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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1973)
S i.1 -'! Jif " -w'. v ' doily nbrasteft ads , DAILY N I H R AS KAN WANT ADS can he f in person in Nebraska Union 34 miek. iny s 8 1 7 and 15 or called in between 8-10 only at 472 2588. Cost is 8 cents a word a day, S1 minimum. Payment In advance is preferred, but phone orders may be charger!. Bank Americard also is accepted in payment ot advertising at no extra cost. Hales quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within live business days. Ads not paid within five days are SO cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 p.m. the day before publication. No refunds. No responsibility is assumed for more than one incorrect insertion of any advert i somen t. FOR SALE Airf wrce typo snorkel parka. Heavy duty 0 denier, 1 00 nylon :;.!!. Inter" lUunal trin0 nylon inriisr liisitm. Polyester quilted i i! s w .X o ii. Heavy duty a:un Iivjui zipper with button r.verflap. 1 1 as tic- knit wristlets. fr.M'V.-.trini waist Saie or iiirfune !,..e. HiMjular $2(5.88, )e:i.)! S21.!'.. Sale ends with .tore c 1 o r. i 1 1 Nov. 10. oOHPLUo CfcNTf R, IU00 West "O" St. Mtn.i!t..ii !. i.i-i ' he F r.ur ot-'.- (if .l,i-.rpv rt; finost cllmblriij ,,nd m ou i.t.-iiuecrinil boots. T )i.iii and durable. Made of the finest full -drained leather. Pull slue I shank Vjbram sole, scree rjuird. Bellows tort'iuo. Fully lined and padded. Regular sale $4H, jiH-T.i-tl '-..'i'J.OO. Sale ends witn vt--re :o:.irii) Nov. 3. r.l.-M'l vf; Ci NTtR 1000 West "O" !d. ki i-r. -i. :oU. 1 i:m. One ..;ri'j. I'jl I'.'IM i ',i ( 1 il-.i liis- r. !.. Pl-i: e-l .u. V avail .i i.-. i Cj O. i.eo .-.ale-rbed, safety and ba:.'-, sensually '.j. id'.' i. I V'r. $0. 1 onus ooilVear St. ire, 19ttl U'led ( re'M-r ihr.nie iiui.S. Usod 10 in,,. V." - "'. Mai-i' ofler. V,y 2 U.H. 1'j72 lord Van, air conditioiiiiKl, ail nmitio ITU ismi'ision, power ;.,t,-eriii', p,.'li(j"d, cariJ'-'ted & ill'. o. He, I. Ideal U X rani)in( '7.? Opel Hall ye. Call A-i'J (M. 1J(J7 Ci.evy V,iu. ihd. 435 9628. "i" ! v.V.v 4V. m riit" .! I I II ' 1972 XL-250 434-1346. Honda. $575. 1972 Honda SL 129, Excellent Extras. $450. Brian, Rm. 801, 477-6081. Leave message. 250 Kawasaki Enduro 2450 miles. 1203 Abel Hall. 4 goneral admission tickets to the Oklahoma State Game. Contact Bob, after 5 p.m. 488-1000. FAR FISA Compact organ. $350 or best -offer. 432-6858. Good deal. DAILY NEBRASKAN SUBSCRIPTIONS 1 1 Great gifts for parents and non-University friends. But don't wait for a special occasion be a little more thoughtful than usual TODAYI Cbst Is only $9.00 for the entire school year or $4.50 for the semester. Send your check to Room 34, Nebraska Union via Campus mall or stop In and charge It to your Bank Americard. (Psstj.' It today before you forget). 1971 650 Triumph, Springer, Z-bars, sportster tank, custom seat excellent condition. $1350 or best offer. 435-7902. HELP WANTED Laborers for concrete production. Inland Concrete Company, 6 3 00 Comhusker Highway, 434-6384. An Equal opportunity employer. Live-In male assistant Instructor. CaM Jack Wright at LOMR, 475-8811.- Bookkeeper wanted. Apply In person' at the Cork N Cleaver 301 N. Cotner. Seeking responsible Individual for part time receptionist switchboard position: Tues., Thurs., & alternate Frl. 4:30-8:00 p.m.; Sat or Sun. 10 a.m.-8 p.m. Must be able to work some holidays. Apply In person' to Madonna Professional Care Center, 2200 S. 52nd St Waitresses" wanted. 11:30-1:00. Apply Pershing Cafe, 1439 "O" St we've got to Eceep lots of cobrful, bn mittens made IIIMIIMI S'.!.N!.SN!.NV.V.V.V.... I I U . NIGHT CLUB needs part time and full time cocktail waitresses.' Top pay plus excellent tips. Call 435-9724 for appointment WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, -busboys, waitresses,' bartenders and bar waitresses!. Good salary If you want to work. Call after 1 1 a.m. 434-0264. Waitresses ' needed. Apply at Mr. Steak, 5505 "O" St See Mrs. Price. WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, 'busboys, waitresses',' bartenders and bar waitresses.' Good salary tf you want to work. Cai! after 11 turn. 434-0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Highway Junction 6 & 70. Attention night waitress position open. Part or full time. No experience necessary. Will train. Apply 2-4 dally. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. Immediate Job openings for "Cashiers",' nonstudents or students carrying six credit hours or less. Good pay and benefits. Contact Student Union, 472-2181. DAILY NEBRASKAN needs circulation people for distribution of the DAILY NEBRASKAN. Should have mornings free from at least 9:30-12:30. 5 days a week. Car necessary. Decent pay. 472-2588, 89,90. Ask for Jerri. LOST Lost: ' Key ring containing three keys Monday 10-22 In Oldfather, probably 3rd floor. Any Information much a p p re c lated contact Jan 432-0426. Lost: gold wire-rim glasses In front of Phi Dett house. Call 475-6690. Reward. SERVICES NEW LOCATION-CATHOLIC SOCIAL BUREAU-end of south 14th Street (4 miles south from Old Cheney Road) Personal or Group Counseling by professional staff; Marriage and Personal Counsel; Unmarried Parenthood; Adoptions; Foster Care -Child ren and Elderly; Mini-courses In Family Communications and Parenting. Evening Appointments 432-6581. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477-8021. ail kinds of accessories you warm this winter. . tans mtm . tan & . tain $ by Tru-Fit - get yours before winter ( V.V. AWi'iV, a a .a .a cabaret singer Performance a la Cabaret (candlelight and refreshments) Friday, Oct. 26 8:00 pm Union Centennial Room Tickets 81.50 (includes refreshments) available at Union South Desk Jacques Yvart's program will bo "A Survey of French Poetic Songs" presented in the troubadour style of Georges Bressons and Jacques Brel. Winner of mucn acclaim and several awards, Jacques Yvart is a popular cabaret performer on Paris's Left Bank. SPONSORED BY NEBRASKA UNION PERFORMING FINE ARTS AND THE MODERN LANGUAGE DEPARTMENT. ATTENTION FRATERNITY, SORORITY AND DORMITORY RESIDENTSIIII ! Free Hair Care Clinics for men and women. Presented by the Lucille Duerr staff. we cut long hair better try us you like us Call 432-1004 for demonstration. We have four downtown locations: Heads Together Class Menagerie: Hair Care - 1422 'O' St; Hair Styling - 131 S. 14th; Drlve-ln - 1 3th & K. FOR RENT Must sublease by Nov. 1 unfurnished duplex 310 N. 27th. 3 bed & basement $150 and deposit 475-2520 after 4 p.m. Coeds: 6 bdrm home available Nov. 1 . Excellent location from ' University. 434-4881. CAPITOL AREA. 1 bdrm. furnished apartment Utilities pd. $115. Rental Housing, 432-7C71. l SINGLES WELCOME. 1 bdrm. efficiency. Utilities pd. $97.50. Rental Housing, 432-7671. HERE'S A HALLOW POTION Take one catchy verse. To send a witch's curse, Add a tablespoon of wit, (Just think a little bit) A pinch of rhythm A dash of rhyme Simmer one day only, At Halloween Time For a special 5cent rate, You can't be late Union 34 is the room, The Deadline's Tuesday noon (October 30th) Take your dilliest of thoughts, And Forget-Me-Nots, Then Halloween Day watch for the paper, When your personal Want Ad will end your ghostly caper. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS (Still $1 minimum on all ads placed) tcarf $di mitten sots hits .. 1 1 II 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 w.v.v.v.v.v.w V.'.V.V.V .-- guitarist . m '.''.. -.'.'. A m m m m m composer SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt. Appliances, carpets, -drape, utilities pd. $170. Rental Housing, 432-7671. FURNISHED, 3 bdrm. house. Carpets, drapes, singles o.k. $195. Rental Housing, 432-7671. Garage for rent 17tti & R. $6.50md. 423-2635. Rent great furniture for your apartment or room INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 132 S. 13th. 432-8851 ROOMMATE WANTED Female roommates wanted andor' horses boarded. Large farm house. 467-21 52. Roommate wanted: Male share house with three college students. $50m6. Call 475-4865. MISCELLANEOUS WE NEED YOUIH"'Oonate paperback books for the H.E.P. library. Contact Penny or Rosy, 472-3477, the 501 Bldg. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. EEN I nniiiii'iiini1 V.V.V.NV. m m m m n m m i COMMITTEE mm,. s A v page 15 frid.jy, odoiuT 'A), 1973 daily nebraskan