The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 15, 1973, Image 1
OQlIU monday, October 1 5, 1 973 lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 27 Wat (-- w if J- y ilf i ! f JL-,". 1 ii,r-- fin-"" i KiF ji s..a, . .. 4-- i-.l :. ? nk .1 Pi Doctors ordered to halt non-University abortion 4 ' I" '-' u If i Photo by Gail Folda A crowd of about 60 UNL minority students marched through downtown Lincoln Friday with costumes, chants and signs to protest the celebration of Columbus Day. The protest, led by black, Indian, Chicano and white students, began at the State Historical Society museum. Protestors called the holiday "absurd" and a history book myth that should be changed. See story and photo;, Pago 3. By Steve Arvanette Two doctors at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC) in Omaha will be forced to stop performing abortions in places other than the University hospital or sever their jobs with the University as a result of a decision m. cle Friday by the Board of Regents. It appeared the decision to icturn the two UNMC physicians to full-time status and under strinuent rules prohibiting outside abortion practice resulted in considerable private discussion. Board members delayed then informal Thursday night meptinq for an hour to meet privately with at: attorney representing the two dot. t. us. The start of Friday's regular monthly meeting was 45 minutes l;ite in starting because of another executive session at which NU President D.B. Varner and Medics! Center Chancellor Robert Sparks v.'v- present. At their July meeting, the Kmi'i agreed to place Drs. Marvin D:-.i!i- ii and George Orr on three-fourths ts," status with the medical u nter fo a three-month tiial busis. The two doctors then o-i.;i 'i a private clinic a short dista'-a: ( ..: medical center to perform :;.'. The clinic has come un.-lc :; and was picketed by the or.-.;, ',?... Right to Life. The resolution to retu : physicians to full-time hiatus ..,;-! full compliance with UmvciMty in!..-, came against the recommendation:, t 1 Sparks. When the issue of fu -a'! , .j-. before Friday's m'.-cting. Gi-ick-. r e c o rn m ended c o n 1 i 1 1 u i ' i -part-time status until June .';(), "They are pei f(.npi!n) ifni appropriately and omiilyi':') -.v . stipulations set tot th by the board," he told the regents. Regent Ed Schwartzkopf's motion to adopt Sparks' recommendation was killed on a 6-1 vote. Regent Roberl Koefoot then presented his motion to return the two doctors to full-time status and in compliance with University rules governing abortions. It was passed unamimously. As full-time faculty members, the two doctors could be fired if they perform abortions outside of the University hospital. A $17.3 million capital construction budget tequest for 1074 75 as also approved during the ItxieruiU1 meeting and sent to the The capital construction request is nut ge-aiofi to growing enrollment, Vainei said. The figure approved lepiesented a cut from the S20.2 million piesonted at last month's irvetnh). 1 f ,: bulk of the requested eu;:e,' --SS.G miliioiv-would Ik: tor the Uncoin an ,'U'.e firs'- on the prMjr'tY ii for University cons'.ruction is 3 o;h tiol apprcpii.Htion of $3.3 million to b" gin lva'iing i animal disease research (.enter on 1 .;AlL' l:: ast Ca.npus. 7 h' $7 million pi o,vct vvo'i'J Ijc co'!!piet'.r(! by a seccjnd appi cpi lation i I he folleH'iriij year. By action, the' boaid again oKi.-i,.,- known thi'ir desire to bu'id a cot:';.;1"!'1 life sciences bijihl'tig. Gov. J ). Lxoi- M-cori;mr::n.lefJ and he 1973 1 euisLi't'ii' u : in 'Ved a limited life ..!..!"! 'I.'."- : ! : JC !i - ! '. I i ! Ovll d l,t.i i.;-r;ej(, ci ' -Ot ti .' si"-id 'S'?..2 mi'l on a; a.ii opi :a I loi th.; :-trMi!i;i bmldiny and (."quest an o i i o i i ion al $3.9 million so the lull si e' i 1 i 'Cie- ;(,!-, 1 1' ilVng i i 1 . ! i ' const! in:ti:d. Goose lays golden egg for or r r rYi r rr By Vince Boucher For UNL sophomore Steve Leth, a goose; truly laid a golden egg. Leth was awarded a $1,000 savings bond when he became the world's goose calling champion in competition at Missouri Valley, Iowa, Sept. 29 and 30. Leth placed first in the senior men's division, which is open to men above' age 1G He captured top honors in a field of about 40 final contestants, ranging in age from 16 to GO. "People are kind of curious-they can't comprehend what it's all about," Leth said of his hobby. He became interested in goose calling through his interest in hunting and family background. Lyle Leth, Steve's father, was the 19G3 goose calling champion. Young Leth has been practicing since about age seven, he said. He also took the junior division championship in 1 965. "I just grew up with it and picked up a lot of tips from people around home," he said. He is from St. Paul, Nebr., and hunts as often as he can take time away from the campus. Leth said he enjoyed the uniqueness of goose calling. He also finds it funny that "you don't always know what you are 'saying' to the goose." Goosi; calling is done by foicing air through a pipe-like apparatus which surrounds a reed. "It's sort of like playing an instrument -it takes time to catch on to it," he said. In the world competition, sponsoied by the Missouri Valley jaycees, Leth called three' species of geese. He said the1 first, the Canada goose', has "a low, base honking sound." The second was the snow or blue' goose which nas "a high, -.en f.fiy sound," he sael. TL- lost type war. lie' r. hit. -hoot goose, whi I) h is a men - iM' Calls during the competition were judged on timing, rhythm, and sound, Leth said. One hundred points are allotted to each call. Leth's winning score was 436, as some of the calls were repeated during the competition. Leth said goose calling is very effective in attracting geese during hunting. He has been called upon by several spor tsmen's groups to speak on the skill of Lelh sad oat of toe rha'icnnc '-s the vaiieiv goose i, ails. II'- ;cts leased occasional ,i!n.u' ! hobby "p ople col 1 me goose and quack and stuff like that"- but everyone is always leally inteiested. Next, ycni leth will have to compete again as the defending champion. He automatically will be in the finols of the' competition. V I .IT d, h