The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 12, 1973, Image 1

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    n i
friday, October 12, 1973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 26
Senate tables
3 requests
for books
Money makes the world go 'round... but it can'1
make the ASUN Senate purchase books for student
organizations on campus.
After four hours, the Senate voted Wednesday
evening to pass all recommendations of the student
organization budget except those dealing with
publications for student groups.
International House's $175 request for resource
books, the Women's Resource Center's $325 request
for magazines and books and the Afro-American
Collegiate Society's (AACS) $50 request for library
materials were tabled until next week.
Sens. Dave Thurber and Brian Waid objected to
supplying money for publications which might be
supplied through the university library system.
Sen. Larry Hill of the budget committee said his
committee had not investigated whether the books
and publications could be located through the library
or with faculty sponsorship.
Several senators from the budget committee
defended the allocations, saying that the books-are
not available through the library.
ASUN President Ann Henry said Thursday she
"assumes that someone from the senate will look into
the matter" by next week, and "hopefully it will be
Sen. Dave Thurber", since he brought the objection
to the senate.
The funding issue will be decided at the senate
"retreat" discussion, which will take place off-campus
An additional $200 was granted to the rowing
team after a plea from Judy Visty of the woman's
rowing team. The AACS and Hockey club also were
awarded more money.
An 11-10 vote prevented the $650 allocated to the
child care center from growing, even though the issue
was debated at length, Henry said.
She said the increase was defeated because some of
senators pointed out that the day care center had
requested an additional $700 from ASUN last year so
it could be licensed. The center has not been able to
do so, she said.
The organizations, the amount they requested, and
the amounts received are listed below. Tabled items
are not included in the total amount granted.
Black United Sisters
University Friends
of the Arts
Mortar Board
Mexican-American Student
Residence Hall
International House
Gay Action Group
Women's Resource Center
Geology Club
Walk for Development
University Women's
Action Group
Student Veterans
Hockey Club
Undergraduate Psychology
Student Bar Association
International Club
Chess Club
Afro-American Collegiate
Community Legal Education
Young Democrats
Child Care
Rowing Team
Chinese Students
$ 550.00 $280.00
1,500.00 500.00
250.00 0.00
1,500.00 300.00
1,000.00 0.00
1,700.00 215.00
500.00 425.00
903.30 315.00
1,000.00 1 25.00
902.80 179.80
90.00 30.00
650.00 0.00
375.00 310.00
1,824.00 390.00
800.00 225.00
565.00 30.00
1,500.00 500.00
895.00 100.00
700.00 30.00
1,875.00 625.00
500.00 275.00
117.00 0.00
1,420.00 600.00
2,145.16-2,675.15 b50.00
10,800.00 300.00
1,380.00 200.00
1 00.00 0.00
Hiram Scott's fate awaits regents' approval
By Steve Arvanette
NU President D.B. Varner Thursday
received a copy of a special
committee's findings on possible
University acquisition of the former
Hiram Scott College in Scottsbluff. It
appears unlikely, however, NU's Board
of Regents will take any action on the
report at their meeting today.
Nearly two weeks ago the
committee reported a 7-3 split
recommending against University
acquistion of the campus. The
committee was established by Gov.
J.J. Exon at the request of Varner and
the regents.
The regents have backed
unanimously an administration
proposal to take the Scottsbluff site
without cost and establish programs in
agriculture, rural health and
I : ? V
Spooked? See haunted house story, Page 10
continuing education.
At the committee's final meeting,
Sept. 28 in Grand Island, a motion was
adopted stating the University's plan
was "not of a scope and significance to
warrant the acquisition of the Hiram
Scott property."
The majority opinion report said
the University's planned programs
would be too expensive and could be
accomplished through existing
institutions of higher education.
It added that some of the programs
are being taught already in neighboring
colleges which have openings for
additional students. Since the Hiram
Scott programs would be student
oriented, and student enrollment is
likely to continue decreasing, the
majority recommended adding new
programs to existing institutions.
The majority report charged the
University with lacking significant
commitment to the proposed Hirarn
Scott programs.
"It is the committee's assessment
that many University administrators
do not feel that the Hiram Scott
acquisition is a sound move," the
majority reported.
The majority finding said
Scottsbluff is not the most desirable
location for westward expansion of
the University. The proposed programs
would be student oriented rather than
directed toward research as is needed
in western Nebraska.
The committee majority disputed a
University position that future
acquisition of two dormitories should
be considered at a later date.
"It is the committee's view that
these dormitories should not bo
acquired by the University under any
circumstances and that they are
basically valueless."
They also rejected a suggestion the
University acquire the property and
"mothball" it for possible later use. A
better course of action, the majority
said, would be for improved
coordination between the University
and the state's other higher education
institutions for new programs.
Voting for the majority opinion
and against University acquisition
where Lincoln accountant Dana Cole;
William Colwell, Hays Springs; Wesley
Hansen, North Platte; James
O'Hanlon, UNL professor of
secondary education; Norman Otto,
Exon's administrative assistant from
Lincoln; Virginia Vieregg, Grand
Island; and State Sen. Ramey Whitney,
The minority opinion was
supported by NU Regent Robert
Koefoot, Grand Island; John Selzer,
Scottsbluff; and State Sen. Frank
Lewis, Bellevue.
The minority found western
Nebraska in need of improved
educational programs and contended
Scottsbluff was a good location.
The three minority committet
Ti embers said they felt it was
iiynificant the property was being
offered without cost. "There is no way
the state can lose on such a
proposition," they found, the campus
vould Ixj "extremely costly to
The minority charged some
members of the committee with not
looking at the benefits of Hiram Scott,
but rather voting for the special
interests they represented.
'The development of a University
program in Scottsbluff would help to
unify the state and to provide the
services of the University to all parts
of the state," the minority said.