The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 22, 1973, Page page 8, Image 8
cbiu Osborne, Huskers battle fans, KU in 1 0-9 squeaker By Bill Bennett Nebraska not only had to battle the Kansas Jayhawks Saturday en route to a 10-9 victory, but some of the 76,498 fans who filled Memorial Stadium as well. "The fans have a right to boo," Nebraska Head Coach Tom Osborne said, "I'm afraid we'v'!.1 lost some of our fans since last week. I've never heard Nebraska fans boo their team at h.i If Tune or at the end of a game." Cornhusker middle guaid John Bell, who had 12 tackles against the Jayhawks, called the negative crowd reaction "pathetic." "I'm sure the dedicated fans are still behind us," he said. "But some fans forget that a win is a win. Whether it's by one point or 77 points, it s AiW a win." John Dutton, Nebraska defensive tackle and co-captain who had nine tackles against Kansas, said the booing had no effect on him, but he was "damn tired of it." "A lot of fans expect us to blow everyone cuit of the stadium, but it's just not that way," he v:id. "We were out there trying our hardest, and theie was just no reason to boo. "I used to play with no fans present when I was a little kid," he said. "And I could do it again." Osborne said the defense played very well, but "I'm really disappointed in the offense because of fumbles and pass interceptions." Defensively, the Blackshirts dug in more than once to stop the Jayhawks. In the first quarter, after Kansas had intercepted a Dave Humm pass and returned it to the Nebraska 25 yard line, the Blackshirts stopped the Jayhawks on the 20 yard line. A Kansas field goal attempt failed. In the third quarter, Kansas drove from their own 46 yard line to the Nebraska 11 yard line, where the Blackshirts stopped them on a fourth and one situation. Again in the third quarter, after the Jayhawks had recovered a Randy Borg fumble of a punt on the Nebraska 18 yard line and s c o r e d five plays later, Kansas' point after-attempt was blocked by Ardell Johnson. And in the fourth quarter, Cornhusker linebacker Bob Nelson intercepted a Dave Jaynes pass and returned it to the Kansas 16 yard line. That play set up Rich Sanger's winning field goal. Nelson said Jaynes overthrew the pass, "and I got it. "I didn't visualize running for any touchdown," he said. "I didn't even visualise catching it." Borg, right cornerback for the Cornhuskers, said "Jaynes did just what we expected him to do. "We (defensive backs) reacted to what we had to do, and we did it," lie said. "Earlier this week, I didn't know if we could hold Jaynes to under 100 yards, but that sure is what we were hoping for." Jaynes completed 10 of 32 passes for 90 yards against the Cornhuskers. Offensively, Nebraska stopped themselves by fumbling four time, losing three, and throwing one pass interception. "It was a very tough and frustrating game," quarterback Steve Runty said. "We'll just have to find the offensive problems and correct them for next week." Nebraska got 213 total offensive yards against Kansas. Osborne said the coaches will look at the films to discover what went wrong. "Kansas jumped around their secondary," he said. "They were dropping back seven or eight men, so they were able to play the pass very well." Humm and Runty attempted eight passes against the Jayhawks. Bright spots in the Cornhusker offensive attack were the first quarter, 80-yard touchdown march that gave Nebraska a 7-0 lead and the running of fullback Ralph Powell. Powell gained 52 yards in 10 carries for an average of 5.2 yards a carry. "Our offensive line opened up some good holes for me," he said "I just hox; to be able to contribute to Nebraska's running game. I was just doing my job." Kansas Head Coach Don Fambiouyh said the breaks in the game were about even, "We had a turnover there in the fourth quarter, that pass interception which they took advantage of," he said. "But we took advantage of some of their mistakes, too. "What it boil? down to is we just got beat by a good football team," he said. Jayhawk flanker Bruce Adams was the league's fouith leading receiver, but he didn't catch any passes against the Cornhuskers. "Sometimes we did our job," he said. "But most of the time Nebraska did their job, and that's what won the ball game for them." Nebraska finishes twelfth in regatta By Michael Whye Boston-Of 39 entries bete in bund ay's prestigious Head of the Charles Regatta, Nebraska's rowing placed 12th. First place belonged to host Harvard with ,i time uf 13:09. Nebraska finished with a time of 19:20. If Nebraska's team had shaven off only two seconds more, it would have been in the Top 10 of the regatta. In any case, Nebraska's four man team left several big name crews trailing in its wake. Among them were Dui ;,nuuth, Pennsylvania, Notre Dam , Holy O Institute of Technul' , , Rutgers and Virginia, las On Nebraska's crew te, were Matthew Kush, M.i Rusthoven at the oars, Boston Univeisity, Massachusetts : inadian National 1 cam Ouelx.'C, , . niier. i"i, coached by Peter andbergen, "ib''ig, Scott Lewis and Ron ' .h Lit uce Fiedetik at cox'n. Alternates weie Scott Cvoboda, Mike Lveielt and Tim Barnett. After the race, Rusthoven, a transfer fiom Holy Cross, said this was his "best race ever." At Holy Cross, Rusthoven had racd against the (jest towing schools in the nation. Ever since their ariival early Friday morning, the Nebraskans were encouraged by enthusiastic Boston supixjrters. T he crew attended a reception Fnday night held in their honor by Nebraska alums and faculty. But the majority of the supporters reportedly were fiorn schools Nebraska was set to race against Sunday, A case in point occulted during the race itself. When Nebraska's four man shell passed under Boyleston Bridge, a cheei went up from the Iwriks of the Cambridge River. No other ciew team teceived such praise as it passed. The enthusiasm did not stop then.', however. Of more than 108 schools and clubs, Harvard offered accommodations to only one-Nebraska. And of these schools and clubs, Harvard only let one use its facilities, shells, and oars-again Nebraska. Before the regatta, Terry Barker, coach of the Harvard team and the 1972 Olympic team, had praise for Nebiaska. "We admire youi spirit to come so far for this event," Barker said. "It shows somebody out there has an interest in this sKrt. I hoi; you do well." In the eyes of those who watched Sunday, Nebraska did Junior varsity basketball tryouts Junior varsity basketball tryouts will begin Monday at 4:30 p.m. in the Coliseum. Students with considerable high school experience are welcome. For further information contact assistant basketball coach Lonnie Porter or graduate assistant Al Nissen at 472-2265. (volume discounting on Gas) IS BACK TRY IT YOU'LL LIKE IT ONLY AT Ms0 an I on f( lv ! 1 t-Ke fTQQT lS; H j 1 ' H ft t K' s u w m m w r, -j v nwfirw m r;- fr-fca tkitbuiiti tt nil n M m W mm mm mm mm iuii; .,m m mm im a mm mm TEXAS INSTRUMENTS ELECTRONIC CRLCULRTORS 6995 TI-2500 n rnnnmr calculator b ' ,- ft. V vrr;. . s!.',tf.,il V v r V.i.,.Willb. Gt-nl foi ihr Mudri.t or busy xctyliv on I hi? ;o I'uili thit coliulului in your icn l or bni-f ftiM- Add, subtnu' multiply or divide 10 diq I key"., o di-rirtKil l'y arid 7 fur in in key Cfi'.vtinl ond rhom 0i'ralio'i fj lolijiiiri", ol tdunfey, ACDC jpi-rcil.on Included. Caltclaloi. horgi, cory .-., owm-i'. nitinuul Sih, SS' 3 0 I 7" Wfi'jbt: Al I MAK.I S 'i.r, .ill Dm- .,,r, i j , t h 1 1 1 . Cili it.ti r . idle r. iirifrnfjMli fl. livi-iy. Alv), M.e tin- SI- KK,1 "S.iijjc Koet " Siiiniiiii ( ;il iil.iim ,11 $V'MM OPtN MCN.-f Rl. 8:30 - 5:30 OPEN SAT. ALL DAY YOU A I WAYS 00 PFTTFR AT n-n. . WjL. "U.. jw. i . ,..T,.T. ".'C S I Ml 1 'ri ' V,.?J. ( J"" " t mWW 4 77-7131 well. pyrjfi 8 daily ncbraskan mo:, !,!, (ji,..,K'r 77, 193