The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 25, 1973, Image 1

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thursday, October 25, 1973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 33
Senator requests debate on '68 NU merger
An Omaha senator, taking issue with an article
published recently in the American Assoc. of
University Professors bulletin, said Wednesday he will
publicly debate the UNL professor who wrote the
Sen. David Stahmer said he would like to publicly
debate Carroll McKibbin, chairman of UNL's political
science department, who authored the article that
discussed the political results of the merger of Omaha
University and the NU campus.
Stahmer said McKibbin wrote subjectively about
the issue without knowing the facts.
"Not only do I disagree with him, which would be
subjective," he said, "but I can produce facts to show
he's wrong, which is objective.
"McKibbin seems to be saying that we (Omaha
senators) are partly responsible for the financial
problems at UNL," he said. 'The chief point of his
article seems to be that the Omaha senators haven't
been cooperative in helping UNL."
McKibbin could not be reached for comment
Stahmer, a member of the Legislature's Budget
Committee, said he had not met with all the other
Omaha senators since an article appeared in the
Omaha World Hcr.ild last week about McKibbin's
McKibbin, in his report, writes, "It is still too
early to evaluate all of the political implications of
the 1968 merger. But one thing is certain at least at
this point: the unity that was supposed to have
developed between the Omaha and Lincoln
delegations in the Legislature in support of public
higher education has not yet occurred.
"What has developed is considerable competition
between tin- two cities over the limited financial
resources available to the university system, which
has resulted in such items as capital construction
priorities being ndulunced' between the Omaha and
Lincoln campuses."
McKibbin says in the report that it is obvious "the
Omaha senators got what they wanted; i.e., the state
relieved the city of the financial burden of the local
university. The outstate legislators did not suffer the
consequences they feared; i.e., the syphoning of large
amounts of funds from the state college budget to the
state university system and greatly ioci eased
appropriations for the universities.
"The Lincoln legislators have not yet received
what they had anticipated; i.e., a cooperative effort
with Omaha legislators in providing laicer
appropriations for the university."
McKibbin also cites resources available to improve
the educational program at UNO. Those sane
resources, he claims, have not been evident at UNI
Stahmer said that after serving on the Bud'!' .1
Committee three years, "I believe that I should km.,
what's going on here if anyone should."
Thx'ta Xi fraternity, in cooperation with Dr.
S;m Guinary of KMTV Channel, will sponsor
;i Haunted House Spookorama Thursday,
Friday and Saturday, 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. at
1535 R. Proceeds from the $.75 admission
charge will go to the Lincoln Chapter of the
Muscular Distrophy Association.
Attorney to
file complaint
against UNL
The attorney for the Residence Hall Association (RHA) will
file a complaint today with Judge Warren K. Urbom in Fedual
District Court seeking an end to enforcement of univei :,i ly
regulations governing visitation and alcohol in university housing.
The attorney, John Stevens Berry, will file the complaint
today. RHA announced last week it would file suit in connection
with the regulations.
According to a statement released earlier by ASUN and R HA,
the reason for the lawsuit is to contest the provisions o!
visitation, open door and alcoholic beverage policies lo whii h all
students must comply.
The statement said the students involved were lading deim-d
certain rights and privileges and certain protections of the law
which are available to any other class of citizens of equal age.
Senate funds, restricts libraries
By Susanne .
Withrui! i
Wednesd iy u
needed lo
the Won i n .'
Collegia U .
Aim :.'
budljrl i in
the voir; .!'
two lira ' is ( i
The m:.i..!
VOte on Hi : d
h !
parliamentarian, the ASUN Senate
linggled over the number of votes
appropriations for the libraries of
a nee Center, the Afro American
ind the International House.
by a majority vote to uphold the
i (.'commendations for the libraries,
honed on the basis of whether a
ile majority vote was needed,
i d to accept the simple majority
n, and approved the funding of the
Tin i i.! i commendations of the budget
commd' - ...! ine International House $175 for
resoniM I-,..- a ''.'.') to the AfioAmer ican Collegiate
Society l.i' l iii iy funds, and $325 lo the Womens'
Resomci (.. i. . (oi magazines and books.
Tin1 v . i.' ' iii.r voted to limit the spending to
only those books which would not be found withm
the University library system.
Sen. Dave Thurber had raised the original
objection to the expenditure of funds foi I mo I",
which could be found in the library on ampus ai ih '
Senate meeting two weeks ago. He had pienihd a
report for the senate about the ability of the libra y
to acquire books for the student groups.
Sue Aitchcson, of the Womens' Resource Cm in,
and Altai Malik, of International House, appealed
before the senate. They said the location of the loo, ,
in the centers was vital because students needed bold
the books and the people who staff the renins loi
informational purposes.
Sen. Mark Molacek said that even though :ome
students encounter difficulties in aquiring hook', hem
the library, ASUN should not set the piecedim il
providing books for any group who wishes in
duplicate the library's resources.
UNL dairy melts student ice cream cravings
By Nancy Stohs
UNL's agriculture dept. used to
, eep a herd of cattle on East Campus,
liom which it processed milk, cheese,
m ( i earn and other dairy products for
in iiihliorhood residents.
I he cattle are gone, but the East
Campus Dairy Store is still there.
Whether it's Karmel Kashew,
bavarian Mint or Apple Stroddle, UNL
patrons say it has the best ice cream in
town, it's the "Valentino's of ice
cream parlors," some might say.
I be one room, over-the-counter
flotation in the south side of H.C.
I iiry Hall, 38th and Holdrege Sts.,
'. II-. mainly ice cream and cheese,
manager T.A. Evans said.
I vans, associate professor of food
o i nee, said nothing special is done to
the 1!) flavors of icecream or seven tn
eight cheeses to make them taste
1 1" i let, but many of the formulas are
handed down from long ago.
Ihi! store mainly exists for the
Ih 'A) agronomy and home economics
majni', who staff it to gain experience
m food processing, Evans said.
Because it is such small
operation, "we have to , mi n-ices
competitive," he said ,. . , t- 1r
cents a single-dip and ends a
double dip, compared to Hi i-m .and
' "7TT "V' : 1 " - ' ' fi wwoniyny
i i
29 cents at a leading national chain.
Evans said the stole sells about
1,500 cones, sundaes and handdips
weekly during its open hours, which
are 11:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday
v ,
. jj j -
Neighborhood kids m i
Campus Dairy Store.
M"T..ii " '34,
.h':r for an ice cream treat from the East
through Saturday.
At Christmas, the dairy sic;
packages cheese gift boxes, wl m li a
sent all over the U.S. and to loo '
f-or the last few year s, w -.r. c !
barely managed to bn a!
financially, Evans said.
Sales we're hurt most a! i a
years ago, he said, v. In n I m i.
laige commercial dailies tool' t. . ,
dormitory business.
The dairy store used to supply ih
dairy products for City and f ,
Campus dormitories.
"If we can't make ends nn i, " ';
fold," Evans said, "There's not , n ,;, .
justification to support it -id, v
tax money." It is suppoit' d , I i, :
sales now.
Since the store di;es mostly o;- i.
business, Evans said sales ate ! i
about 15-20 pet cent m il . icp or i
Warmer weatber and suiiiiim i v.-sm. a
enrollment keep that figure tinm '
more, he sairJ.