate and it is painful for me to admit it cast a pall over the entire Republican party on election day. The Democrats were able to get out their vote. GOP voters either switched parties or simply stayed home. And yet, a handful of highly-placed individuals were responsible for Watergate, and got the Republican Party. It will be another tragedy for the American political system if the people are unable to discern that very sl-cii ui iluiji i. Letters autx,:,n in the Daily Nebraskan at the editor's discretion A lei tor's appeal unce is based on its timeliness, or'gmai'tv. coherence and interest All (otters must be accompanied by ih wnier's true name, hut may be submitted ')t publication under a pen name or initials. Use of such Icrtcs will be determined by the editor. Brevity is encouraged All letters ,nu stibf'Ht to condensation and editing. Big Red head Dear editor, I would like to refer your readers to an article in the Nov. 19 Lincoln Evening Journal. In it, Mike Keller of the Corn Cobs explained to the members of thc'Extra Point Club the plans to construct another UNL' rnaf cot-- -another 'cot tonplck i n' head! Wei!, that figures; this dad-burned university performs in "creativity" as poorly as it does in other areps- crappy! I'd Mkt: o know why in Bob's name, $1200 to $1500 is spent on a head for a mascot? Especially when no one knows what value the head has as a mascot. Why don't we name the football and other athletic squads the University of Nebraska Heads? If the Colorado Buffaloes can have Ralphie, who 's a buffalo, how come the Cornhuskers get stuck will i a cottorpickin' head?! John Johnson "lAf crHe.cs wallow in vJATEBGArns . . . PWIPfvir NIXOM, JOLV, 1973 1 ,3 A 7 Q Health aide thanks Ui'UI fllll'il, On lich.i'f "I the health aides ol Cathei Pound Hi :,kIi in I'-'IK, I woul'l like to sinceiely thank you ,'ni your c'm;ci ,k" of out recent "Beyond Coiict : ii ion" symposium. I 1 eel it it, veiy important that people realizo the iiiti '(i.)i p.'i! ihe health aides play in programming ,ind n ii input tanily, with the overall welfare of id tin1 University. Student response to urn .;(! piogiam and the appreciation of d.ty 10 d,.y (umIiIi aide responsibilities has been ,,,,1 ,,,,,,, .y ('IH.Oll,l'in(. The Cather-Pound health aides appreciate your support and hope to continue as an important part of the university community. Randall L. Linton Health Aide Coordinator Tke old SKf.LL rtjp all, -me ornee ol cMfcrti6) &am Myopic topic Dear editor, With newsprint in short supply, I can think of few things less necessary than a special supplement on fashion. I realize that reporting cannot and should not be limited to relevant political and social issues, but the world of fashion is too superfluous for a small newspaper to bother with. A little investigative reporting into the nature of the fashion industry, how it operates, who it sells to, how much influence it really has, would have been a far more interesting journalistic venture. Surely the Daily Nebraskan can leave tawdry publicising of expensive clothes to Vogue and Esquire. Paul L. Riedesel Fashion gripe Dear editor, The special fashion edition (Daily Nebraskan, Nov. 13) brought to mind a skeptical realization. Noticing the greater amount of space was devoted to advertising and speculating on the revenue the issue obtained, I wonder if the Daily Nebraskan is guilty of prostituting its format. This is not to say the issue was of little interest to many students, but rather that the format (being representative of the student body), should be oriented towards the purpose of that body, not the glorification of Lincoln's fashion resources. Thomas Spelts Frills or function? Dear editor, My student days at the University of Nebraska are behind me by about 25 years. Therefore, I have refrained from commenting on the articles in the Daily Nebraskan which I have disagreed with, feeling that my opinions would not be of interest to you, any of your associates or predecessors. But finally, I've seen an editorial (Daily Nebraskan, Nov. 14) which riled me up and provoked me to comment, feeling that my background warrants this. daily nebraskan I am the son of a one-time architect, a man who supervised (not designed) the construction of a building in Lincoln which I feel far su; passes the beauty of any building on the UNL campus. Back when I was in my early 20s, I was at the campuses of the University of California at Berkeley, the University of Texas at Austin, and Lousiana State University at Baton Rouge. Keeping this background in mind, i have to agree with you; this campus is not emotionally-inspiring along the line of "beauty." But I feat you fail to comprehend that the buildings of any university which has lasted over 50 years aie certain to be a conglomerate of architectural styles. I have seen such on the out-of-state campuses I mentioned. With population expansions over these 50 years, each campus's buildings are bound to be constructed at diffeient times, designed by diffeient architects. Gi anted, Oldfather Hall is not an atti active building. I feel that you have failed, again, to recognize an important fact: state universities are dependent upon building appropriations from respective state legislatures. I wish you could understand that many state legislatures will not appropriate money for a building whose chief design is frills, rather than function. Further, I will agree that the juxtaposition of the newer Administration Bldg. with the older Teachers College Bldg. is not really "attractive." But you mentioned Love Library, disappr oving its intended addition. Obviously, you are unaware of the years it has taken to secure from the Legislature the long-needed funds for expansion of that building. "jkCX, YOG WOULPN'f ReC06WJZE-Tfl PlACf NOvO.. V 'kl , 3- II III I Wfl 111 Jl -ifi 1 1 ;l: lillllfflrllllMlllTlilflllilllllfO?!" hi I, -l ira i fri H 1 "' H !r I', WSBHA , Further, you call this a "mediocre university." Then what's keeping you here? If you'ie so dissatisfied with conditions here, why don't you leave? Lastly, in your editorial, you appealed to put a lot of faith in a newly created position of physical plant coordinator. I have to laugh at the allegation that any one' man will even Ix; here long enough to upset (or even influence) appieciably the "pattern" of variation of architectural styles on this or any other long-establish. id university campus. You have the audacity to say Frank Lloyd Wright would "turn over in his grave." I say my father and many other architects would turn over in annoy. nice at your obvious lack of knowledge and perception of the entire situation. Bei t Lorubribei 1 y pa (jo 5 VV ( '( !' 1' "(J.iy, Movemtmr 28, 1973