ft ads FOR SALE Rabco ST-4 Turntable, $150; 3-month-old 1 0-gallon aquarium with overhead lighl; cover, under-gravel filter, gravel, Hush air pump, heater and assorted fish $35; like new, beautiful German tenor recorder - $35. Call Diane after 4:30 at .432-1137. FARFISA Compact organ. $350 or best offer. 432 6858. Good deal. 4 general admission tickets to the Oklahoma State Game. Contact Bob, after 5 p.m. 488-1000. Mountain-hiking boots. The Four . one of JanSports finest climbing and mountaineering boots. Tough and durable. Made of the finest full-grained leather. Full steel shank Vjbrarn sole, scree guard. Bellows tongue. Fully lined and padded. Regular sale $45; special $39.90. Sale ends with store closing Nov. 3. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 West "O" St. Skis 1 pr. Head 360. 190 cm. One year old. 475-6309. Tropical Fish, -Scuba Gear, Stereo cassette deck, large desk, complete twin bed. Contact Mike or Teresa 799-3563. 2 Sony SS-5300 speakers 50 watt, 3 way 10 inch woofer, like new, $150 pair. 435 2961, Rm. 2202. Westinyhouse mini-washer for apt or dorm $168. Terms available. Goodyear Store, 19th & O. Queen size heated waterbed, safety liner, frame and base, sensually priced at $95, 488 9023. Used Cragcr chrome mags. Used-10 mo. 15" x "'. Make offer. 467 2406. 1972 Ford Van, air conditioning, automatic transmission, power steering, paneled, carpeted & insulated. Ideal for camping $2875, 488-5803. '72 Opel Rallye. Call 432 6996. 1907 Chevy Van. $750. 435-9628. '62 Impalo SS,o ovarhauled. 32i7,i needs body i.i wvqrjk. rr&Pflfl f rl ! 475 9041 1 a.m. to 4 p.m. 1 972 SL-2 50 434 1346. Honda. $575. HELP WANTED Laborers for concreto production. Inland Concreto Company, 6300 Cornhusker Highway, 434-6384, An Equal opportunity employer. Live-in male assistant Instructor. Call Jack Wright at LOMR, 4 75 8811, Seeking responsible Individual for part time receptionist switchboard position: Tue., Thurs., & alternate Frl. 4:30 8 00 p.m.; Sat or Sun. 10 a.m. 8 p.m. Must toe abla to work some holidays. Apply In person to Madonna Professional Caro Center, 2200 S. 52nd St. Bookkeeper wanted. Apply In person at the Cork N Cleaver 301 N. Cotnor. Over 19? Will you work evening for $5 an hour? Car required. 4bG 6042. Waitresses wanted. 11:30-1:00. Apply Pershing Cafe, 1439 "O" St. AN ORIGINAL ADAP I'ATKJM OF Tl IC "OHESTIA" W i AVID BHl OCTOBER 26,2728,29 800 P.M. TICKETS - thursday, October 25, 1973 NIGHT CLUB needs part time and full time cocktail waitresses. Top pay plus excellent tips. Call , 435-9724 for appointment. WE WILL HIRE IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, busboys, waitresses, bartenders and bar waitresses. Good salary If you want to work. Call after 11 a.m. 434-0264. Rendezvous Supper Club, Cornhusker Highway junction 6 & 70. Waitresses- needed. Apply at Mr. Steak, 5505 "O" St. See Mrs. Price. LOST Lost: Key ring containing three keys M onday 10-22 in Oldfather, probably 3rd floor. Any information much a p p re c i ated contact Jan 432 0426. Lost Sept. 5, female Irish Setter, 1 year old, 27th & Holdrege, 423 8196, $40 Reward. FOR RENT Must sublease' by Nov. 1 unfurnished duplex 310 N. 27th. 3 bed & basement $150 and deposit 475 2520 after 4 p.m. Coeds: 6 bdrm home available Nov. 1. Excellent location from University. 434 4881. CAPITOL AREA. 1 bdrm. furnished apartment. Utilities pd. ' $115. Rental Housing, 432 7671. SINGLES VVELCOME. 1 bdrm. efficiency. Utilities pd. $97.50. Rental Housing, 432 7671. SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt. Appliances, carpets, drapes, utilities pd. $170. Rental Housing, 432 7671. Your program' An opportunity for call-in sliaring of the pains, piastres, and possibilities of who you are. SUNDAY NIGHTS 10:00--I I: U) Beginning Sunday, October 28 0 STUDIO THEATRE - LOWER LEVEL TEMPLE FURNISHED. 3 bdrm. house. Carpets, drapes, singles ok. $19 5. Rental Housing, 432 A3 71. Rent great furniture for your apartment or room INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 132 S. 13th. 432 8851. ROOMMATE WANTED Roommate wanted: Main 'hare house with three collngo students. $50mo. Call 47!i-48G5. Female roommates wanted andor horses boarded. Large farm house. 467 21 52. MISCELLANEOUS WE MEED YOUIIt Donate paperback books for the H.E.P. library. Contact Penny or Rosy, 472 3477, the 501 Bldg. 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Capitol City Ford Club Officer's Nightmare Rallye Sat. Oct. 27th 9:30 p.m. Sears parking lot G ale way Trophies awarded. Mon members welcome. Students needed for volunteer positions. Call 477 3737, leave name and phono. Thousands of Topics $2.75 per page Send for your up-to-date, 160 p;ige, mail order catalog. Enclose $1.00 to cover postage (delivery time is 1 to ?. days). RESEARCH ASSISTANCE, INC. 119-11 WILSHIRE BLVD., SUITE 2 LOS ANGELES, CALIF. 90025 (713)477-8474 or 477 5493 Our rpsearch material is sold for research assistance only. 1 r - I Ala, SPECIAL HALLOWI fc. N MOVIfc. This Sunday (Jet'. 9 p.m. $.751. IJ Lounge. Modern Brigetto Bardot, Terreneo Stamp, Alan Delon. her 28, 7 and East Union "I hrillsl Stars: Peter Fonda, Jane Fonda, Don't forget to help a Vet. Buy your raffle tickets in the North Lobby. SERVICES Sewing and alterations for all sizes and shapes. Days only. 467 333 2. NEW LOCATION- CATHOLIC SOCIAL BUREAU-end of south 14th Street. (4 miles south from Old Cheney Road) Personal or Group Counseling by professional staff; Marriane and Personal Counsel jr. K 8:Q0em SGVPhr 1,2,34 fr 11 I on Q ()'i I the nooTUoi V- . ' ' 1 U : -Vf A W , i M B3! 1 mKl Friday, Oct. 26th 8:00 p.m. Union Centennial Room TICK!: f V, S1.T50 AT UNION SOUTH 0! :;i INFORMAL RAP SESSION -i0 - Sclli.'ck L.ouncjr! 00 Schramm Lounge !.:.30 Al)i;l-S;incliv Snack B,n ALL FREE n.''t,;t.:vrrjisiajc3sxria:;& Unmarried V t . n tTi r. , l , Adoptions; footer Care Children and fc I d e r I y ; Mini-courses in Family Communications and Parenting. Evening Appointments 432 6581. ATTENTION FRATERNITY, SORORITY AND DORMITORY R ESI OE NTSI 1 1 1 Free Hair Care Clinics for men an;d women. Presented by the Lucille Duurr staff. we cut long hair better try us -you like us Call 432-1004 for demonstration. We have four downtown locations; Heads Together Glass Menagerie; Hair Care - 1422 'O' St; Hair Styling - 131 S. 14th; Drive-in - 13th & K. Pregnant? Birthright cares you and your unborn 477 8021. about child, KCC2a2SSE23S5:SC:3SSSS33Sn 111 If Cabaret Singer Cuilcrisi Composer mi $1.50 1