The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1973, Page page 3, Image 3

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    ight student budgets put squeeze on Union
Are limited finances causing you to buy the :mall
soft drink si?e instead of the large, or possibly no soft
drink at a!! this year?
The Nebraska Union faces the same situation, and
it is only a mailer of time Ijefore UNL students will
foe! its effects also, according to Nebraska Union
Director Al Bennett.
Inliation and reduced income from students this
ytwr has resulted in a "real and present budget
ciunch" for the Union, Bennett said.
Group budgets have also tightened, he said.
Organization meetings used to include coffee
hoar? with refreshments served by the Union catering
service. Now many groups exclude the coffee hours
from their functions and the Union loses catering
income, Bennett said.
! According to UNL Business and Finance Director
; Miles Toi rimer aasen. Union income also has been hurt
I by a decline in UNL enrollment and the number of
fuii-tiim; students. Decreased student hours means
decrosed student fees, and the Union is financed by
student fees, Tommeraasen said.
Bennett said efforts to end the budget crunch will
come in three areas:
First, evaluate Union services for more effective
use of income, explore the possibility of increased
Union income and the possibility of increased student
Evaluation would include services ranging from
check cashing to the hours the Union is open.
If any service isn't paying, the service might be
restricted (fewer hours of operation) or be
discontinued, Bennett said.
Additional income could be generated by
expanding the eligibility of groups allowed Union
room use for meetings, parties and other functions,
he said.
Now only student and faculty organizations,
administrative staff and events arising from these
groups are allowed Union room use and services such
as catering.
UNL might have to follow the example of other
Big 8 schools who offer Union use and services to any
group, outside, as well as inside, the university,
Bennett said.
Increased student fees could be another source of
increasing Union income, he said.
Union operation is financed by $6 of the $51.50
fee students pay each semester.
According to Bennett, the money goes to
programing which brought Pete Seeger and Anthony
Russo, and Union services like check cashing end
financing Union staffing and utilities.
This is the fifth year without a student fees
increase, while inflation keeps increasing the cost of
labor and products he said.
He said budget planning committees will consider
internal methods of meeting the financial situation
before recommending student fee increases.
"Its just a matter of how long, and how much of
an increase," he said about student fees.
Crafts display opens
Internationa! Week
Shidcnt, fro;;i Colombia, Lebanon and India will be among
foreign students participating in the annual International Week
being heid today, i i day and Saturday in the Nebraska Union.
Accor. in Uj t:- H-j-'mijo Lopez, a Colombia native and
cooidinator lor the i-venl, an in tercul tural arts and crafts display
is on exhibit today and Friday from 10 a.m. -4 p.m. in the Union.
The display will include items from Asia, Africa, the Middle
East and North ind South America.
! iron ii night will be held Saturday at 8 p.m. in the
Unien Ballroom and will include three Lebanese and 10Chicano
"lanr.or'j fi om UNO.
1 ope ihe-t. would also be African, Indian and Colombian
student:, n' forming daucer., with some participants in native
-Ire s
Th" eufci tuu uni'i ;t is free of charge and open to the public,
Lope? 'hi.
Iki.iv. Arr.ei icon.. Lorn Iniernational House will perform a skit
jl'.)!-;'j vi'ii siiKj. 'i ,iM!.l a guitarist, Lopez said.
opotK.ored (- th;; Inlet national Student 01 f ice, the events
were o! ganieri by the International Club Executive Committee,
he said.
L'ipi: said he expects arouny 300 people to attend the
International Night.
Joiiy n&bfoskon
I iliKir in (T,.c I Michael (O. I.) Nolson. Manaiil(j fcclitor: Mary
V ,t,oi il. News I. dilor. Tin1, A'xfMrson.
I '.ipci .-! t ifitor: Ki.:ii Kirk. Sport', r uitor: Bill Bennett. Photography
i c'liff: f.l.til I 'liu, i, Ninhi Nov -, dlltur; Choryl Westcott. Editorial
I wastAnt : I 1.1 j (. Icih "1 ,
T he Daily Nobusk.m is witsta)., vilitiHl and managmi by student at
Up tJruvertnv NHu ';',i L i :.:. I r . It i$ d i t or iall y indnpondent of the
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ti Daily Ni' is published l,v thi? Publications Conirtiltteo on
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fi nnl I .:. (.)' lit, n)i.i raid at I incoln, Nobluskn.
A ... t he Daily Mrb' '34 Nt.-brjvku Union I4tn h, m
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y I out of cash!
Master Charge is accepted by the University II
of Nebraska for tuition, room and board.
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daily nebraskan