The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1973, Page page 7, Image 7
Fine last time to gssfts s&tfg : I If ifefM I (SO WE'LL TRY IT AGAIN ) Only this time, we'll do it at both stores. The gimmick is very simple: the first five people to bring a properly completed puzzle to either our downtown store (414 South 1 1th) or the Gate way store on Friday, November 16th, will receive a free pair of stereo headphones. (Five pairs of headphones will be given at each store, however, you can win only once). After the first five at each store, anyone with a properly-completed puzzle can buy the headphones at half price. The list of manufacturers below contains all the answers to the puzzle. You must find the word that both fits the space, and allows for the con struction of other words. You will find all of these brand names -- and more - at Stereo Studio. One other note: Our downtown store opens ;it 9 a.m., Gateway at 10 a.m., and you will find the fine stereo systems shown below, along with headphones (free and otherwise) at both location1-; ACOUSTONE ADC ADVENT ALTEC AR BARZILAY BASF BOGAN BSRMCDONALD CRAIG DISCWASHER DUAL DYNACO v EMPIRE ESS FIDELITOWE G AMBER-JOHNSON UTAH HARMANKARDON WATTS JBL WEST F. K KOSS YAMAHA MARANTZ II - l M :' LXETxi n H i i f i i i y i i i i i i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 n "rrr y 1 1 1 1 1 i i lib m-rrrrn H.z , 777: zixrrm F MINI LU - iiftri 1 n lu ' LI ' 1 ' llllllll oi:nxzzgi j' f'j MAXFl L METROTtC MUSIC & SOU:ll3 PIOllEhF CAR Al't-S PRO Lh't-: SAE SF.WNHEISCR SHU RE SONY STAX SUr'EREX SLfiEnSCOPE TANOBERG TEAC THCKf.iIS UN I VERS MY SYSTEM 3 wii inwwww .fiii.' - - : . MVV ''V'rirw'iM' 'Mf f. , SYSTEM 4 SYrntM price 499.00 The i..ilr il m hut 13 :t; M.i .mi fN.-! ; ' M' iilmoit i'j,il)ii'ty. ii i.i(iM.i-'i') v.ii!-; 'ii.-'.i...ti., I;!.;:; i 40 H l(. I'd ! H will! t '!.'. I I M'n 1'iiir .n,.i i-i. mii-.-I-;I.. O.'T ( 1 v I-' 1 ( 1 1 1 V It1' iw ti .1: 1 1 I ir 1 ii 1 ' I 1 ..M hiI 1 m ,! provisii )' !'- ftr r. k 01 J ' .1 1, n 11 r, ';(! 1 t !.. ', r 111 ' d Wdlnul-ll' 'H'l ( lI'IMl'!. Thr I'-SH h10 A'X .I l...m,i'ir ' j r 1 1 f . . i . J '.n-.i.i fd in sysii-u. 3. Smi !!mi 'm.iI:im A I "i , i! i i much if i;iIit .hat: ! ihc ; v'l!'l, Svvi i: '1 i .:j ..,,, Sld n nun Willi Mii-Milli. Ii ."Uii-I i f.1 f.:.':.w. H-c.-iv-'i. Wnh mi ;: (.in!-, ,, tiom I ,1 .11 I f 1 1 . ' ' l I :l II ll".'. t ll.lll ,i i i ill ' ij i.ti' in iiu lufiir. I. . An .1 Mh' :;V0 in. InCii.s I '' i v'. Ml '. :ii 'i s 'in' inrluil i . ' . i j 1 . i i 1 1 1 .' ( . I li.inillinil I lin .1 i ..",,1 lihni .i iTi"ilmm- 1. 1', i i'Hici . e;oL.o This mndium-buclyt.'t system offers some of the btat values in top namo hnmrh. The matchless Marunt Model 2010 AMFM Storco rocuivor is the conti.T u! ili systnm. Its 20 watts RMS is ratud with Ibss than 1 total harmonic distortion. The Model 2010 has signal-strength tuning motor, gyro-touch tuning, stereo indicator light and many additional features. The BSRMcDonald 510 AX is actually a full-siorJ turntable. Damped i up nnit pauso control make finding your favorite record selections simple, and tho sym I.k.m ous motor is built to keep its speed and last. The BSH 510 AX comes cnmpleie v-itn base, dust cover, and magnetic cartridge. The smaller Advent Loudspeaker offers an uncommon value in sound. It h.i'. been compared favorably with speakers twice its sie and price. Stereo Review man iVino Said,"ln respect to balance, low-frequency solidarity, clarity and definition, t ho Smaller Advent ranked with some of the best.,." I 1ST PHICI o.ri.'ll) SYSTEM PRICE 399.00 EVERYDAY LOW PRICES AR 2AX SPEAKER I ) Rj. $106 AR 7 SPfcAKl-R I i i !( lt Reg. $52 SENNHEISLH VlD4l4 EARPHONES I r.i ;; V.'.' " Reg. S3G.95 SHORE MU3E CAR ! RIDCi! ! r.i :!; )' Rg. $20 styo 414 South Ilth & Gateway 432651!!! THE BEST BUYS ON QUALITY COMPONENTS thursday, novomher ih, 1:,7 ' daily nebraskan