-w- m w -"4 ' r -"- -r ( Israel, Vietnam differences cited; aid urged It's not too often that I find Democratic utterances very quotable, unless, of course, I'm berating the Democratic politician who spoke them. While browsing through the Congressional Record last week, however, I come across a particularly insightful comment by Rep. William Lehman (D-Fla.) that I would like to share with you. The stoiy, entitled "Israel is not Vietnam," possses a current significance which wo can ignore only at our peril. It is punted below: "There are many reasons for American support for Israel and for the judgment that Israel is different from South Vietnam. "South Vietnam is a military dictatorship where opposition politicians and religious leaders are jailed and newspapers critical of the government are suppressed. Israel is a democracy with strong opposition parties and freedom of speech. ohn vhscQd "In Southeast Asia, the fighting was Vietnamese vs. Vietnamese. Israel is the victim of attacks across recognized ceasefire lines by military forces of other nations and other peoples. "The South Vietnamese government asked for U.S. troops from the beginning of their war and Americans did most of the heavy fighting there for a number of years. In four wars, Israel has never asked for American troops. It has proven it is willing and able to fight its own wars. "Our effort in the Middle East is limited to counterbalancing Soviet arms sent fo the area. In Vietnam, the mistake was sending American troops, in addition to equipment, while the Soviets and Chinese were supplying only equipment. "In Vietnam, American psychological warfare experts felt it was necessary to launch special campaigns to win 'the hearts and minds' of the South Vietnamese people to the cause of their government. There is no such problem in Israel. "The United States spent years trying to force the South Vietnamese to sit down at the conference table with their adversaries. Additional months were spent quarreling over the shape of the table. For years Israel has been actively seeking to sit down and negotiate all differences with its adversaries. "It is no secret that South Vietnamese officials pocketed millions of dollars in U.S. economic aid. Aid to the Israelis has meant the draining of swamps, the building of factories, and the resettling of refugees in desert areas which were barren for a thousand years. 'There is one last reason whv Americans know that Israel is different from Vietnam. They know a Vietnamese nation will survive' regardless of the outcome of the war in Southeast Asia. If Israel loses its war, it would be the end of the Israeli nation." We in Nebraska can do our part to help assure the security and integrity of Israel. Send your contributions to the Israel Emergency Fund, Jewish Federation of Omaha, 20th and Dodge Sts., Omaha, Neb. DOLLAR PITCHERS lITTLE BO EAST iiOMiiDMfliBgtiiBngro Mm EI Im Bttik't Sbf 208 Ke. I3!ii 477-9555 477-5221 Clip wiuv ilinr I' tiiince ul (lie Supper (M Trillium;: THE MIDNIGHT IV now playing at JCwuige Till FUGITIVES Ihillouccii I'arfy Toiiili(-rirs 4515 No. 56th loii. SiH. 1 p.m. I a. m Don 'f be a Witch on Halloween! Free make-up lessons, to transpose you into a beautiful princess. Call 432-6235 MERLE NORMAN 1340 "O" Gateway 3 PLAZA I K ' ' .Mr B! I 477-1234 1 2th & P STS. r m i i m n a a ib I 1 4 S u len wa you sted u R II fR nil (If ia ti i fill I s the last f p and DAILY AT 2:00. i 4:15. 6:30 & 8:45 P.M. none When were you so impressed and involved that you spontaneously cheered? In theaters across the country, audiences are standing up applauding and cheering "Walking Tall." It is a deeply moving, contemporary film. "Walking Tall" is based on the true story of a young man who wouldn't surrender to the system . . . and the girl who always stood by him. m( rffy fa Hi v; i A i E. Z7' & tt if ,.. 4 I. ,V. , . .ii,mMi imi,.i,ii,iri if ! "f CINERAMA RELEASING ,"' i WALKING TALL 9l"ng JOE DON BAKER ELIZABETH HARTMAN ROSEMARY MURPHY w ,mortbrisk.n Mut.c b WALTt'R SCHARF t .cui.w. Pwtvcn CHARLES A. PRATT A BCP Production ui igiciiniiiiiCa InCoio' ?! .ono .untf tr Jofinny Mfthtff R IMCTIt mom CINERAMA MELEA3INO Wednesday, October 31, 1973 daily nebraskan Pc I