The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 15, 1973, Page page 13, Image 13
n i i aab DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed In person In Nebraska Union 34 weekdays 8-12 and 1-5 or called in between 8-10 only at 472-2588. Cost is S cents a word a any, $1 minimum. Payment In advance is preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americurri also is accepted in p.'tymont of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are GO cents additional. Deadline for ads Is 3 p.m. the da before publication. No refunds. No responsibility is assumed for more than one Incorrect insertion of any ,i' ivc-r tisement. HITCH HIKER MATCH-UP Needed: ride to Denver Nov. 20 or 21. Will help pay gas. Call 47 7-1 104, nights. Need ride lo Chadron for Thanksgiving. Will share expenses. Contact Margaret 435 2961, 315 ( B ) FOR SAL E Need good home for two adorable kittens ( fi mo. old). Outdoors preferably farm. Call Kathy 472 2598. (free) IVioilow Persian cat free. 432-4936, evenings. I f- 1 -1 yr old, fixed male cat, house trained, cat pan, food, kitty litter, must find home or i -troy moving. Call 475-4142. Oklahoma Tickets (two). For sale. 4'.H. aa04, ale evenings. Skiers Look!! Must sell by Monday Ht'ud 3(0 skis with saloman bindings. 190 cm. Good condition. 1 yr old. $100 or be m offer. 475 6309. !.'n'. kp;ii. ker mummy sleeping bag. 3 lb polyester insulation. Mi i ti coloi od nylon shell 8i nylon lining. Finished sue 33" x Hi." ivjth parka type hood with drawstring and (0) lock. Hand u i m aibinc w a s h a I) I e . r emper.iture rated 20 Regular $ I ! . - ). special S I 5.00. ",U ro L US CI- N T V. H , 1000 West "(.'' :.: (. Ciii:.(v, I. a 2 Guitar. Call ;;i-rm Uixby, 4,'-5073 after 8:011 p.m. t'h.irr- i'.A System with accessories. Oil! Minim P.ixby, 47 5073 afptr '1 00 p.m. 1 0 :.p .-;.! loys !ike. Excellent luiutiiioti. 132 b:J4. in xieeit lnk', do iPIo luako lovers, cri;t':r pull pinkos, heavy duty ' h.i'm lock i ti c 1 u d od . 4(( 0'.i3. new . no tires mounted and I i! ed on 15 x 10" chromes. J .'.14 4 T.'. 1'J 'I i i'l-'nid. ;M V 3, automatic, if. !' ', ox i. client condition. 4 '.' uh-.v:-. 1'if..-i riisiin'i. duotl condition, i'liDiu- 4 .!-.' 4 I Jit. 'ii-l f'lym'iiitl' Rebuilt economical -. Call 4HM 24 70 alter G (:'. VW nfbuilt, runs great. 27 mpg in town! 4 75 'A'V.ih, i.-i CiiiK 'icn SA'ii lor patty l.ivopj l.iI! f -4 . I Stephens Si ASiiuiiic, 47 3') 11. Hitt.h I likcr Match Up imiiii' vino v. Iici c I'or I 1'' NitiI ;i i i'!'','t i'l: I s 1 Ailvft I isc ill ( ( i w !),' Iv Molg.isJ .ni W;inl V.!. 1 1 id' It -IiK'.'I MjU'Ii Up. i.M if., i ',.'! . Spfi ml i m .' i'.iv lid il.iys. ,'( ( i I M !! il I ! ,(.'. Ad', cm I I i- ;.p I I n iiilv.HliW I - ;.il,P.- I u ; ; , . Nov. I 5, i II i III n.!v i'', in. :n p.w - y j n i W1D UUb 1972 Royal Jupiter 12 electric typewriter. Carrying case included. Good condition. Call 435-9213 or 477-8681 after 7 P.m. HELP WANTED Wanted assistant director of recreation and volunteers. Full time management position for person with skills and ability to work with elderly and disabled In hobby, recreational programs, etc. Send resume to Madonna Professional Care Center, 2200 S. 52nd. Aircraft Electronics Repairmen, Aircraft Instrument Repairmen Aircraft & Power Plant Mechanics. Electronic and Instrument repairmen must have bench experience. Airplane and power plant mechanics must have experience. License helpful but not required. Part time or second shift may be available. Contact Duncan Aviation Lincoln, 432-6657. Wanted immediately girl to sing with established local club group. If interested call 435 6642 anytime. EITHER SEX need part or full time help. Flexible hours. Driving cars. Car Park, 1318 "M". Part time attendant wanted. Crest Oil Company, 1545 Cornhusker Hwy. Drive the rotary-engined car that's sweeping America at Mazda of Lincoln, 50th and O. Big Selection RX-2 Two-doors and four doors O RX-3 Two-Jo, s, four doors and wagon: Si Noon & evening waitresses. Part time or lull time help. Short hours. Apply in person. Knolls Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney Rd. or call 432 2843. WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Cocktail Waitresses. Good salary if you want to work. Call after 11 a.m. 434-0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Hwy junction 6 & 70. Afternoon available. 2 4 daily. Vine. 476 hostess position Noon to 6 p.m. Apply J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & 4112. Attention morning, afternoon and night busboy position open. Part time or full time. Flexible schedule. Apply anytime. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th fi, Vine. 475 41 12. Part-time Xmas help needed. Apply at Toy and Spting Gds. Dept. Eithpr Treasure City Store or call 439 8851 or 434 8241 PAHT TIME JOBS AVAILABLE FOR FVF MEL N. FLEXIBLE HOURS. GOOD PAY. 488 4424. Part time salesman nights and weekends. Experience helpful. Salary open. Apply in person. Bostonian Shoes- Gateway Mall. FOR RENT LINCOLN GENERAL AREA, bdrm. furnished apt, $0! 432-7671. NEAR DOWNTOWN CAMPUS. 1 bdrm. furnished apt. Utilities pd. $1 15. 432 7G71. 2 BDRM. UNFURNISHED APT. Appliances, most utilities pd. 434 023J. is Come in for a ni. iimi 3 mK'' v.yM? ' l. . I I. VX si i North side of the street at Look for the big, Vacancies for second semester, both male and female, at Cornhusker Co-op, 705 N. 23rd Reasonable rates! Phone 475 6796, ask for House Officer. ROOMMATE WANTLD Female roommate wanted to share spacious living quarters-needed immediately. 477 6109. 1 or 2 female roommates immediately. 2 bedroom apt. $150. 477-1031. LOST Lost two rings in first floor women's rest room in Oldfathar-Call 475-772 1. Reward. SERVICES Dressmakiny: formats, wedding dresser, daytime domes i CLIFFORD fSh04 5J. 4fth 489 01!)8. For information on travel, study, homestays, voluntary so(vicu and jobs abroad, see OVERSEAS Of'FORTUNIT II S CENTER, 205 Nebraska Union. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child 47 7 8021. EUROPE: Summer '74 MOST ECONOMICAL wayl Write: Box 1 339 College of St. Thomas, St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55105. Special prices on custom printed Christmas cards - your message, design, or both ACCENT PRINTING, 22G S. 16th. 432-7263. FREE - help with Communication for information call 434 9602 Complete service facilities Trained sales and service personnel Immediate delivery demostration ride! in I'm I'T i ii imiiii in il lUT-rrriiviriiinniriri iiTinitf' ' 1 50th and O - 489-3824 blue Mazda sign! MISCELLANEOUS Union Record Landing Library needs volunteers to help staff library. Call 477-9802 or ttop In room 11S Nebraska Union. Teacher needs ride doily Omaha to Lincoln A.M., Lincoln to Omaha P.M. Will share expenses, 551 9861. Super poll distributed Questionnaires dealing with university life, political views and student lifestyles were distributed by the Daily Nebraskan Monday to 465 UNL students. The students were picked at random by a computer. Ken Kirk, Daily Nebraskan special editor, urged those who received the "Super Poll" to return it to the Daily Nebraskan office, Nebraska Union 34 by Monday. "Results will be kept confidential," Kirk said, "and will be published in earlv December." DontRu)TE i pi i (l.niy iH'ir.i:,,dii ()K0 13 i ,:'.,'( ''iiiy, n;'' . :i !;:! 15, 1973