Exon opposes large tuition increase, sees more state . - i " ft, fut to Nil next year XI 4. '4 4 '. JH&u V' v By Gov. J.J, 'C v, i The Oai'e Piebraskan has taken a laudable - ,i m extending linos of communi.-.aii.i! between state-house and campus, it, offering me the oppor tunny in he d yuest editorialist on the subject of stale support to the University rd Nebraska system, your newspaper distinguishes itself, not by what may be wnnen here, but by affording a ionnn for discussion of public e,.,.( '. Lit Stati? support for the University is indeed a woupy issue. The University this year win spend about $51 million of state fax held:;, or about one-fifth of the state's total. This is an increase of almost 8 per cent over last year. It is safe to assume in at. further increases will be approved next year even though emo'im.mts have stabilized and credit boo's buui'it are being reduced. When viewing the costs and needs of post secondary education, we must also take into account the state colleges, the junior colleges and the vocational colleges. Priorities then become a matter of judgment for the Legislature, as they are the only body who can authorize appropriations to meet any of Nebraska's needs. The University then is not an institution separate from the other institutions of the state. The University is an agency and instrument of the people of the state of Nebraska, just as are the State Depts. of Welfare, Roads, Education, and any of about 75 other state agencies. The destiny of a public university, in a democratic society, is, and must always be, the will of the citizens of the state. The University, however worthy, cannot be considered a separate body appealing for funds as in a fund drive; it must take its place alongside the other agencies of the state, posing its priorities to the Legislature. In post-secondai y education, the service-delivery point is basically the classroom or laboratory, where instructor teaches student. Will more funds really improve instruction and academic standards, or will large percentages go for self -generated non student needs? The measure of 1U UJ Gov. J.J. Exon our public a go nek:; must always be taken at the Geivice-dolivery point, never judged l)y the sire of the payrolls, by our squaru feet of steel and glass, or by our acics of asphalt. In my estimation, improvement of faculty and academit; standaids should always rank highest in the minds of those who manage the University. There is room for discussion and differences of opinions. I do not agree with a recent Carnegie Commission report recommending substantial increases in tuition, especially from the large middle class citizens who now pay most of the taxes to support our post-secondary institutions. Spiraling costs of education are meeting stiff resistance al! across our land. More and more money for fewer and fewer students does not necessarily assure better quality education at any level. Budgeting for post-secondary education in Nebraska is so complex, that I am sure these brief remarks are not adequate to the task. But despite any errors of emphasis or omission, I am committed, as your governor, to see that the University of Nebraska meets the needs of our citizens. UJ h hi tii eg? l.!(t"f, -v;--;:. hi the Daily Nebraskan at the editor's il"cet.i.;i A i-Mfi's 0 tpcarance is jmJged on its timoliness, oncjui.jhi y 'tv"ii:.M and interest. All letturs must be nccomi),!'. m! i,y iin writer's true name, but may hi; sut)irni!.".J lot ;iti.;', radon under a pen name or initials. Use of so i. I'tii'i . vviii hi: dotormincd by the ecJitor. Brevity is em oik ,..!.!(!. ,mi letters are subject to condensation and ediim'j tetters to Editor, Daily Nebraskan, 34 Deai e.M'ii, I "'ii,-i i Imw iriany of your readers realize the I toss ! ; I .iiijii', of American involvement on the Iv.teli s;ir-. r t.'.t: Litest Middle East war? Th'.- I b of ii'iisivi: now being mounted against Cfiini t : i iin,:'.(.us is only possible because of Ai.M ; , ..ijijtlieii Pbantom jels, tanks, missiles, and i.tl.ai vv.'i Mi.tl Should the Israelis succumb to th; i ,.i.m V'.-tpi.dion to "bomb the Arabs back into the ''!'. ' A the Aiabs, not illogically, might do .inyili;ii'i in n 1. 1 lut.k at the United States for their fli'.tlt.i. (iivi(.ir,ly, the Aralrs could only harm this (,nui ,'.t y hi ie.e s'tay di'pi ive it of oil. Lest ; n;c i cullers doubt that the Arabs could to so iik n hbiy stupid as to play this card, bring the United -! t(j a hilt, and almost certainly invite Airi;ri;.' I t -!! seizure of Arab oil lands, two facts sltoulti r e " , -tl't (I. During the Six Day War of 1967, Saitrii A l Libya, Ir.tq and other Arab oil counivies i- ; iierl tfte flow of oil to the U.S. It was repotted it it pro-American King Faisal of Saudi Arabia ivanied the U.S. of a similar permanent time, should the U.S. enable the Israelis to it t i t'ttnian peace on the Middle East. . 'i'i"iii es of an American takeover of i -.1 hieing legions would lx; catastrophic. ,1'lii'ts would find themselves fighting a ,i in f.-d all guerrilla wars in the deserts of I .r i .(gamst millions of Arabs fighting to move the impost.' i lb Aeib '.,1 yrner in (jll'" ill,, v the M 1 1 1 !!, ti , ;. 'th 'en' i the i .nU'igo vould tjnly affect the U.S., no oihei niit- .vould su)port our actions. Our involve. :(iii!t. i I). C't ' ! I'lillM D'.n! ' I e. ..I e n Vietnam would seem like a lark e li ,i Mir It He Last involvement. John T. Mat rone , '', !',' with the "coiK.eriied Musket ..! N-braskan, Oct. 10). As one of the i Hi' l out foi the Yell Squad, I saw 1 .'"m' on duting ttyouls. Fot one ' b'i: i. beers ir.nl couldn't be used in . i iv; '',,' would of forxJ anyoni;, bul j. :,' - in ;fti)id. :i to lilt thi; gills, I see no icason for il .' eie doesn't do it anyway. Oh yes, once I saw a guy lift a girl during the Wisconsin game. I wonder if he did it thinking he could show up the Wisconsin squad. During interviews there were suggestions to the effect of adding more men to the squad. The majoi ity suggested one on on.; one girl to one guy. But that change was not made. It's still not too late. There are six moid football games left, not to mention the basketball season. 7 h squad could select more membeis if they wanted to. Name withheld by lequest Dear editor, If Hitler had resigned Oct 10, I somehow have ibe uneasy and frightening feeling that some pet son.., especially fellow political figu'es, would epie.'.s "dismay" and "sadness" upon hearing the announcement. People seem to haw ' ignite;; -. ! income tax evasion is what the reds busted Al Capone with back in the days of Elliot Nes .. Agnew's resignation should demonstrate tin: America doesn't need a military coup to irpi i corrupt and inefficient leader. We should be glad th.-. time has now been given to us to answer ihr problem of whether impeachment necessaiily must nneetle indictment. Thus Congress should act without delay to provide the solution with the apiiopn:i!f consl i ti tu tional amendments. Jim l.'Milti.'is Devil editor, I thought the Farah pants story (Daily Nebraskan, Oct. 8) was poor. Virtually all the information cmif fiom Paul Hartman, a Farah sales represent ii ive, v"'!u was quoted unquestioningly, as if fie wen, a neunal source. The Lincoln Gaette is an avowedly i.ute,an newspaper. The people who write about th f aiah situation are involved in it, and make no bones about describing their involvement. Perhaps I am mistaken, but I had thought tint the Daily Nebraskan attempted objectivity in its news columns. If, on the other hand, you want to present Willie Farah's position alone, please label it as such. Why don't you do a feature or an edituri.ii on tin' subject? The story said: "The GatHto repotted the workers are paid $1.80 to S2.25 an hoi a, pay hat the Gaotto called very low wages foi fas hay woik" Isn't this low jay for any kind of work? The i n ! it is Ibe pay scale for most UNL students doe a't make it any highet relative to the cost of living in the U.S. in 1973. Students hope to be on the other sidn of iha fuax' economically io a few years. If this m.il " s'n,' ; callous to the s tuition of people for whom working in a pants facto.'v is a permanent job, they tre f ailing to educate themselves. Jtit si; I. c ;ii ie I'.S. Tim Anderson's editorial about the new "t m of symposium that pleases everyone" we, "(ei. of. li. chilhng effect of the regents' and -.tii ', attitude towards the conferences in past years which interested students needs to be further explored in your paper. Dear editor, We wish to thank the Daily Nebraskan staff for its exc'b.nt coverage of the symposium on Argentine-LIS. relations during the 60s. At the same time we wi .'. to respond to Tim Anderson's editor ial (Daily Ne' . Oct. 8). As w- ly attended the conference1, but also ate m ifie participants, drove them to and from the Keilojg Center to the Nebraska Union each day, and in many informal situations became acquainted firsthand with their ideas and opinions, we feel qualifier! to comment upon that cditoiial. First of all, there seems to be some confusion about the nature of a "symposium." The main objective of such gatherings is not to duplicate the experience and knowledge offered at a university. Neither is it to provide entertainment (i.e. dirty films) nor a forum for political action (i.e. a call to overthrow the U.S. government). Rather, a symposium is intended to facilitate the exchange of knowledge and ideas between the participants and other interested persons. That includes students, faculty, townspeople, and regents. Second, the symposium was ananged and linancially supported, for the most pait, by the Ai gentiue Embassy. I lie most knowledgeable persons on Aigentine inatieis -resident'; in the U S. -attended. Many of the patlicipants commented that never before has a group oi this kind mel in tin; U.S. Third, international politics comprised less than one fourth of the symposium's program. Art, music, literature, economics, and history also received attention. f-outth, the list of foieign speakeis w is curtailed because many of the Argentine pat ticipanls were unable to attend. Those present who did come horn a Sp.i n islt spea k ing backgiound demonstrated a command of r.nghsh unmatched by many native spoakei s. f;oi these reasons wc think that the symposium on Argentine U.S. iclations was a suitable and valuable supplement to the (.utricular and extracurricular exueiicnwrs commonly associated with -indeed, neccssar y 1o a univei sity. Mary Ann Holland Sandi Moody Mary Mussman Mary Powlcsland Janet Anderson Connie Jones Pat Keller Bev Brigham Molly Moore 1973 daily nebraskan page 5