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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 22, 1973)
Movisjng elup aids ndecided students By Tarn Mehuroti To help UNL students complete preregistration forms, the College o( Arts and Sciences has established an advising center in the Cather-Pound cofetsria, according to Jim Smith, counselor for thu college. Because 740 students have undeclared majors, "it was felt they would prefer a difieent type of advising situation" other than assigned advisers, Smith said. Open from 7 to 10 p.m. today through Thursday, the center is run by College of Arts and Sciences student advisory board members, faculty and Mortar Board and Innocents honor societies. "The center is in the experimental stages right now. This type of counseling situation became almost necessary due to the number of undecided students in arts and sciences," Bernie Wirth, advisory board member, explained. Smith said now the college only assigns advisers if requested by students, and students don't necessarily need a formal relationship with faculty members to get advice and counseling from advisers. However, if a student wants to continue with an assigned advisor, "that is all right too-it's up to the student to decide," Wirth said. Reaction to the center has been good, with 25 to 50 students receiving help at the center last Wednesday night, Wirth said. daily hraskon Editor in-Chi,'l Michael (O.J.) Nelson. Managing Editor: Mary Voboril. Nows editor: Tim Anderton. Special Editor: Ken Kirk. Sports Editor: Bill Bennett. Photography Chief: Folds. Night News Editor: Cheryl Westcott. Editorial assistant: Lori C'epper. The Daily Nebraskan is written, edited and managed by students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. It Is editorially independent of the University faculty, administration ano student body. The Daily Nebraskan is published by the Publications Committee on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday throughout the fall and pring semesters except holidays and vacations. Copyiight 1073, The Daily Nebraskan. Material may be reprinteo without permission if attributed to the Daily Nebraskan, excepting material covert by another copyright. Second class postage paid at Lincoln, Nebraska. Address: The Daily Nebraskan34 Nebraska Unionitn m StreetsLincoln Nebr. 68508. Telephone: 4024723588. ft . TUES. OCT. 30 at 8:00 P.M. IF YOU DIG "AMERICAN GRAFFITI" ... j YOU'RE GONNA LOVE "GREASE....!! "THE BROADWAY MUSICAL THAT, START FD Trili REVIVAL OF THOSE NIFTY FIFTIES" -Life Maqa?ine t - iff ALL SEATS Xf, tfj':! RESERVED Mf LIVE W n i i jim iti. ALL SEATS RESERVED $3.50 - $4.50 $5.50 Inch Tax H CHASE TICKETS AT P E R S H I NG ?TU D 7f6 RlOfvl i r OXOFFICE 12 NOON TILL 6 P.M. DAILY, ;;J'!ANDEIS, MILLER & PAINE (DOWNTOWN j UNION (SOUTH DESK). DIRT CHEAP THE DAISY a i i:iVAV r m u a,aw Wmk. & mm i LINCOLN'S ONLY AUTO CENTER FEATURES Oil Change $6.15 Includes 5 qts. oil 1 .. : 7 ft;.;. j0 I - Reflection 0 ;f of Love M W SK .f '& Willi sunlight-polished loaves nl gold j' iL ! l C-Tir?5'7 s ''' Aammom I soutane: ha moon, the sun. tv I M flfl II Ht. :V' a Btanr.iungouttuslhvotholcolinr, HJ Rwiol ; '-TV of lotovormoio. v.vl 1 -if P if . ; il i : ' Bl u?l -f 1.?:. . .1 ..v-'.1.'' All the fhinq'i you ma. " " ' WJ CW. f; HV() iocaiions AWJ:fl Oct. 25fh 7 til Midnight q Free door Prize every 12 hr. ) Poster fticSon p Earrings 12 off Games for special discounts Black lights on sale Free U9M organ to be n avtfay on Merchandise AJ fhb at Oct. 25 7 til Midnight Oil filter Grease V2 hour Hoist Rental Tool Rental Sun's Infared Engine Analyzer Available. Also: U-Fix-lt Literature and Always Someone Around to Help. Hours:Mon-Sat 7:30-1 1PM Sun 9AM-10PAA Discount on All Parts in Stock. Fix it yourself and know it's done right!" mm 11th & fB' Street 475-7269 , orinhc ?2, 1973 daily nebraskan page 3