Campus security rounds no pleasure cruise By Mark Hoffman The UNL campus security headquarters received a call about 10:30 on a Sunday night. The Smith Hall residence director reported an attempt to break into the vending machines in the Smith basement. Less than five minutes after the call, Sgt. Maurice Schuknescht was in the Smith lobby talking to residence director Dori Bush. A few minutes later he had stopped two students in the Schramm Hall lobby. A tire iron was found in the basement, identification was made by the Smith resident who first had seen the two students and confessions were obtained. Such incidents are rare, but they arc the type that cruiser patrol officers are prepared to handle, according to an officer who worked with Schuknescht that night. Many students might know the cruiser pat i ol only as traffic cops-the officers that keep students from running red lights and going 25 in 15 m.p.h. campus speed ?ones. Besides traffic control, cruiser officer.s patrol parking lots, answer calls for assistance and handle incidents ranging from fraternity rock fights to finding stolen cars. When campus security started patrolling UNL parking lots instead of cruising the streets waiting for something to happen, theft from cars was greatly reduced, he said. He ci edited student participation in reducing incidents of major crime on the UNL campus. Collier this year, a dormitory resident spotted someone stealing tires oil a car in a dormitory lot. He called campus security, and a cruiser arrived to stop the theft, although the won Id-be-thief escaped. Theie also was the Smith resident who repoited and identified the two students iu. .the vending machine break-in attempt. According to Schuknescht, it is the job of campus security to reinforce a feeling of cooperation between UIML students and campus police. In dealing with campus security, the attitude a student develops toward an officei might be the attitude towiiid law officeis he keeps for the rest of his life, Schuknescht said. "What would we gain by throwing eicy student in jail for being drunk?" he asked. It that student applies for a civil set vice job Liter on, he might be i ejected because he has been in jail, he said. Campus security, however, does not turn its back on violations such as diug use, Schuknescht said. "I took an oalh to uphold the laws ol the city, state and the (U.S.) Constitution" when he became an ol I icer, Schuknescht said. f'ailoie to do so could result in a $10,000 (me and dismissal fiomduty, he said, He said he would he risking too much by not acting if tie came acioss students using di ugs, A lb year campus security veteran, Schuknescht said campus security's job is helped by students' attitudes about college. "Students education," he UNl's lack ol (leneial honesty aie hen; loi an said, He attributed senous dime to a among students and concern loi otheis' i ights. So lai this yeai, only one majoi ci ime -a thelt horn a doimitoiy loom has been icpoitcd, he said. The Iteisnn involved was not a student, he said. He said doimitoiy theft decreased altei the beginning of the semester because students wen; able to iecognie who did oi did not live on then llonis. He said students were moic cautious about leaving their doois ojien d a sti angei was on the llooi wcdtK'sdciy, novcrnl)cr 28, 1973 Distinguishing students from nonstudents is a preventive measure, and prevention is 90 per cent of police work, according to campus security officer Merlin Howe. "If a person is on campus at 2:30 a.m., we (campus security) want to know who he is," Howe said. If a person is a student, nothing is done, he said. If the person is a nonstudent, campus security will ask him why he is on campus, he said. Nothing will be done to the nonstudent who has a reason to be on campus, even if he only is there for a walk, Howe said. If the nonstudent does not have a good reason for being on campus, campus security escorts him o(f campus, he said. Campus cruisers patrol 24 hours a day, seven days a week. "If a thief sees campus security every direction he looks, he probably won't come back," Howe said. 1 if i -1 Lv if . Jf v - - -. "Tiff rn'nr mmm ntnmi rnmuj l. daily rS ':T E f ' j(iLHiii.iLiiii"'ii'w I'i1' i'Iiir'lli"i i i-i- -'- :.l"U(ii U D -V - i y : i, nebraskan I ' j r v 5 -v. 4 1 T ). v 1 ' 1 . f. 4 4 'V l gdimm jj v 1 1 1 .r. . v ? ' i ' . i. Mil 1 ... i it 'I f 4 .... V1".' ...J I' - - Si .... 1 14 i , J