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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1973)
IT c DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can lie placed in person in Nebraska Union 34 weekday s 8-1 2 and 15 or called in between 8-10 only at 472 2C)8S. Cost is 8 cents a word a u iv. $1 minimum. Payment In advance is preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americarrt also is accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charqe orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 p.m. the day before publication. No rotunds. No responsibility is assumed for more than one incorrect insertion of any adver tisement FOR SALE Beautiful, eleqant pearl rings from Hong Kmiy $20 each. 475 9434., Prime iniu..uowi 2-12 lb. insulated Mount Hood f: uiopean type sleeping bag. International orange cover is waler repellent 1.8 oz. rip stop nylon. I his bag has drawstring hood and boxed foot. YKK delrin full dipper 2 bags will zip together for double. Horizontal ever lapping, V -1 u b e cons true I ion for maximum loft. O" temperature rated. Gross weight 4 14 II). with stuff sack. Regular sale $100, special $79.95. SURPLUS CENTER 1 000 West "O" St. Air'orce type snorkel parka. Heavy duty 70 denier, 100 nylon shell. International orange nylon inner lining. Polyester quilted insulation. Heavy duty aluminum zipper with button overflap. f lastic knit wristlets. Drawstring waist. Sage or alrforce blue. Regular $26.88, special $21.88. Sale ends with store closing Nov. 10. SURPLUS CENTER. 1000 West "O" St. FAR MSA Compact organ. $350 or best offer. Good deal. 432 6853. Akai tape deck. 7" reel to reel. $259 new. Best offer. Call Tim Click, 4 77 4033, leave message. Panasonic AM t" M stereo multiplex with turntable'. Excellent Condition. $150. Call 475 7985 after (3 p.m. One pi. fannoy 1 0" monitors. Life lime warranty. One Dual 1218 Turntable, ADC XIM cartridge. 460 4027, evening; 4756930, daytime. Ask for Lee. 1971 Firebird, 350 V 8, air, radials. Excellent condition. 475 6883. 1970 VW van with sun roof. Clean, excellent condition. 423 4106. Must sell '68 Opel. Stick, good economy. $550. After 5, 434 4927. PART 1 OF THE STIRRING STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE IN i, THE NEW LAND ft jr Max von Sydavv & g Vm. Liv 1 Jilmann A' ' ONE OF .1 , THE YEAR'S filkd2L ftf ; --JlO BEST FILMSr A-M i Sis-iisr- . migrants It BEAUTIFUL! JL! (T T7V llll i C .III" I PASSIONATE li: (MI .I I I 1 1(1 III t M.IH I'l VI'. 141 h f I WHITMAN 50c COIN BOARDS ALWAYS JUST 39c stamps ,, i , , , ,.i,ar in,,' ! , ' I I : I i'I'Ip "' I': I ',,1.!. , I .1" liwwM in n y I uu in r t'ji.'. i r im at (Mil uuiiMMtur I wmnk ads , 1966 VW Convertible. Good top. New engine has approx. 10,000 miles. Excellent tires. Great sporty transportation. Call Ron Smith 432 8851 (after 6 p.m. 477 4983.) 1965 Ford Galaxy 500. Good condition. Call 467 3191 after 6 p.m. Perfect trucking van. 1965 Dodge. Newly rebuilt six. Wide tires and tape. After 5, 434 4927. HELP WANTED DAILY NEBRASKAN needs circulation people for distribution of the DAILY NEB R ASKAN. Should have mornings free from at least 9:30-12:30. 4 days a week, (M, W, T, F). Car necessary. Decent pay. 472 2588, 89, 90. Ask for Jerri. REGISTERED X-RAY TECHNICIAN. Immediate to pull emergency week night and week-end call duty in RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT at the UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER. Apply Personnel Department, 512 Administration Bldg., 14th 8i R Sts. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. An equal opportunity employer. Live-in male Call Jack 475 8811. assistant instructor. Wright at LOMR, BRIDGE THE GENERATION GAP!! Learn to help the elderly, flexible hours, part time-full time. Apply in person. Holmes Lake Manor, 6101 Normal Blvd. 489-7175. STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in Yellowstone and all U.S. National Parks. Booklet tells where and how to apply. Send $2.00, Arnold Agency, A 206 East Main, Rexburg, Idaho 83440. Moneyback guarantee. Immediate job openings for "Cashiers", nonstudents or students carrying six credit hours or less. Good pay and benefits. Contact Student Union, 472-2181. Wanted male female checkers for evenings Saturday and Sunday. Apply Shuster's Jack and Jill, 140 Capitol Beach Blvd. 3 5 afternoons. Wanted young man, 16 yrs or over to clean meat department daily after class and Saturday hours. Apply Shuster's Jack and Jill, 140 Capitol Beach Blvd. 3 5 afternoons. Attention night waitress position open. Part or full time. No experience necessary. Will train. Apply 2 4 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th i Vine. Make your other fingers jealous. Antigua .J. Jaijoif-fii Stry.nt LitoU Sunt J St8 1124 "O" STKKIIT & GATKWAY MAI L Hgntr Jwlr Amricn Ourn Socnty Wanted delivery boy with car. Apply at Hong Kong Pizza King. 13th & Que. PART TIME JOBS AVAILABLE FOR FIVE MEN. FLEXIBLE HOURS. GOOD PAY. 488 4424. WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Cocktail Waitresses. Good salary if you want to work. Call after 1 1 a.m. 434 0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Hwy junction 6 & 70. PERSONAL HINSDALE DAY-Celebration of Life. Friday Arch Hall 12:30 on. Happy Birthday, POPCORN! Three years old today! Must celebrate at later date! "Pssstl -ACACIA and KA0 are Melodramaticl" November 8, 9, 10. Benefits to A.U.F. $2.00. SERVICES GOT VET HASSLE'S. Contact the Nebraska Student Veteran's Organization (NSVO). "Helping the Vet help himself" 472-2585, Nebr. Union, Suite 345, Rm. 9 8 10. For iformation on travel, study, homestays, voluntary service and jobs abroad, see OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER, 205 Nebraska Union. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477 8021. EUROPE: Summer '74 MOST ECONOMICAL way! Write: Box 1 339 College of St. Thomas, St. St. Paul, Minnesota 55105. Custom printed Christmas cards say more, but cost less at ACCENT PRINTING. 432-7263, 226 S. 16th. Typing. $.50 per page. No thesis work. Call 477 4624 after 5.00 p.m. ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate needed immediately. Female, Nice apartment, close to campus. 475 0284. FOR RENT Room for rent. 335 N. 18th. S60mo. 5 p.m. 10 p.m. LOW COST housing in Lincoln. Call for details: RENTAL HOUSING, 432 7671. EAST CAMPUS. 3 bdrm. house, basement, $125. RENTAL HOUSINCj, 432-7671. STUDENTS WELCOME. Near new, 2 bdrm, unfurnished apartment. Carpet, drapes, air. $170. 434 0239, 434 3628. MISCELLANEOUS Hey Vets you can pay your membership dues at the Raffle Booth! Come on and help the club. Need 4 NU Colorado football tickets, general admission. 4 75 6931. SILENT FILM SOCIETY forming. F or information send or phono name and address to Howard Prouty, 539 S. 22nd, Apt. 7, 432 0372. Starmist rnanny Come see the HINSDAlI til HOUSE Friday 12.3."i Arch Hall. 16th ANNUAL K I W Mr PANCAKE F L ST I V A ! Sponsored by the Downim , n Kiwanis Club of Lincoln. All proceeds will fund the in,,ny youth-orient :d w r k projects -Camp F: aster ;;.-..! (camp for crippled children and adults); livestock irnprovjni"iit projects, the 53rd annual : H Carnival, various y u u t n scholarships, Key Clu: sponsorship at Southeast and the 49th Annual -,l f Service Award. Thursday November 1st, 7 a.m. to H Pershing Auditorium Want to rent building fur (...Ilea,' Kegger. Call Steve 43'.' 02 I after 6 p.m. 1865 - "Booth Kills Lincoln'' ., 1 973 - "Booth In I. im;-,!., ' student union selling ticket, u. the M E LO D R AM A. $:' DO November 8, 9, 10. Benin!', i,.. A.U.F. Tickets at Union, K,"- and ACACIA. UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE UJ DC O r- V) O O 00 y2 CO cc LU universi?v p Mastercluiryi; - B.ri!.!,t.Tu'.!rii ,n t .;;;(.tl Lower Lev 'I Nrbr.r i, r 111 DC o UNIVERSITY BOOKSTOflt NFU - COURSES STILL OPEN PARLIAMENTAR Y Tuesday, November 6, Centennial CoII jcji. LEADER: Do c, PotkM BASIC PHOTOGRAPHY Thursday, Novemb. n i , G :3u in .. Nebraska Union - Hoom wii! U: pnsi - LEADER: Rick 5f-inbo.ii THIS COURSE IS DESIGNED POf 'I HE BEGINNER ,M l i ni i' r f b 4 I Mar J Wi w r CHA .1.1 m if i 3 ti M 9 'fx- vc-' H onsieur " veraoux From an idtA suf ,c?'sii ;! fr OiisuN Wi Iks! Friday, rviove , iU .''. Saturday, Novam;.. r .!. .: Thii si i.y ;.. ! , .,n" ( i,-ttl'- i a, ' ! i 1 y i (lis in ?.(.) pan. I rm I J. " H ,i : Ft.. !.i-i i". !'..( l."- I 'nine :' . 3 U p.m. H e c r a a I i o n I'l' 1-1. I 'ni a, ..,, i , i 1 1 1 1-1" . h,"' (:, ; l.ini'.n 'Kofj p.m. Ci-lllU il ''I Ar.irlli .sll il : ta l i,e, Uni'T 4 b p . m , A t t ; n ' iv," I 1 ni ni n 1 ! ,',m. ,.UI 1 'i,' n i) ;U' ,.... f ree U. " : i.i'.ie r ! i im1' i i y ' ' ' J : i i i n 7 j .. r ii, , UN I ' . :k I Oli" ' I i I ! t.c.. -' ' i (..'; ''-,. lnr', Unit n i. m . - V i n o r i t y Mar l'u ti til a U nil a i . t'lTKi'n Apii.-,'K ' T i I.. , i. ! r. n U. 'I.eli Oel.-li'..; f.-r V;,.r , ,,n ii: ai , J!' ,irm. :..'. I la UN I YE! RSI TV BOOKSTORE UK rn 53 s. f O Q V) pooscstoress m C 2 UNIVKI - .TI rv hf.;0K STORE UN IV P R 0 C E D U R E S 7.00 p.m. g lit & Umv. of rJebr. 3 ' ','""il!.0 6 jia.'iaaii.iiiiiiW''Wiiaiiiiii.iMiiiiiwiiiTi ,; r i. thunukiy, november 1, 1973 daily nebraskan ! ' ! i' I