The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 16, 1973, Image 1

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friday, november 1 6, 1 973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 47
State senators: bolster faculty, citizen contact
By Vince Boucher
Two Nebraska state senators agreed Thursday that contact
between faculty members and citizens of Nebraska must increase
if schools are to fare well financially.
Sen. David Stahmer and Jerome Warner addressed the
Nebraska State Chapter of the American Assoc. of University
Professors (AAUP).
Stahmer, a member of the unicameral Appropriations
Committee, said, "People with intelligence are not doing enough
to offset the ignorance in the state."
Ho added, "It's time for students and professors to get
together and do something. Your silence is contributing to the
acquiescence of the situation."
Stahmer said he not only approves of faculty members
participating in political activity, but that he would encourage it.
Warner, chairman of the Education Committee, said contact
between university staff and the public was necessary to offset a
negative image that often surrounds educational institutions.
"People see the Lincoln senators as favorable to the university
(UNL)," he said. The main reason for this feeling was that most
Lincolnites know at least one person on the university staff, he
Warner said that because of this, Lincolnites "know the
problems and know they are real."
He explained that elected officials can only do things that the
public is willing to accept and support."
Warner criticized past controversial activities on the UNL
campus, asking if students and faculty participated in them only
to prove they have the freedom to do so.
Concerning the future, Warner said he expects "a lot of
competition between vocational and academic courses of study.
There is no question that the need exists for both, but we have to
keep a balance," he said.
He said the reduction of the Nebraska state income tax rate
Thursday eventually may mean a decrease in state funds to
One remedy may be the institution of a coordinated system
with the universities and state colleges in Nebraska under the
administration of one "superboard," Werner said.
Stahmer also called for coordination of state educational
institutions. He termed the present situation "primitive compared
to what it could be."
Projected high school enrollments for the year 2020 indicate
an enrollment decrease of up to 40 per cent, he said.
"What will this do to the state colleges?" he asked.
"I am very pessimistic about the future," he said. "I think
there is a real crunch coming; the money just isn't there."
to survey
By Chas Wieser
A survey that will study UNL foreign
language departments was outlined Thursday to
members of the College of Arts and Sciences
Advisory Board.
I he survey is to research different methods
used when teaching foreign languages and how
UNL foreign language classes now are being
conducted, according to Dave Ware, one of two
UNL students coordinating the survey
Sherry Cole, a French major and the other
coordinator of the survey, said the project is
being partially funded by the Centennial
Education Program.
"We'd like to see the language department
help fund the othor half (of the survey)," ifo:
"People living in this region are hung up or.
application. They believe if you can't use it (a
foreign language), then why learn it," she said.
Ware said language requirements are
"fading" across the nation.
He said Temple University's language
department's enrollment took a nosedive
shortly after abolishing its language
Cole said there are about 3,000 UNL
students now enrolled in language classes. Of
the 1,156 taking Spanish courses, only 17 are
Spanish majors. Cole said she didn't have
figures on how many of the 1,156 were Spanish
minors. .
Included in the survey. Cole said, will be a
question dealing with student reaction to
language requirements.
"Some people don't do well when taking a
foreign language-not because they don't study,
but Ixicause they're not capable," she said.
She explained that some people have
difficulty in learning a new language. "It's like
somebody who has a hard time learning basic
reading skills. (They) need additional help in
learning the basics," she- said.
To. alleviate this problem, Cole said the UNL
language departments should give students the
Modem Language Aptitude Test (MLAT).
She '.-.aid the MLAT tests a person's
knowledge of tin- basics which aie needed for
persons go ig into a language course.
"Some people are straight A students, but
they Hunk their language courses," she said.
Cole said the language lonuiiement: should
waived for those students who have iv in calGhinci on to new languages.
She said credit hours are declining in UNL
colleges and departments, which will result in
less money being allocated to the depai tments.
I he College of Arts and Science is losing tin;
niO'.t c.iedit hours, accoidmg to Cole. "The
language department is the first place they're
looking do cut funds)," she said.
State Sen. Jerome Warner
Term paper
clinic offered
Help in researching term
papers can be obtained from
the staff at five UNL libraries
in a special clinic to be held
Saturday and Sunday,
according to head librarian
Leslie Manning.
C.Y. Thompson Library on
East Campus, and the
undergraduate, law,
architecture tnd Love libraries
on the city campus will be
staffed with aides to help
students research paper topics
from 10:00 a.m. to 4:50 p.m.
Saturday, and from 1:30 to
10:00 p.m. Sunday.
The clinic is designed to
help students get an ear ly start
on term papers, and to give
them the special attention they
may not. be able to receive as
the deadline nears, said Miss
Manning. Three to five times
the usual number of staff
members will be on duty
during the clinic, she said.
m .U VfltV is,
Lit; .:itv- i i-if rz 6
Hj;( Ye ' f U -
tuu's - in - iiiiiinrii "-
' W"
Charlie Chaplin as Adenoid Hynkel in The Great Dictator (1940). This is Chaplin's
first dialog film and it is an hilarious yet meaningful satire: of Hitler md Nai
militarism. The film will be shown tonight at 7 and 9 p.m. and Saturday at 3, 7 and
9 p.m. at Sheldon.
Thone to
meet with
jnng tfn
:1b ?:30
The Union Talks and Topics Committee is spun'.
"M,.r. Vnur Pr,iiiirpnian" Tuesdav at 1
p.m. in the Nebraska Union Small Auditorium.
Hep. Charles Thone (R-Neb) is lo meei ifiili;i'lu;,lly v."th
students and answer questions at the session, a,:Mdmg i. an
C;tnrlintc intornctiul ill ll;iul(l(l lunch Willi IllOUe al VS .'S'-)
p.m. in the Harvest Room should cont.iet ih
Office, Union 115.
Union !'i (.(
CSL hears housing
clarification request
By Mark Hoffman
A student icqucsl for housing policy clarification and
committee reports dominated discussion at the Council on
Student Lite (CSL) meeting Thin sday.
At is.vie was whether dormitory floor lounges, hallways and
Udiiv .ell-; were public areas. John Wiltse, student assistant at
llaipei Hail, ieiiesrpd the clarification.
Wilts..- n-!.vntaincd that a discrepancy existed between
Housing Office policy and the Student Discipline Code as to
whether students ol the opposite sex violate rules if found in
areas off limits alter Residence Hall Assoc. hours.
He asked that a clarification he given, hopefully in favor of
making floor lounges, hallways and stairwells public areas with
2 hunt visitation.
CSL ineinhei f ly Mcyerson repotted that Ken Bader, vice
chancellor for Student Affairs, was writing a report on the
open lounge polic y Wiltse discussed.
I hat icport is supposed to t; completed by the next CSL
meeting on Nov. ?'J, fie said.
In other business, I im Evenson, student member of the
Housing Policy Committee, reported on pi ogress of the
differentiated housing task force he chaiis.
The task force is to make recommendations to CSL about
changing current UNL housing policy, Everson said, and will
send ou t surveys to UNL. students to guago student opinion on
those recommendations.
I hi lask I or co recommendations include holding classes in
duinMt.nies and providing different living arrangements in
, I, .milium s such as one dorm containing only coed Hoots, with
i...i and women housed on the same floor. Another dorm
n ight follow tlx- traditional same sex format with only limited
vi tali1 )' i