The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 24, 1973, Page page 11, Image 11
Spacious one bedroom furnished apartment. Utilities paid. $150mdnth plus deposit. Near East Campus. 434-0847, 435-4159. Rent great furniture for your apartment or room INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 132 S. 13th. 432 8851. HIRE'S A HALLOWED DAILY NEBRASKAN WANT ADS can be placed in person in Nebraska Union 34 weekdays 8-12 and 1-5 or called in between 8-10 only at 472 258"8. Cost is 8 cents a worri day, $1 minimum. Payment In advance is preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americard also is accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 p.m. the day before publication. No refunds. No responsibility is assumed for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. FOR SALE Queen size heated waterbed, safety liner, frame and base, sensually priced at $95, 488-9023. Tropical Fish, Scuba Gear, Stereo cassette deck, large cask, complete twin bed, Contact Mike or Teresa 799-3563. 4 genera! admission tickets to the Oklahoma State Game. Contact Bob, after 5 p.m. 488-1000. Pair of Bass hiking boots, size 10-12. Worn once Too small, must sell Paid $55 - Will take best offer. Call 432-71 77. Mountain-hiking boots. The Four one of JanSports finest climbing and mountaineering boots. Tough and durable. Made of the finest full-grained leather. Full steel shank Vibram sole, scree guard. Bellows tongue. Fully lined and padded. Regular sale $45; special $39.90. Sale ends with store closing Nov. 3. SURPLUS CENTER 1000 West "O" St. 2 Sony SS-5300 speakers 50 watt, 3 way 10 inch woofer, like new, $150 pair, 435 2961, Rm. 2202, Girls Schwinn varsity 10-speed. One year old. Perfect condition. Call 475 7230. Used-Cragor chrome mags. Used-10 mo. 10" x "', Make offer, 46 7 2406. Wiih student or faculty ID at time of sale-, 15 discount on all Goodyear tires except promotional items. 'Goodyear Store, 19th 6 O. 1972 Ford Van, air conditioning, automatic transmission, power itonrinfj, paneled, carpeted & insulated. Ideal for camping $2370, 488 5803. '72 Opel Rallye. Call 432 6996, 71 VW Superbeetle, New Michelin tadials. Great shape, This bug nin't got the bug. Call 489-9873 or see it at 4121 Lenox. '62 tmpala SS, overhauled 327, needs lioily work. $325. 4 75 964 1 1 a. m, to 4 p. m, 200 Kawasaki Enduro 2450 miles. 1203 Abel Hall. HELP WANTED Live in male assistant instructor Cr.ll Jack Wright at LOMR, 475 881 1, Seeking responsible Individual for part time receptionist switchboard position: Tues,, Thurs., & alternate FrI. 4 30 8:00 p.m.; Sat. or Sun. 10 a.m. 8 p.m. Must be able to work some holidays. Apply In person to Madonna Professional Core Center, 2200 S. 52nd St. Bookkeeper wanted. Apply In person' at the Cork N Cleaver 301 N. Cotner. I. .uliror lor concrete production. Inl.ind Concrete Company, 6300 Conihuskor Highway, 434 6384. An LmuuI opportunity employer. W.iitri'Mct needed. Apply at Mr. Stei.k, 0500 "O" St, See Mrs. Price. Wiilt rer.'.i" wanted. 11:30-1:00. Apply Perching Cafo, 1439 "O" St. NIGHT CLUB need', part time and full titno cocktail waitress. Top pay pi" excullont tips. Call 43 0 9 724 for oppolntment. WF WILL MIME IMMEDIATELY Part time cooks, busbov. w.iitnwv U-irtondurs and bar waitrese-;. r,ood salary If you want to work. Call after 11 a.m. 434 0204. Njght buvboy position open. Part or full time. Will train. Apply 3 5 daily. J.B.'s Bltf Boy, 27th & Vine. Over 1'J' Will you work ovenlntjs lor $0 an hour? Cor required. 4Gf f4 2. SERVICES Sewing and alterations for all sizes and shapes. 'Days only. 467-3332. NEW LOCATION-CATHOLIC SOCIAL BUR E AU end of south 14th Street (4 miles south from Old Cheney Road).... Personal or Group Counseling by professional staff; Marriage and Personal Counsel; Unmarried Parenthood; Adoptions; Foster Care - Children and Elderly; Mini-courses In Family Communications and Parenting. Evening Appointments 432 6581. ATTENTION FRATERNITY, SORORITY AND DORMITORY RESIDENTS!!!!' Free Hair Care Clinics for men and women. Presented by the Lucille Duerr staff. we cul long hair better try us you like us Call 432-1004 for demonstration: Heads Together Glass Menagerie; Hair Care -1422 'O' St; Hair Styling - 131 S. 14th; Drive-In - 13th & K. Taxidermy, Mounting birds, fish, and small game. 477 31 77. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477-8021. LOST Lost Sept. 5, female Irish Setter, '1 year old, 27th & Holdrege, 423 8196, $40 Reward. Lost; Key ring containing three keys Monday 10-22 in Oldfather, probably 3rd floor. Any information much a p p r e c i a ted con tac t Jan 432-0426. Lost: gold wire rim glasses in front of Phi Delt house. Call 475-6690. Reward. FOR RENT Must sublease by Nov. 1 unfurnished duplex 310 N. 27th. 3 bed & basement $1 50 and deposit 475 2520 after 4 p.m. SPACIOUS 2 bdrm. apt: Appliances, carpets, drapes, utilities pd. $170. Rental Housing, 432 7671. FURNISHED, 3 bdrm. house. Carpets, drapes, singles o. k. $195. Rental Housing, 432-7671. SINGLES WELCOME. 1 bdrm. efficiency. Utilities pd. $97.50. Rental Housing, 432-7671. CAPITOL AREA. 1 bdrm. furnished apartment. Utilities pd. $115, Rental Housing, 432-7671. Your program! An opportunity for call-in storing of the pains, pleasures, and possibilities of wh) you are. SUNDAY NIGHTS 10:00-11:30 Beginning Sunday, October 28 MISCELLANEOUS For information on travel, study, homestays, voluntary service and jobs abroad, see OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER, 205 Nebraska Union. Students needed for volunteer positions. Call 477 3787, leave name and phone. Want to buy 2 tickets together to the Nebraska-Oklahoma State game. One male-one female student tickets together or Two general admission tickets together. Will pay $15 a piece. Call collect Wed. evening only between 6 8 p . m . (402)-564 7900. Wanted: Four Oklahoma 467-2766. tickets to the State game. I .'VI. I ' M M JUt i'll. HE -,. , r . ' I, . , r I j Short films by students and independent filmmakers. Oct. 24 o 3,7, V9 p.m Sheldon Gallery Rud $lOO Take one catchy verse, To send a witch's curse, Add a tablespoon of wit, (Just think a little bit) A pinch of rhythm A dash of rhyme Simmer one day only, At Halloween Time For a special 5cent rate. You can't be late Union 34 is the room. The Deadline's Tuesday noon (October 30th) Take your dilliest of thoughts. And Forget Me-Nots, Then Halloween Day watch for the paper. When your personal Want Ad will end your ghostly caper. HALLOWEEN SPECIAL jam jmrn. m m ma. ma Lummmtrm vt i he vm NEBRASKAN WANT ADS (Still $1 minimum on all ads placed) Union Special Films flSUN approved mmmimm 4Hh mm mm m m mm mt. n u n r -t l M r. : - i t-.i - I m B P i u "I 1 j -'I "i , M daily nehraskan Wednesday, October 24, 1973