r: 1 C - 1 - l h B H AS KAN WANT ADS ' " i ':) in person in Nebraska "" i4 '-'ekdays 8 12 and 1 5 or m between 8 10 only at -W. Cost is 8 cents a word a :M m'nlmgm. Payment In . -s preferred, but phone may be charged. Bank " .-ltd also is accepted in "tm of advertising at no extra H ues quoted are for cash ' cm ch.jrge orders paid within ' ' '-i'iess days. Ads not paid " f've days are 50 cents i'.-iI. Deadline for ads is 3 'no day before publication. No "ds. No responsibility is ' d for more than one 'i.!v-t insertion of any 1 1 '.emeu t FOR SALE priros on custom printed ii:.trviS cards -your message, ".i'fi, or both. ACCENT : nj I ING, 432 7268, 226 S. ''-'U-TJ-ift pearl rings from i Kong $20 each. 475-9434. do. ible door 2520. refrigerator, c deck. 7" reel to reel, new. Best offer. Call Tim 4 7 7-4083, leave message. n . I . pi : na r r n. 'I ft oosedown 2-12 lb. ited Mount Hood an type sleeping bag. ti'.mal orange cover Is "iH ll.int 1.8 oz. rip stop This bag has drawstring ind boxed foot. YKK ill zipper - 2 bags will zip i tor double. Horizontal lapping, V - t u b e n.Won for loft. 0 !ure rated. Gross weight II.'. with stuff sack, r sale $100, special SURPLUS CENTER st "O" St. 'I : '4 .1 :i ' ; Ivi"' snorkel parka. V -I'HV 70 denier, 100 -.' . International orange inner lining. Polyester J i":.u ition. Heavy duty in zipper with button n -- I l.istic knit wristlets, string waist. Sago or '!. Regular $26.88, S.21.88. Sain ends with ' losing Nov. 10. U'. CI NTE R, 1000 West M I ' i r ; -jr. .i r 'Tk imi boots. The Tour 'I JanSports finest climbing n mi n tain nc ring boots, i and durable. Made of the I ill-grained leather. Full liank Vjbram sole, scree Hi Mows tongue. F ully and padded. Regular salo i"' ia $39.90. Sale ends '.-tore closing Nov. 3. I U:, CENTER 1000 West I on Columbia s. Goodyoar Store, i i i ). You Can Buy This AndOr This PwifMnanMiwiwu ' , f I hi? nor ". tlf.tkAA J I' in) 'IT'I 'i" ( I "Lb ! a must do one. That's the r Doing both things would be good but you must ne or the other. There's no getting around it. It's ncw rule. It was on the news the other night, maybe ' iissud it. But nonetheless, it's the new rule. And - ri;;e to obey it. 'M tobor 29, 1973 Bicycles - 3 speed men's Huffy excellent shape $35. 20" girl's Schwlnn S 10. 4 77 6579. All your auto glass needs. WINDY'S AUTO GLASS 335 N. 23rd 432-5795. 1972 r-ord Van, air conditioning, automatic transmission, power steering, paneled, carpeted & Insulated. Ideal for camping $2875, 488 5803. 1967 Chevy Van. $750. 435 9628. 1966 VW Convertible. Good top. New engine has approx. 10,000 miles. Excellent tires. Great sporty transportation. Call Ron Smith 432 8851 (after 6 p.m 477-4983. ) 1 972 XL-250 Honda. $575 434-1346. 1 971 650 Triumph, Springer, Z-bars, sportster tank, custom seat excellent condition. S1350 or best offer. 43 5-7902. HELP WANTED Live-In male Call Jack 475-881 1. assistant Instructor. Wright at LOMR, BRIDGE THE GENERATION GAP Learn to help the elderly, flexible hours, part time full time. Apply in person. Holmes Lake Manor, 6101 Normal Blvd. 489-71 75. Seeking responsible Individual for part time receptionist switchboard position lues., Thurs., & alternate fri. 4:30-8 00 p.m.. Sat. or Sun. 10 a.m. -8 p.m. Must be able to work some holidays. Apply In person to Madonna Professional Care Center, 2200 S. 52nd St. Bookkeeper wanted. Apply in person at tin; Cork N Cleaver 301 N. Cotner. Immediate job openings for "Cashiers", n onstudents or students carrying six credit hours or less. Good pay and benefits. Contact Student Union, 472-2181. Attention night waitress position . open. Part or full time. No experience nei-ess'ary. Will train. Apply 2-4 dally. J.B.'s Big Boy 27th & Vine. Waitresses needed. Apply at Steak, 5505 "O" St. See Price. Mr. Mrs. WE WILL HIRE IMMfcDIAULY Part time cooks, bus-boys, waitresses, bartenders and bar waitresses. Good salary If you want to work, Call after 1 1 a.m 434 0264. WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, busboys, ' ; l- ' ''" ,n h. new rule. You can do waitresses, bartenders and bar waitresses. Good salary If you want to work. Call after 11 a.m. 434 0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Highway junction 6 & 70. PERSONAL 'Abner, I love you, but you're too Melodramatic! --Glory" November 8, 9, 10. Benefits to A . U . F . SERVICES Typing. $.50 per page. No thesis work. Call 477-4624 after 5:00 p.m. All typing, office work. My office 335 N. 23rd, 432 5795. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child 477 8021. ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate wanted: Male share house with three college students. $50mo. Call 475-4865. Female roommates wanted andor horses boarded. Largo farm house. 467-21 52. TMf 111 TIMAtl IN GHf AT F N t r H I AINMF N r AT I IM M N IHTIWA IF Nf M TWIN THF A I III s PART 1 OF THE STIRRING STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE IN lr .1 Int NEW LAND Max von Syriow Liv Ulhnann 'v ONE OF np THE YEAR'S vTi ! l .'in dcct en MoiMCi.i. rwtsV. -iiM The Emigrants 111,11 ' lf I f NIN'-S A I H AMI'AMK 1 BEAUTIFUL! r PASSIONATE! Jt' . I ibi 1 1 it mi k IIWII 1 ,1 f ? I IIIKI III , -J X. C Introducing... VITAMINS CONTAINING NATURAL SOURCE FROM A SOURCE YOU CAN TRUST WAGEY DRUG 1701 Washington LINCOLN'S ONLY SELF SERVICE AUTO CENTER FEATURES tarnwiii..ii.i jsGittZr 1 II 15 Discount on All Parts in Stock. "Fix it yourself and know it's done right!" PIT STOP GAUAGE 11th & daily nebujskan FOR RENT Must sublease by Nov. 1 unfurnished duplex 310 N. 27th. 3 bod 8i basement $150 and deposit 4 75-2520 after 4 p.m. Rent great furniture for your apartment or room INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 13? S. JJtfi. 432-8851. Coeds: 6 bdrm home available Nov. 1. Excellent location from University. 434-4881. HIRE'S A POTION Take one catchy verse, To send a witch's curse, Add a tablespoon of wit, (Just think a little bit) A pinch of rhythm A dash of rhyme Simmer one day only, At Halloween Time For a special 5cent rate, You can't be late Union 34 is the room, The Deadline's Tuesday noon (October 30th) Take your dilliest of thoughts, And Forqet-Me -Mots. Then Halloween Day watch for the paper, When your personal Want Ad will end your ghostly caper. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS (Still $1 minimum on all ads placed) INGREDIENTS StiUIHB 'B' Street 475-7269 MISCELLAf.EOUS The 1 973 MELODRAMA for A.U.F. Is herein (Gaspl) Tickets now on sale at the Union, KAG and ACACIA. November 8 9' 10. $2.00. Want to teach overseas? Come ask us how. OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER 205 Nebraska Union. HALLOW EEN ; vitamin E II yam,nC E 200 1 U II "- V' j W II 'V'' r Oil Change $6.15 Includes 5 qts. oil Oil filter Grease V2 hour Hoist Rental Tool Rental Sun's Infared Engine Analyzer Available. Also: U-Fix-lt Literature and Always Someone Around to Help. Hours:Mon-Sat 7:30-1 1PM Sun 9AM-10PM pyje 7