Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1973)
r 4 FOR SALE Mellow Persian cat free. 432 4936, evenings. Watching couch and chair. Phone 4 7 49G0. SKI BOOTS Uinge "Standard" size, 12 12 M. Not used. Go cheap! Call Milt 4t7 2703. Sale on down jackets. Hirsch-Weis 12 uz, yoosudown fill. 1.9 oz. wtor rcfiiillant rip stop nylon uheil and inner lining. Down filled collar. Cufts have elastic insert. I-rent closure is 2-way nylon coil zipper. With stuff savK in rinvy, dk. green and or.irisje. Si-'os. small, medium a "id l.iro. Regular $33.88, X fat go $36.88. Special-your choice, $29,90. SURPLUS CfcN'i t: R. 1 000 W. "O" St. U.ii kp;)..ker mummy sleeping bag. 3 lb polyester insulation. M.jjti colored nylon shell & nylon lining, Finished size 33" x 86" with parka type hood with drawstring and (B) lock. Hand or machine washable. Temperature rated 20. Regular $18.89, special $ 1 5.99. SURPLUS Cf-.NTER, 1000 West "O" Si. 5 dure P. A. System with accessories. Call Shnrm Bixby, 477-5073 aftor 8:00 p.m. Gibson EB-2 Bass Guitar. Call Shi.rm Bixl.y, 477 0073 after fl.00 p.m. rnt suptr sound from these Panasonic Technics speakers u ring 8 -inch woofers, mid norns and tweeter horns at i super price! Sold new for $30 a p.iir. now for $90 apiece. Cfiil Steve at 4 5b 7990. Two Panasonic speakers with 6-inch woof or s and 2 inch tweeters. Mfvi for $100 a pair, now tor $?li apiece Call Steve at 4.'J'j ;"C. 10 -spool boys bike. Excellent r.oiMition. 432 0294. 1 'i-r p ! biiVo, double brake l;athtjrs. center pole brakos, de-ivy duty chain ft lock inrludecl. 4f 09 73. 2 now L 60 'ires mounted and U i!,nuvt on 1 rj x 10" chromes. 1 ? AiJ7 V.jn f in bird, 300 V 8, automatic, air, r.idi,il;, cxceliunr condition. 4 70 CG83. i '1 Plymouth- Hi'built economical Ci.ginn. C;,l 483 74 70 after 6 V V -'built, runs great. 27 mpg in town! 4 75 2390. Ch.iirtnen SA's for party l.ivors Uob Stephens & Assor. 477 391 1. HF LP WANTED !.!',' , i a. I I - You are iwnOmi here '.;' vi". '!)'. ':r training, i 'i j ii I : i n (, ,i rut time ding. Cn:!,i Pi w.r Corp'iVISTA h (!, November 1 2-1 i : i K fv -. .I. a Hall IJIdij. G ' 0 U L I URAL UTS - (Dr.'orwrci r I .i'-t, i;..t l.ijrouti'l)- You art '.'' f.t r'.'.t,;:r',li, tf.ithlnq, (i-i it ic 1 tup i' teri'ilon tc ii 1 1 r - 'j irli.uJtu'v production in Mi i ot. n 1 1 s ttmtrvnn i ' .1 , t I c ,i i: u Corp', r. , Pt inn's rjov.-mbrr 12 It id :l A f( 1 1 1 i r-j,' Cimpus or i i.ii.i . f i : -j ff !; for luti-rvl-tivs. v7inlif .(iuil'Jfil diliKtur of 'H' ",ii it ,ind vountot'.. Full t.n.i- r- .in mill position for l i',iin jj,t tk ill-,. Kid ability to .inr. ui i-:-f r (mi) ifisablix) in 'ml-'.y, r.tii ional )roi)i mru, I- inn'iiii to M.idor'n.'j P'o'i- ,:,iix--',1'C CutiUir, 2.00 .,, 'j''id, 'ir-.r,: t I. i" liortK Hi'inii men, ifi'.il' I'i-.I' i, "it;'. Hfpiiiirmiri, i. ii i i n I I 'j Phwm f l.jnt Mi", ti i ' ii f lw it nriii und I n-,ti 1 1".( r I rop.iif rr.mi fiuf.t hnvu ,i , . j 7 (ou, ,;, Aifpl.irin and niwii-r j I , i f t i in- li.inii rri'nt l ; i i ,i" i in I- . ii ari(j firliiful lii M.i 1 1 .(mi i- I f ,ir I t it no of ,1'ii.rni . i f r i f j y bn iiviilahlr. t Di-ncnii Aviation, ',f fl nN , fullpart lime jotm VJiri rr-,i-i No ir.ivfl. No .ih'ii itii.i',. Good pay. 220 S. I 1 h, I'M l.t L.'Chiano. M Hf ;,(' N ELDED. Lincoln -. r u-t a t I'fi r t t irn. M F i -h-i ;f i-. :,MC t.l i iii',iny t(v. f'.iri ti"" i. n I. nit wnnlrwf. Ct:.l I --, , 1 545 Corritiii',kir if -,v, . MIHL I ViMf' r I AT t. L Y )ii V;,, in .. Ciood s.ilary ,1 yi-i v ri m -v - f V - Cull uftor M in. 4 '.4 0,'G4 HrMlvoii -, i, ,,(,..? (,iub. Cot" Muvy i, ii ii".i f h 7 0. nl ads Attention part time night cook position available. 1 or 2 nightsweek. Flexible scheduling. Management opportunities. Apply 2 4 daily. J.B.'s Eig Boy, 27th a Vine. Afternoon hostess position available. Noon to 6 p.m. Apply 2 4 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vino. 475 4112. Attention morning, afternoon and night bushoy positions open. Part time or full time. Flexible schedule. Apply anytime. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vino. 470 4112. Noon & evening waitresses. P,, t time or full time help. Short hours. Apply in poison. Knolls Restaurant, 2201 Old Cheney Rd. or call 432 2843. PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE FOR FIVE MEN. FLEXIBLE HOURS. GOOD PAY. 488-4424. Part time salesman nights and weekends. Experience helpful. Salary open. Apply in person. Bostoninn Shoes Gateway Mall. SERVICES Dressmaking: formals, wedding dresses, day time clothes at CLIFFORD, 0604 S. 48th 489 0193. HaflMMMaMHaNMBMaBnlBnHMHBpainMBanMBMMM THE NEW LOGOS BOOKSTORE lluihl ift a friend tvitli o Logos card. I 204 No. 13th Open 10 am - 10 pm Douglas III Monday - Saturday is STARTS TODAY DOUGLAS I 1:30 3:22 5 23 7:23 9:32 DOUGLAS 2 2:004:15 7:03-9:10 S if, Lit 'mi? ? r Experienced typist reasonable prices. Degrees in German and Secondary Ed. 432 9041. Pregnant? Birthright cares about yon and your unborn child, 477 8021. Want to teach overseas? Come ask us how. OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER, 200 Nebraska Union. EUROPE: Summer '74 MOST ECONOMICAL way! Write: Box 1339 College of St. Thomas, St. St. Paul, Minnesota 05100. Design your own Christmas cards-take them ACCENT PRINTING, where excellent printing costs less. 432-7263, 226 S. 16th LOST Lont two rings in first floor women's rastroom in Oldtather- Call 475-7721. Reward. FOR RENT NEAR DOWNTOWN CAMPUS. 1 bdrm. furnished apt. Utilities pd. $110. 432 7671. 2 BDRM. UNFURNISHED APT. Appliances, most utilities pd. 434 0239. 1 bdrm. apartment, completely carpeted, garage, utilities paid, $97.50. 303 S. 26th. No. 3. 477 3882 after 30 p.m. Vacancies for second semester, both male and female, at Cornhusker Co-op, 705 N. 23rd. Reasonable ratesl Phone 4 70 6796, ask for House Officer. rj ii II t if A 7 : LINCOLN GENERAL AREA. 1 bdrm. furnished apt. $95 432 7671. ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommate wanted to share spacious living quarters-needed immediately. 477-6109. MlfTELLANFOUS Union Record Lending Library needs volunteers to help staff library. Call 477-9802 or stop in room 115 Nebraska Union. Foosball Tournament at Nebraska Union Games Area Thurs. Nov. 15 6:QO P.m. Doubles - Best out of 3 games Trophies for 1st & 2nd place WILC0MI COM COBS, TASSEL BIG RED FAMS 8t COmUSfCERS TO MAflATTAM Sfcit , FRIDAY 8 pm till .Wlni jht Dan cs to thn miiMC of LAFF00N. Plenty ot good, cold bfit-r. . , the nrt-i's largest danco floor , .tnd ',c.Jling for over 400 Bi'j Hwi iam. (Adiniiiioi) r1,7l per jt-ruit.) SATURDAY 10 iibi nil 1 pm park yourcah IN OUR DIG LOT AND WALK TO TUT GAMC ... ABOUT 1MILE. We'll hiivti tx ?r, (,uod food and di;c fL'ncing for your untcrtdinmorit bnfore tho tiniy. Thf !ntirc i(.fe tion center will Im open ONLY to BIG HC.D f,iot ,n w:l a$ the dance room. You cm easily stacker your w.iy to the gime! (No ddmiion.) SATURDAY AFTER THE GAME TILL 6PM Danco to LAf f-OON iit a hnj victory : ation. . .opn ONLY to BIG BED fans. Beer, food, and for your enjoy mr-nt! (Ad'niuion only bO) SATURDAY NIGHT-g pm ,m Midmt- The perfect end to a great wer-kcod (w hopeV . . dandnn and drinking to tho mujic of LAFF O0N. CArJTtRSURY COURT & RECREATION CENTER Wesf Loop Shopping Center (Wclking Distance Front THThe Stadium ) Phone: (913) 539-714 1 Teacher nemU ride drtily Omar,c. "j Lincoln A.tVI., Lincoln ,0 Omaha P.M. Will shaie"v- 5519061. FREE - help with Communk atioi. for information call 434 9002 GAY ACTION a RAP LINE -f 45-5710 f the () ) - :;k.vfe, H 3? 1 Ilfll vvf';:!f.-..i.iv, rifirrnher 14, 1973 ddily ncbraskyn