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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1973)
DAILY NEBR AS KAN WANT ADS can he placed in person in Nebraska Union 34 weekdays 8-1 2 and 1 5 or culled in between 8-10 only at 472 2bSS. Cost is 8 cents a word a day, $1 minimum. Payment in advance is preferred, but phone Hide's may tie charged. Bank Amencaid also is accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or change orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid with'ii five days are LiO cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 p.m. ihc day before publication. No refunds. No responsibility is assumed lor more lhan one incorrect insertion of any advertisement FOR SALE DAILY NEBRASKAN SUBSCRIPTIONS!! Great gifts for parents and non-University friends. But don't wait for a special occasion-be a little more thoughtful than usual TODAY! Cbst is only $7.00 for the rest of the school year or $4.00 for the semester. Send your chock to Room 34, Nebraska Union via Campus mail or stop in and charge it to your Bank A me ri card. (IV:,:. .-. .do it tociay-- before you forgot). Beautiful Siamese kitten, 8 weeks old, female, $10. Call 489-7401 after 3 00. Airf orce type snorkel parka. Heavy duty 70 denier, 100 nylon shell. International orange nylon inner lining. Polyester quilted i n s u ia t i o n. Heavy duty aluminum zipper with button overfl jp. fc lestic knit wristlets. Draws l ring waist Sage or airf orce Muo. Regular $26.88, special $21.88. Sale ends with s t o r o c: losing Nov. 10. SURPL US CtN I LR, 1000 West "U" St. Hi lUiiful r ! r '). i r 1 1 pearl rings from Hong Kong $20 each. 45 9434. I- A HI IliA Compact org. HI. $350 or best. I f e r . G o o d deal. GOOD EATING AT CHUBBYVILLE! Use these valuable coupons. Good anytime this week and all of next week! See 1 PORTERHOUSER 1 J ' i toturu FRIFC 1 COLESUW 1 PEPSI 1 HOT APPLE PIE n Plus. , Free Bonus Coupon 1 CHUCKLE CHEESEBURGER 1 FRENCH FRIES 1 COLtiLAW 1 HOT APPLE PIE 1 LARGE PEPSI I r '' fl In IL.'lr T nf "'V Plus. . .I re.) Bonus Coupon )Utctlils t?iJLJU. mod rff: II , ...inim (l',i' on l,',i:ef atu! loiiped wdli I GAmBLtK ( h...i:se, leltuee, tomabj and Jill tin lixin's) 1 FRENCH FRIES cc , I SMALL iHAKt !jtr awlumy) &n fA 1 COLE SLAW HOT APPLE PIE liite (N 7) jteiwjw-!)' Pius. . Free Bonus Coupon (,ulthjst! 1 I W'!iirv:!,iy,;i.'r 31, 1973 oos Prime goosedown 2 12 lb. insulated Mount Hood European type sleeping bag. International orange cover is water repellant 1.8 oz. rip stop nylon. This bag has drawstring hood and boxed foot. YKK delrin full zipper -2 bags will zip together for double. Horizontal over lapping, V-tube construction for maximum loft. 0o temperature rated. Gross weight 4 14 lb. with stuff sack. Regular sale $100, special $79.95. SURPLUS CLNTfR 1000 West "O" St. Panasonic AM F M stereo multiplex with turntable. Excellent Condition. $150. Call 475 708 5 after 6 p.m. Akai tape deck. 7" reel to reel. $259 new. Best offer. Call Tim Glick, 477 4083, leave message. Bicycles 3 speed man's Huffy excellent shape $35. 20" girl's Schwinn $10. 477 6 579. 1971 Firebird, 350 V-8, air, radials. Excellent condition. 4756883. 1970 VW van with sun roof. Clean, excellent condition. 423-4106. Must sell '08 economy. 434 4927. Opel. Stick, good $550. After 5, 1966 VW Convertible. Good top. Now engine has approx. 10,000 miles. Excellent tires. Great sporty transportation. Call Ron Smith 432-8851 (after C p.m. 477-4983.) 1965 Ford Galaxy 500. Good condition. Call 467 3191 after 6 p. m. Perfect trucking van. 1905 Dodge. Newly rebuilt six. Wide tires and tape. After 5, 434-49 2. HELP WANTED BRIDGE THE G f N I R ATI ON GAP!! Learn to help the elderly, flexible hours, part time full time. Apply in person. Holmes Lake Manor, 6101 Normal Blvd. 489-71 75. next Wednesdays Daily Nebraskan good thru November 11, 19 73 n il0 ,M1 t" $1.60 VALUE FOR SI .TV 1 PEPSI T - " (N 2) SO s'. with each 'his. . purchase V C5 I, good thru Novomlier 1 1 , 1'J t'J iu.krMU VALUE FOR 99c r with ;icti Ihiu Novemb'.'t 11, V.I I i 1 J VALUE FOR $1.59 'oJtW h n.irh f 850 rr ifcia DAILY NEBRASKAN needs circulation people for distribution of the DAILY NEBRASKAN. Should have mornings free from at least 9:30 12:30. 4 days a week. (M,W,T,F). Car necessary. Decent pay. 472-2588, 89,90. Ask for Jerri. REGISTERED X-RAY TECHNICIAN. Immediate to pull emergency week-night and week-end call duty in RADIOLOGY DEPARTMENT at the UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTER. Apply Personnel Department, 512 Administration Bldg., 14th Si R Sts. UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA. An equal opportunity employer. Live-in male Call Jack 4 75 881 1. assistant instructor. Wright at LOMR, STUDENT EMPLOYMENT in Yellowstone and all U.S. National Parks. Booklet tells where and how to apply. Send $2.00, Arnold Agency, A-206 tast Main, Rexburg, Idaho 83440. Moneyback guarantee. Wanted male-female checkers for evenings Saturday and Sunday. Apply Shuster's Jack and Jill, 140 Capitol Beach Blvd. 3-5 afternoons. Bookkeeper wanted. Apply in person at the Cork N Cleaver 301 N. Cotner. Immediate job openings for "Cashiers", nonstudents or students carrying six credit hours or less. Good pay and benefits. Contact Student Union, 472 2181. Wanted young man, 16 yrs or over to clean meat department daily after class and Saturday hours. Apply Shuster's Jack and Jill. 140 Capitol Beach Blvd. 3 5 af ternoons. Wanted delivery boy with car. Apply at Hong Kong Pizza King. 13th & Que. Attention night waitress position open. Part or full time. No experience necessary. Will train. Apply 2 4 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 2 7th Hi Vine. Wt WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, busboys, waitresses, bartenders and bar waitresses. Good salary if you want to work. Call after 11 a.m. 434 0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Highway j ur if. lion 6 & 70. good thru November 11, 1 JUMBO STEAKBURGER ( L3 1 n Uoulile Delicious r Curgei vyi'h all the fixm'sl I I J 1 FRENCH FRIES VALUE Willi CifUII V . F ree Bonus Coupon nurcn,SB l2! ...u ... gooiJ thru Novi.'uibei 1 1 , VJ 1 JUMBO STEAKBURGER uorn 1 FRENCH FRIES 1 BAKED BEANS 1 COLE SLAW 1 PEPSI 1 HOT APPLE PIE $1.80 VALUE $1.4? (N ?) PI,,.,... Free Bonus Coupon aurch)sJ ifc r aood thru Nuvitml tr 11, 1 GAMBLER (11,,, ,,.( ;e,.( am! tujpJJ with , , ,. liMiui;", tomato find all 1 FRENCH FRIES $1.60 VALUE FOR $.129 COLE SLAW PEPSI with each Frt e Bonus Coupon purcha.,,, No 27 . . . on daily nebra'jkan Waitresses needed. Apply at Mr. Steak, 5505 "O" St. Mr. Price. PERSONALS O Great White Fatrr.T- Thank you. Great White Mother. It's Halloween! What better time, To say hello, To friends of minel So hi, Smith Seven! (Mark and Joe, tool) .Panda sends luv. to all of you! If the spooks didn't get you -I will Happy Halloween Larry, Love Cydne. I love you FLASH! "Some people would still love Nixon even if he raked his own grandmother." Bongohead: Tho the early bird doth catch the worm, There is no cause to squith and squirm. Tho I, the Bird, may flutter about... To you, the Wi.rm, I am devout. Love, Missy. Hi, C fir is! How's nicks in Washington' A f riend. Happy Halloween to a K is' v i i. friend. Beegee. "Quigley W. Quack (Hr.s!) is i.. t bad. ..but he's downright ro'esi in the MLLOD H A M A. ' November 8, 9, 10. Brp. tu, 1 A.U.F. ''Big A I " t b e OR A U g e jack-o-lantern's smile lumghr cannot match mine when I think of the giver... Cerjv SERVICES Typing. $.50 per p ries No rr . sis work. Call 47 7 4(.,24 .ifn-r b "b p.m. For information on ir.iv I, issv, homestays, voluntary siiv". and jobs a b r o a o , see OVERSEAS Of'HOinUW Hi : CENT E R, 205 Nebr asi- a Ur.i ACCENT PRINTING run o, young people who I i; you. fry us for us e " o Christmas i ards. 432 .''',!. .o'o S. 16th. Pregnant? Birthright r no..t you and your ui iboi n . tiil i, 477 8021. LOST Lost... The deed to (ii I' ! him' (Oh my!) Will she ..s. it I Tedious J. Impos sibl'"', tu the ML LOOM A MA f...-i .. for new specials 1973 3ar:. Jhrt'faa 1 CHEED-0-RAMA FOR tt.'hai In '.'!!' i lui's' )l'(! 'A! 1 li I I Oho: ! i: eli'sld i' ' la 1 FRENCH HUB 1 COLE SLAW 1 LARGE SHAKE Ml T'li.'. - .l ie.: I. 73 . .f.,.- .-,,y ,,,,, ,,K FOR I i I S 1 1 4 1 1 1 CHUBBY HAMUUROtK 1 CHID DO KAMA 1 PORTERHOUSE! JUMBO KlhrSJAUK 1 GAf?'iCU - HT; I I. L. TJ73 k 1 BRICK-OV' 1 PA'T Y HiY i 'iu . . t T3 Li i.s ( i ; J .I le , I "i 27th just no? U f OH i-tfcN r .J' -, I !(, '. .l ib I'J. '-1U; . .o '3 p tu -1 i) p.m. UlULSLr ;:i WfcLCUMt. N.-..I 'J bdlss", u ul I': ilshed uuiii'imen '. Car pet, duties, air. 510. 434 023, 4-.14-362H. EAST CAMPUS. 3 bdrm. house, basement, $125. RtNTAL HOUSING, 432 76 71. LOW COST housing in Lincoln. Call for details: HCNTAL HOUSING, 432 7671. Rent great furniture fur your apartment or room IN f E R lulls DIVERSIFIED 13 2 S. 1.5th. 432 8851. ROQMMATL WANTED Male roommate wanted large t u r ti i s h (i d a p artmi. n t. Reasonable food and i t. i i't i . i ...i ,tn i,:rc needed i"i:i.e:i I , I V;;, Nice apart ' 1 1 ' : !, i In- i lu campus. 45-U2b4 f fiiiult- w.-riii.-ij ufuic-. Isorsso boarded. I . arge t n ; l tier,-, Mj t 21 52. Huonatf.auj wanted "7l,ile :,i).-r) h on se with 1 b ree toll, i;e students. $5 0 1, iu. Call 4 5 4i:o a, H'.oriifi!j,ti! wanted Uj Mirf" nii.i! quiet apartment el:-" to (,am;:us. Heasona ble est. 41. H,'J1. MISCE LLANE OUa f he 1 : :S ivU LOIjH.MA ' r A. U.K. is here!!! (G,,s.!) I i i row on sale at the Onion, I'. ,( ), arid A CM CI A. November '., 1 5 '. 00. Hoy Vi'l;, you p,iy mm mlii.iship flues it. the 1 1 : t.usithl Come on and l.'ip the club. Ii .!..! 4 I J U-l.olor.l. K bn-tl, tickets, ge no r,i a. In lis ,ian. 5'.')-J1 dl I fl r I II. M Y ! inq. f Or il ! ..I'll l.llioil 'id ! i tu ;i ,1' nam..' an') address la Howard I'rouly, 53 'J r'2-i'l. Apt. 7, 'I :,' t. : ' WL ,J',V,"" It 1 : ' ! p-r vj i $1.45 VALUE FOR $1.09 .Mill il ),,o . - , , ' L it Lour'"' ,.,.,: I .!. ,Vj (j, O, . 1 1 :! li Vm : t ... .. I I 1 i i ( m.t i 'V ' ' i , A I ' 7' it :: '.