wml ads , DAILY NEBRASK - l MUO can be placed in person in Nebraska Union 34 weekdays 8-1 2 and 1 5 or called in between 8-10 only at 472 2588. Cost is 8 cents a woM day, $1 minimum. Payment In advance is preferred, but phone orders may be charged. Bank Americard also is accepted in payment of advertising at no extra cost. Rates quoted are for cash order or charge orders paid within five business days. Ads not paid within five days are 50 cents additional. Deadline for ads is 3 p.m. the day before publication. No refunds. No responsibility is assumed for more than one incorrect insertion of any advertisement. FOR SALE New Panasonic AMFMFM stereo cassette phono. Must soil. Contact Ricky in Abel room 533. QUAD SOUND S YSTEM-Panasonic Technics 150 watt 4-channel amp, Philips 308 belt driven turntable with hydraulic cueing and Shure M91-E phono cartridge, 2 Panasonic Technics 3-way speakers with 10 inch woofers, mid horns and tweeter horns, 2 Panasonic two-way speakers with 6 inch woofers and 2 inch tweeters. Sold now for $1,000, now for $585. Call Stove at 475-121 7. Nikon Camera, FTN black body. Super fine condition. Call alter 4 p.m. 432-9632. Teacher's Book Sale: Black Lit, Philosophy, Education, etc. Hard-back, paper, now, used, 3,00 volumes. 4 72-2440 Marcia, 435 6142 - Steve, LIVING ROOM SALE - skis, antique vanity, clothes, dishes, ice skates and misc. 2nd floor, 1223 ' H ', Wed,, Thurr,., Fri., 5.00 9 00 p.m. 4 75 1 701.. With student or faculty ID ai time of sale, 15 discount on all O o o d y e a r tires e x c i p t promotional items. Goodyear Store, 19th i O 1972 Camaro, F xcellent condition. Call 4 75-2288 1971 Firebird, 300, V-8, air, r a dials. Excellent condition. 4 75 G883. 190 9 Triumph Spitfire. Call 434 4687 after 5 p.m. or 783 2023 'GG Mustaiui. 3. slued, G cylinder, (Ood condition. Must sell, $725. 4 88 96G0. 19GG VW Van, 20,000 miles on engine. Clean, $900. 407-2103. 'G9 Honda 300 CB, Looks and runs good, 432-8149, Part time custodian. Hours after 5:00 p.m. Minimum of 20 hrs per week. Contact 471-2231, personnel, Mrs. Daniels. Morning delivery and warehouse man. Monday through Friday.; Lincoln Wholesale Florist, 1 720 So. 6th. 432-8849. Baby sitter my home. Area 22nd & South. Sundays, 2:30-11:30 P.m. Transportation allowance paid. References required. 423-8093. Wanted 2 part time bartenders with some experience. Please call Mr. Cra ntz 434-5951 for appointment. Plaza IV Lounge, 333 North Corner, 434-5951. Waitresses needed. Apply at Mr, Steak, 5005 "O" St. See Mrs. Price. Waitresses wanted. 11:30-1:00. Apply Pershing Cafe, 1439 "O" St. Kitchen help wanted Flexible hours. Day and night shifts open. No experience necessary. Apply in person at Taco Kid, 1 7th and Van Dorri. No phone calls please, Need part time dishwasher. Morning hours 7:30-10:30. Ruppert's Pharmacy, 13th & N. Attention: part time night waitresses needed. Will train. Apply 3-5 daily, J.B.'s Biq Boy, 27th & Vine. Night busboy position open. Part or full time. Will train. Apply 3-5 daily. J.B.'s Big Boy, 27th & Vine. AMAZINGLY PROFITABLE Earn money. Europe Bonus Trip. Resume Forwarding Representative needed. Flexible hours. No selling. Write National Resume Service, for information, P.O. Box 1440B, Peoria, Illinois, 61601. Wanted salesmen or saleswomen to do food sales. Part or full time. Excellent income. No experience h'ece'ssary. We will train. Call 475-4537 to arrange for interview. FOUR COLLEGE MEN NEEDED PART TIME. $G0WK. ALSO FULL TIME WORK. 488-4424 HELP WANTFO Laborers for concrete production. Inland Concrete Company, G300 Cornhusker Highway, 4 3 4-6384, An Equal opportunity employer. Recent grad needs hel, remodeling house. Some experience preferred. 477-1 129, 40G 278H. Part-time. Flexible hours, Days, evenings, weekends. Call Stephen M, Cary, Building Services Contractor, 4 H')-H'.'.)2. Part time help. Light delivery. Must have good driving record, Aftel 7 p.m. Call 4 70-1 710, SAVE Special dry-cleaning Laundry Service! 10 off with Student I.D. DADDY'S LAUNDROMAT 241 So. 20th St. 20th & 'M' St. ONE DAY SERVICE DOLLAR PITCHERS Tonrfce 7-9 pm... UTILE BO EAST Have you ever been in love and couldn't get out? Guided tours of Love Library Tuesday and Wednesday, 3 & 3:15 Circulation Desk Need information? For research assistance arrange an appointment with a librarian. Call 472-2518 PART TIME CLERK. Thurs, Fri., 5:30-9:00. Some Sundays 1:00-5:00. Apply in person, 3219 S. 13th. KNIGHTS FAMILY STORE. Part time bookkeeper-cashier. Evenings and weekends. Apply in person. Robert Hall Clothes, 6105 "O" St. SERVICES For information on travel, study, homestays, voluntary service and jobs abroad, see OVERSEAS OPPORTUNITIES CENTER, 205 Nebraska Union. Taxidermy. Mounting birds, fish, and small game. 47 7-31 77. Will do typing tor students. Reasonable rates. Call Bonnie 477-6782 after 4 :30. Part time typist. Bibliography cards. At S.03 each. Call 4 75-8540, 5-6 p.m. weekdays. Pregnant? Birthright cares about you and your unborn child, 477 8021. PERSONAL Hf Ll'il I'vft be.-n ripped off by my landlord. This time I think he ripped oft my cat. Peter traveled here from Philadelphia, she's a small, griiy with black stripes .lute ch.ssi and answers name. A fantastic cat - really missed ... if you see her please call ' 472-3171 (days) or Phyllis (mv noinhbor) 477-1 780 (even.) Apartment 17th Street, near campus, two bedroom, furnished. Available end of October, 435-2803. 1 1 1.: to her ;iio is should Linda ROOMMATE WANTED tie roommate wanted. Lome furnished apartment. Reasonable rent. Quiet location. 4 23-9691. f ernale roommates wanted andor Iu.tsps boarded. Large Farm house. 467-21 52. FOR RENT LOST Lost: Pair of aviator sunglasses in Love Library or Union. Reward. 475-2559 or 435-9731. SINGLI.S WELCOME. 2 bedroom house, Carpets drapes, appliances. $130 RENTAL HOUSING 432-7671. 30th a O. 1 bedroom furnished int. Suidtfhts welcome. $110. i'AL HOUSING 432-7671. Pi' V.'i O.K. '.? bedroom house. New crp'.ts. Appliances. $155. Hf NTAL HOUSING 432-7671. UTILITIES PAID Now 2 bedroom 'fuplex,- furnished, dishwasher, iisposrl. $175. RENTAL HOUSING. 432-7671. Rent great furniture for your apartment or room INTERIORS DIVERSIFIED 132 S. 13th. 432-8851. MISCELLANEOUS Zeta Tau Alpha and Delta Delti Delta present "The Christmas Stocking" A Christmas Boutique Tuosday, October 23, 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. Gifts, Christmas decorations, baked goods. Win a 10-spoed bike and other prizes for $.50. AUF raffle -buy your chance at the Studont Union NOWI Hey farmer! I Need a shayciy dog' Half huskie, half English sheepdog, who needs the freedom of a farm. Call 432-5237, after 5 p.m. Need to buy 6 tickets to N.U.-K.U. Football Game. Will pay well. Call collect. 913-864-6362, 913-864-6226. Need: General Admission ticket Kansas Game (Oct 20). Cali 475-6516. HELPI 4 tickets wanted for Colorado game. After 2 p.m. call 432-1 728. M W i 1 ss onderful SHOES FOR WOMEN T.M. RlfiHT ON with the heel that's on the un and "n. . ' 4" w " - r - "f'st. Cr" up. Miss Wonderful stand on a fun platform fV 9kf anc' walks on a realy stacked heel. Ask for Kitfht On The spectator look that scores high with the Big Skirt. Price range $16-$20 UJhan You're Mi UJondarful Flaunf IH See details below '". .''it- I 2 fe li .J .7 f. n c fur J " "l :i i 3 ly oil : rm. .. 'r;'-- 1:- J 0. Be sure to fill in name, address, and size. Send with check or money order to: Promotion Centers of America 2118 59th St., St. Louis, Mo. 63110 1 . Miss Wondcilul Hat-Crushable, pellon lined. Specify size: Small, Medium, Large or i XL, $2.75 cacti. 2. i Miss Wonderful Bike Shirt. 100 tine quality cotton, White body with 1 rod sleeve and 1 blue tileevo. Miss Wonderful emblem. Sizes: J Small, ., Medium, Large, and f XL- J4'25 each. 3. I ! Miss Wonderful Oiko Bag. Canvas with straps. For school supplies or bike outings. 15" x 14. with Miss Wonderful emblem, $1,75 each, 4 ' ! Miss Wonderful Tank Shirt. Cotton tank top with Miss Wonderful imprint. Small, 1 Medium, , Large, and ( i XL. $3 00 each, 5. ! , Miss Wonderful Bike radio-light-horn. Snaps on and off In seconds. Black & White; i ! Hod . White; i Bluo & White, complete with batteries and accessories. Specify color choice. $15.1b each. All prices are delivered costs. Send check or money order (NO CASH) with your order. Missouri residents must add 4 Sales Tax, NAMI MKI I, 1 auuwi s:. CI f Y St Alt IP C0DF Wednesday, October 17,1973 daily ncbraskyn parjo 1 1