r -mr LOOKING FOR A GREAT PLACE TO EAT?j I 'e off a variety of good foods: I 20 different sandwiches Numerous side dishes delicious soft-serve, featuring malts, shakes and I sunaaes in your lavouite flavors. Soft drinks & coffee AND positively the best chili in town! I I I E LEMON TREE SANDWICH SHOPPE I I I L 1321 'O' Street 435-6288 EAT IN OR CARRY-OUT l llllTrn apppii LIITflllEU Urrtli: clip this ad, bring in and we'll idKe i u cents on trre price of your favorite sandwich. WORK OVERSEAS All trades, skills and professions Students and Graduates Higher pay, no taxes, travel to Australia, Europe, So. & Central America, Africa and So. East Asia Write for our brochure: Worldwide Student Opportunites P.O. Box 1255 1075 Camino f lores Thousand Oaks, Calif. 91360 Female Male HALLO WEEN f A I -1 HIRE'S POTION Take one catchy verse, To send a witch's curse, Add a tablespoon of wit, (Just think a little bit) A pinch of rhythm A dash of rhyme Simmer one day only, At Halloween Time For a special 5cent rate, You can't be late Union 34 is the room, The Deadline's Tuesday noon (October 30th) Take your dilliest of thoughts, And Forget Me-Nots, Then Halloween Day watch for the paper. When your personal Want Ad will end your ghostly caper. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL COMPLIMENTS OF THE DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS (Still $1 minimum on all ads placed) NOW OPEN THE A Drinking Place with Character presents EVERGREEN For your dancing enjoymunt Thurs. - Fri. - Gat, fj 30 p.m. BEER PITCHERS 99c 3 p.m. 7 p.m. daily mixed rirlnkt -- b(X GLASS MENAGER IF 19th k, n i " ' V V. OLSTON'S INDEPENDENT V W SPECIALISTS INC. MAJOR & MINOR REPAIRS nini.iim' m jatKtm Tune ups 'Engines Brake Front end complete Parts Dept. 1 to m vw's. . j l?435 N 33rd flmTUl'll'Uintnr 1 XTi t LUi t 3- x -v. x ti "i n jy! it ft, x TTTT 467-23978 sxccxxxaxc&Jl local cafe features tasty fish dinners I enjoy eating out. 1 no. nuy cook, but there are times when I but would rather eat the jjiouuet it labor. However, I can't :i !,ji.- ci: :i c restraints of my budget. TJim v.'wie, i .: restaurants that offer "v'm'-ddj f such establishment ii tiie C. - -1 f -.. .-- s . -: -t Co The Greenwich Cafe; i .1 bo glance, it is not any tiattr. f ffl). for the lighted sign in the v-s'i &,-. reminder that one can eat as 'vh: , On any night, the citv'r, a i. : I well-mixed, but on t r;d:.y t. 1 "something special", On hi;: .-y ;o, the only palatable- fish, and h ;, ,v .s:iul su.iiuje corning from a n't w.!tt to uii ry my hands. Ingenuity and !v -cause of the ! , ii i search of .'".v ! 'i i'.;o. One St. At first ; uzAu bi s, except HCKEN". This is a i and the drinks : cwiyh heroines . "( h Ci.-.' serves OOVIO tit r I fear that m;;-iy stodoi.r.s, vdo: visions of this diuli as ii ;: . Vvu That is con'-'.'.t.inri of a :;iih or ; v served with a mess of ;nrit . ;-:..- ; i. This is not tho case ;t Or: reconstituted, and y h ; v ; ' delight to ;,t, ft d,p,,(j ,;i .. . batter puffs up arid h; ywr,--, v.r..': its own natural juices. The result is ; i-i.ht ,,, n the stonuirh. The Irh j-; , ,,:( for ejch order, asstirino tf: d' .v.:r r,f The oiieo of ihi, v. drink. I suyf"! hri;r:i conversation enii.im 1 ,v,. t;. maKe the evem.in complt , reason for eatin'i 0"i ? ":.;!.'i-i!!d co'ps v-. sit cior:viit f'! '; ' ricrr. u tdity i T 1 f'-ti ii re-i, not t : ' c,' ' :" a s.'inkf! it a M ,:ed The x ti-'. -i(i cook? in :' CG."d-i d 1 ,1 fie ' mo'. ::, L; jiiifj your i v.'-, TUh will j th.it iho b;sr i .1 i.; t in GALLO '.' '! !l f .0 l I i S PINK. CHABL1S OF CALIFORNIA I'mihn a Rosi, our rink ChalUs v, u ('n't t,v combining the delicate fragrante a suffer i fcf cmp rfcaraff r of a fine Chublh This u int ;i v turmoil delightful creations. Made and bM v , Vineyards in Modesto, Calif Alcohol U : ij. YC it! ' It J c. 'd O 1 ill I ' I i d. j i.. ivu t . 1 1 lustrv i : V, . i' r daily nebraskan