The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1973, Page page 5, Image 5
Memories of Mideast wars prompt peace pleas Isaac Yomtovian is a graduate student from Iran. By Isaac Yomtovian The year 1948 marked the beginning of Israeli independence. That same year I was born to a Jewish family in Tehran, capital of Iran. In 1956 when the Sinai war broke, I realized the Arabs were not ficjhting against individual Israelis, but against the whole Jewish nation. I also realized I belong to that Jewish nation, and my life and "future are not independent of Israel. This attitude made me want to study more about myself and my nation. In the summer of 1967 the daily and hourly news reports interrrupted every activity in Israeli. The pressure and tension of the political and military situation was so high that hardly anyone could work properly. Then I witnessed another bloody war. Israelis claimed victory, but no family was happy about it. It took a long time for Israelis to adjust to the situation. Apparently these wars were not finished. In 1967 a new war started: "The Guerrila War." This time it W" f i I V opinion was at home, not on the boundaries. Letters containing bombs, bombs at bus stations, stores, supermarkets, schools and many other public areas caused death and injury tc many persons. In 1969 I spent my summer in Europe where I talked to Arabs from many countries. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to have even a common conversation about the Mideast, especially Mien they learned I was Jewish. This year on October 6 another historical disaster occurred. It is significant that it began on the Jewish holy day of Yom Kippur and during the Moslem holy month Ramadan. (Fasting is a part of both.) I was at the Tiferet, Israel, Synagogue when a friend told me about the war. I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop my tears. All my bitter memories of the last war flowed into my mind and disturbed my whole mental outlook. I wonder: are these soldiers guarding their country or being used as tools for testing another country's new war equipment? Oil has been used as a very effective tool against Israel. Any country supporting Israel won't get oil, although Arab supporters are able to enjoy the oil supply. Thailand pilots, Japanese guerrilla, Chinese equipment and advisors are other tools used against Israel. So who is fiqhting whom? There are at least 14 large Arab countries that have rich natural resources and good oil exports. They spend much of their incomes on guerrilla warfare and army purchases, while the percent of uneducated people there remains very high. Thoy contend that the main reasons for these wars arc refugees and Israeli-captured lands. I believe if they really care so much about their brothers, they could accept them into their lands and try to educate them. They have the ability and needn't wait for their enemy to solve this problem. Surely the land problem could most effectively be solved by negotiation, net with blood. It if fortunate that American people realize the Mideast problems. But it seems to me the majority, especially the young generation, are very passive. Many of my American friends did not know about the recent American armed forces alert. I strongly believe any person who cares about humanity and peace must support the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations now going on. Let's write the leaders of the involved parties and encourage them toward the peace negotiation, proving we do care about peace and justice. Mr. Anwar Sadat Mrs. Golda Meir Jerusalem, Israel Cairo, Egypt ""y1"" " '-"" ! whe-jhw mnia ii .,,,1 ' i f .iaMBttranMMrrwr jMWiaii main iwm umi wmm STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM PIONEER 1626 ULTRALINEAH kSpcKikers. . ?GARRARD 74MS .Turntable. . , -151.85- Value Sby.ou $679.80 Value SAVE $180.90 m ' 1 $49900 masaiM $309 - 1. 4 s'i I -Z J if Ab .ri ; 1 STEREO COMPONENT SYSTEM Pioneer 424. . . .$199.95 Marnntz Speaker 120.00 BSR310X Turntable Z&95 Value $399.90 SS.IO Value rtrrrn r Al J n All TUT y""" SYSTEM 1111 111 iiuu J.- Winthrop ( Speaker . 69.9555- BSR310X ir urntable 79.95 r . !Sr f. '. Value $l359.90--2- J' J -riMMmk l"i " . m 310X . 1 MtOONAtD LI If Automatic Turntable Value Refl. $59.95 Turntable . $44.50 Cartridge . 24.45 Uase. ... 5.50 Duf.t Cover . 5.5Q W Value sa.yo ;1 -WJ Mmmm' S381 SAVE $20.00tSa Thn VAiro rf Miic;H S7095 Dn. rnmnnnnnt vfpm H VUIIIMUIIUIM I ....a . r. A k. v A r li f i(C VI Si JAt 4 Speed Changer Volume, Balance Control r RrM if l :-; HI I - ii 1 I ill i-ra i--" jLrii : 1 11 00 '..';;fl 1 $359.90 Value $ W II SAVE $179.95 imiiiiiiMif Ill Ill II Ill II II I 'V "1. Ii$148.80 Value -5T7-y7j II t -7? . Ij SAVE $68.857; JOT II 179 95 3 Way Speaker System 10" Woofer 4" Midrancu 3" Tweeter s44? SL750 Automatic iTurntable $ 109.95 1 U Ml 1 0 m C 2I:1I 57(195 17 ICartridge iase. )ust Cover Value $ mm m m t J , 1,1. . t I Speaker SYSlern ii tj: 'n" Wt.ufiir SAVE s30a M 559" Reg. $29?!J IMHIII mm 11 1 umi 1 III . M M M fflgrfl iff mrrf- iMtaiiiMmirimw'-"- .. .f it 1323 0" St Ph. 432-3356 titursdav. novembcr 15, 1973 dai,V nebraskan m Jfc" "W mp - mm pacjn 5