The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1973, Image 1
r daiu monday, november 5, 1973 lincoln, nebraska vol, 97 no. 39 V Seminar examines abortion question A symposium on ahot bon and its alternative-., v,o!' il hy the Health Aides at Cathei and Pound Halls, is sehi dni -d for Tuesday and Wednesday eyemmis ,it '(. Me'ia.d! Television Loumje. The Daily Nebraskan incoiUM.tly repot ted n t'n I clay issue that the two day symposium was to hi- Wednesday and Thursday nights. Mary Alice Pi ail t, a Biithiiijhl n-pioviil-iPve, will M;.n -it 7:30 ).m. Tuesday, giving a f ji m i a I overview of the al tei native's to aboihon fiom the view pond of Ivr organization. At 8: 1 E p.m., Pat Uoir-c, a (n ial vckn a! I mcolit':, Family Seivice, will cover the set vires piovidcd by ibi., with S) emphasis on adoption policies. Janet Wilcoxen will discuss at ') p m a piogiasn in winch women washina u cany through iheir proqnaiii ' ' private home1". She operates such a piouram. On Wednesday rvght, Larry Ooeir, of United Mint ' M::,l;er I" i i ica t a ; i , will give a pi ese n t a t i on at 7:30 ; " . aioial and psychological implications of ahoitiun. -t p.m., Matt l aiei, directoi of an Omaha cl inic no-.-, iiaoi ahmtions, will (iistwss tl'H' loediial and .ii". I ii r;.M lines ol 1 1 :s chnii:. I wi' Daniel1,, former executive directoi of h. V- i YWCA. will concentrate on the legal aspects of '. lli.Olasl'a .aid othei states, the effect of the la!'' ' ( , , n 1 1 1 iniuu! on abottion and the fathei's It tespcr . ! '. 01 a i n a ii) a! ioi t It a l I ine wal lie piovuled f oi -luestion and aus. . a ,i P "i e,icl i s; ji'ak el . pp.iiJ"jrwl.'iw " t: "1 i' ', r ' '.. ,1. 4 a. ' . i 1 f i h 1 1 X Uikv"'5'" ii.'..-. J I w S ' -' '! m . ,t . ''I i ; ft l .s if 1 , !Xf' ; . ' ' '1 i , IMiotos hy Gene BUickleclije teihardt dies, begins mP UfUUIUlt?U clUVtJIlLUIC I i IT .air y Ii (, ,a ''- rv.'ioitt! I,.' , I leali.ii tit, Nelirask.i's poel a ino ')'., is (lead at I hi; te 1 e .1 : ' : 1 .lint; Satut day af lei not a i at 1 1 : ,; m a 1 1, ! ', borne in Columbia, Mo ... . 1 :,! I y K'CO(iii,cd 1 1 ha. ,..,i.i' ol and deeply lined .. , 1 1 , 1 o i 1 vvas V novvn woi ll wi le , 11 i Pool. , of p. cp y, f icl ion ai m I in y I specially p 11 Hal in . , n i , e.11 w. r. his h ml'. HI.H h I Ik . , ' . h 1I1 was f 11 Si I iuble.1 ie. I in A fui beiiui r ?! to Saturday, ! ! il. 1 oi ,aid hi; wanted to take a nap. 11. died in Ins sleep at about -1 p.m. p. .in, mite the "adventure" hi; had n r a. -in, t..-d for so mi! time -an i!;..i mie" he had bei)un lookmij ..fv ad to. i ., 1 1 is iiotlini'i inoi hid about anio. ii 1.1,7. nd de.ith," be had i I-. ma, is of the flesh .aid r i a , ol I in' s pi 1 1 1 have alia te I i, , fhi f.K I thai I am jelhui ,.,il el to I lie il cbalMe, . i .. it O iiU't the I .11 I " Kin f, I f'.-'i I in Sh.ti psbui'i, , i : I I WO Ue hi', f M'.t I )i a if at ! , a 1 P I le 1 1" 'Cai ai' I a i iless ' i ol .... a t ;u , ,.) and si ivd as htelaiy eddoi ol the iini:, I'ost fo an 1 '),'b !'):: The list of , .wiids ,iii(l honorary degrees are loo imini'imis to list for i 1 V. : W7 , t v.. In Ins I.e.: J a i.i. i. o-eiled I,; a, U.h I I If I oi i ed to Had 1 1 , I "s I hi ooil i I he aid o I a I an e (ila'.s 1 I Ifie , '.'I le i nel i ioi y, espi . i ,1 1 , 'itl'Ji1 S wha b p - ( i. ! !' ' hi', ii a Mj most I'.lack I lk, ,i Sioux holy man who befriended Neihai (it, once said "He is a word sender. Ilns Aauld is Ida; a tjaiden Over this ijaiden qo he. words hlu; rain and vvfiere they fall they leave it a little ((leenei Aim! he. wools have passed, the m i,-, i1 " m .hail stand Ion') m the west hlo a !t a'lin'j tainbow," f-'Ji-il en i It ',;.e, t .'in.-i.i .sit. ii in scho, il', in I ii n ol' i M ' - a a a , on P ,.' I JfM I i 1 1 1 1 a u '. - a' " ' ' ' I a -na I r e . -rn i s ) i- V,' 'V ' ' ' , . 'J' . " ifWt . ', .- 1 ' ' .aS:..'.,' i".; r'i I, I,' . ' A . .,' ' ''.: . ' - s V- 4Nl 40 a-1. ' l It.hll ad v. 1 0 I mi '.Men rat; San I "di at 1 1 o aii i a i ad ji'ii I i i e not Ii , w : a . i .1 ol i u M o h.o 0 ! ' ai 1 a nl ' laal i , 7 hrlirs r . '(- .:'' J(. m c, ,b i.ib o;, Vl; I o is-- y hi', ii it mil ,' (' i' I a ! j : i a CliiMi 1 t 1 I