The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1973, Page page 7, Image 7
New class to study policeman's role in contemporary literature Seldom t1 policeman u li.iys duei ij person hear a ."I !c 'i'. hero. Names such as pig and fvisci'-' i-.'i.-My c-m he.dd in refei ence to police Hi en. In connc, von ..-ah ihu, UNL', English Dept. next semesi 'i is oflt'iin?) a new course, students iii which will study the role of policemen in ( .o n t e m pura; y litei ature, accoidin'i 1 ' Puix-ti Pi'.'i (.:, as'-.islant English profcssoi . Pierce, ff iijn;u':r of the course "The Policeman ,v; F ictional Hero," said it neither will critic, e ' j iaise Kilice activities. "I'm iin '.v in iht; mh.J'.jo of the polict. n..:' i . ! '!;!!)! Iieto ;nl how it contra-!. v '!-, 'in. p-iUic view of policemen," he said. Hem y 1 . h ,;, 'in: UlML orofessnr of ctimiiia! i 1 1 . 1 ' , ( ,;,d Ik- luid hir.h hopes concei iiinn tiii' i::ri;c. "I'd like' to see more trad. ,: ! I . 1 1 ! ,-, t 1 .-.' cd'.'i ed tint are relevant ? (. ' 1..; 1 in;; it cimii'ial justice. I'vn . , : ! m to coiiii'..) of UNL students and persons from the Lincoln Police Dept. and UNL Campus Secui ity. "Along with some members of the local police agencies, there'll be people who are critical of the police. This should lead to some interesting class discussions," he said. Pierce said the response from polict; aijencies was "enthusiastic and favorable." He said the course will give persons the opportunity to discuss literary as opposed to real experience. Course readings are to include "radical literature that portrays policemen as being pigs" and examples of the new journalism, Pierce said. He said Eldridge Cleaver's Soul On lea wa: an example of radical literature and Tiuman Capote's In Cold Blood was ,m example of the new journalism. Both books ate scheduled course readings. He said additional books to be read include The Now Centurions and Jimmy Bie.liu's World j without End, Amen. MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE UMVERM I V of M UK ASKA "-S-1; IM5KIAKY T I WXIIKI 1 fl(ll( l I ll ICA lc. ml 'h.m . ,: ' M hli SK I Ml IN Cabaret ac Mnaor Guitarist Composer FRIDAY OCTOBER 26th 8:00 P.AA. UNION CENTENNIAL BALLROOM 7 T.--':' THE EJEI ij y y w- a.y 1 i t A !! 1 1 It I If i I 1 J f t . Hi ! 5 p 1 r 1 mi) f' with (.'hiiriictur presents EVERGREEN I ui v "i 'l,"i''ciiii m 1 jo y ri t 'bun-,. To. 'kit. 8.30 p.m. BEER PITCHERS 99c P m. - 7 m. da ly .(ri'il- :j0'. u try 1 1 ASS MENAGERIE 12th & Q T . f- OCT. 30 at 8.00 P.M. IF YOU DIG "A MLR I CAN GRAFFITI" ... YOU'RE G )N;! LOVG "GREASE...,!! "YHl- IJ ROADWAY MUSICAL THAT STARTED THH RKVIVAL OF THOSE NIFTY FIFTIES" -Life M.iqnzine a. Uki r". 4'i 1 LIVE ON v 1 FN Al ! SEATS RLSF fVED s:j '0 - $4.b0 S!j.!,0 IdcE Tax PURCHAUL. IICKE I S A PERSHING AUUIIOMIUIVI boxoffici ? noon till r p.m. daily, BRAND E IS, Mi! El . ! ( h PAINE (DOWN I OWN UNION (S( Him I 'f SKE DIRT CHEAP, THE DAISY Who killod JFK? Nov. 22, 1973 marks tho 10 th yeiir since the assdsination of Pres. John F. Kennedy. Since that time much research and probing has uncovered some startling facts. We were told that he was killed by a frustrated loner Lee Oswald. 13 ut ... why did 23 of the eyewitnesses believe that the shots came from the front, when Oswald was al lodged ly positioned behind the motorcade? Why does the suppressed Zapruder home movie, taken at the scene, reveal the president being blasted violently backwards, again, inconsistent with Oswald's location to the rear. Why did the frustrated loner, reputedly a leftist, have a history of involvement with the CIA? Why are the eleven files compiled by the CIA on Oswald, prior to the assasination, being withheld from the public until 2039? WHY??? John Kennedy was killed l y a conspiracy and for a reason. Power changed hands that fateful day in Dallas. What strange links exist between figures involved in the assasination and men arrested for the Watergate breakin? It is impossible to understand the course of American policy over the last decade until the motives behind the assasination are brought to light. An incredible program including hundreds of rare slides pluse the suppressed Zapruder film with an in-depth verbal explanation of the suppressed facts, political links and motives behind the assasination is being presented Wednesday, Oct. 24 at 7 p.m. East Campus Activities Glclg. I oniiihf-7.m. Knsl Campus Aclmlirs Huildin S; " GATf V'Y Ii liTMiirafdftTKBffS daily nebraskan '). i'je V