The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1973, Page page 6, Image 6
ooooooooo oooooooooo o THE NEW LGII IS K STOKE I) rah dorm room. Splash it with Logos posters! 204 No. 13th Douglas III Open 10 am - 10 pm Monday - Saturday Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160-page, mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to 2 days). RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 11941 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (213; 477-8474 or 477-5493 0u: .search material is sold for research assistance only. $11.99 THIS LUG SOLE SHOE IS GREAT FOR HIKING OR BIKING. where everything is beautiful 1107 O' St. T Red or blue $24.90 HERE THEY ARE! The repeat of a sell-out. The original SUPER STOMPERS for the active man. 6 inches high, these stom stompers are constructed of butter-soft water repellent NU-Buck suede with padded calfskin collar and full leather lining for extra warmth. The long wearing cleated skid-proof sole is great for trucking over campus. We also have the low topped stompers with padded collar and long wearing cleated sole Red, blu, or brown and only $19.90. v r".'. ' ' ; "''s.. ' V mtt, 55 A T,v ' GATEWAY SHOPPING CENTER Mutt ff-1i! ( Mtm HOno''1 The Menuhin Family in a special concert honoring Willa Cather FRIDAY DECEMBER 7TH8 KIlTIBflLL HALL o TICKETS ON SALE THURSDA Y MORNING, NOV. 15TH, A T WESTBROOK MUSIC BUILDING. Students -$3.00 TICKETS WON'T General Adm. - $6.00 LAST LONG, SO Patron Seats - $25.00 M DON'T DELAY! The Continuing Story of Herman & Eloise. . . . HERMAN: Are you going to the Opera? ELOISE: No, I don't like operas. HERMAN: But this is a different kind of opera. It has all kinds of neat things in it. ELOISE: I don't care I'm stubborn that way. I hate to sit through a bunch of bad music and bad acting! HERMAN: Well, I don't care if you like it or not. I'm taking you, and you're gonna dress properlyl TO BE CONTINUED I JUL During the holiday season it's hard to to fit everyone into my tight schedule For those who want to beat the Christmas Rush and assure them v selves of a portrait, my price reduct ," tion will run through Nov. 30th. regular rait) 1 tH p'nc! charcoal If IP 00 ok acrylic before December 00 1310 NORTH 21 ST. A CIGAR IS A FRIEND Few companions have the warmth of a cigar. Few have the taste or the glow. Cliff's Smoke Shop has the most varied and complete selction of cigars in Lincoln for those who seek that smokey, pleasant fellowship. Come to Cliff's, 12th & tj'. Meet our good friends. Cliff's Stftl? Sh&p page 6 daily nebraskan thursday, november 15, 1973