The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 11, 1973, Page page 3, Image 3
Fruit, feminism combine for orange pie In 1873, Catherine Bcccher. teamina un with her famous sister Harriet Beecher Stowe, produced a compendium of knowledge called The Housekeeper's Manual. It clearly was women's destiny to reform her fellow man. The Women's Christian Temperance Union, affectionately called the WCTU, was founded in 1874 and resolved not only to kill John Barleycorn hut to bring back moral fiber into America thiouyh a healthy diet. daid woe by working 100 acres in Fresno, Cat. And two women had , established a Women's Fruit Preserving Union in Pasadena. These were but incidental remarks. The book's purpose was to substitute fruit temptations for the more dangerous ones of the bottle, and Poole succeeded admirably. Some of her most intriguing recipes were those concerning oranges, of which the following is my favorite. I have updated the formula somewhat, but in essence it is Poole's own Orange cream pie tiieatiu; 1 14 cup hot water 1 cup sugar 5 Tbsp. cornstarch A r.oukbuok was dedicated to "the women of the WCTU, who with their noble leader, Frances Willard, are working for the uplifting of humanity." The book, Fruits and How to Use Them, was one of the best stressing wholesome cooking. The author, Hester Poole, managed to combine fruit and feminism in an interesting way. i oik, iiu;w ci iumiici iMciiuuLKt'i leacner wno, in looo, naa produced 6,000 boxes of raisins and 45 tons of dried apricots Baked 9 in. pie shell 3 eggs, separated 1 cup fresh orange juice 3 tsp. lemon juice Combine all ingredients except the eggs in the top of a double boiler. Cook for 5 to 8 min. or until smooth. Beat egg yolks slightly and dilute gradually with some of the hot mixture. When eggs are well diluted and all danger of curdling past, add them to the double boiler mix, then cook and stir for about 5 min. Cull the custard, then pour into the pie shell. Top with fresh or canned orange segments. If fresh, remove the membrane. Cover with a merinque made from the beaten enci whitps a pinch of salt, and 6 Tbsp. sugar. Bake in a preheated 375 degree oven until lightly browned. THE RESISTIBLE RISE OF ARTURO Ul An Ll'IC Theatre Kxperience by Bertoit Brecht October 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, '73 Tickets: Students S2.00 General-S2.50 12th & R Lincoln, NL: ALL SEATS RESERVED , 4f ft. x f if f ; 7 TU1I1QK ALL STUDENTS Sin YOUR CHANCE , NOW S ? uN,50R E D BY 5.V 0. RXFFLE TICKETS ltl.00 U Vets' raffle booth LOOKING FOR A GREAT PLACE TO EAT? We fU'i ;i variety ul !i)i)d foods 20 dil 1 ei em sandwiches Nu iiierous side dishes ;' Delicious soit-seive. 1'eaturiiu: malts, shakes and sundaes in n t'.ivoiile lljvors. Sol l di hi ks iV toll ee. AND positively the best chili in (own! THE LEMON TREE SANDWICH SH0PPE 1321 "()" Street 435-6288 ' ;it in or Ciirry-out LIMITED OFFER: din tllis 1,rii and we'll Uike 10 cents oil the price ol your favorit sandwich. Uof N WINTERIM CHARTER FLIGHTS TO EUROPE MUNICH or ROME-$247.60 I C t 1 1 1 l-f rij !)(. 2(i",iui. Mi L0ND0N"$21 2 C""iU.d space only) I 1 1 n I -1 1 - i ( Jif l . 1.5 Applications and $50 deposits for flight only space are now being accepted in the Flights and Study Tours Office, Room 204, Nebraska Union. Phone 472-2484 space in some interim courses is still available if lntit', !,(.-. ,ul), t till l,.irm', v'.i'li n 1 1 1 J r 1 1 iih ri.'iiv ut $30.) Raffle offers $300 prize Offering a prize of a S300 deduction from second semester tuition payments, the Student Veterans Organization (SVO) will hold a raffle Dec. 5 to raise funds for the Help American Vietnam Veterans through Education (HAVE) program The raffle is open to all students, with tickets selling for Si per person. Tickets will be on sale now through Dec. 4. Funds for the raffle are provided by the Financial Aids Office. veterans, providing loans at 3 per cent interest for a maximum of one year with no consigner, according to Rich Henderson, chairman of the program. SVO hopes to make about $2,500 from the raffle to support the HAVE program, Henderson said. The HAVE available to program is all student r3onoi 10C30I i o a o o li o o D o o a o o D o o a o TIMES'S RUNNIN' OUT All those persons who have records or money remaining with ASUN from the old record store, please pick them up in the ASUN office, 334 Union by November 1. Any remaining after that date will become property of ASUN. 0C30I 30C30C 3OES0I 30C30C 1 0 C j C V3 O EJ O J D o D o D o D o HUMAN POTENTIALS SERIES October 11-12 ZIPPORAH DOBYNS I'll 1 1 in ( I in H ,i I 's ( In ii ii;s , ii i it i ii i in I ii il 1 1 I ( m ,i 1 1 1 1 ii ul 1 1 1 1 i , 1 1 1 . i , 1 1 1 1 in I 1 1 I it l svlull.ll ,st I i ii i:.'l t .llllllnt III llW Ixiiiks lllllllsU I III ( i ill 1 1 1 1 I M i II ( lllllll: . il K( I i il IS Si H ill ( Tlwrs. Oct. 11 Ad dress '. "PSYCHOLOGY & ASTROLOGY" 3:30 p.m. Union Riip Session 8 p.m. Raymond Mall (in WR11) Fri. Oct. 12 Workshop at UHML. For information, call 432-6561 I li iIim-1.i t'liimi I.iIVs.iimI I hi. us (1 o D o n u o 0 o fl 10C30I IOC30I aonoi thiiryiiiy, ocu.'Urr 11,1 03 ddily nebratikan ).Jf)f.' j I. '-.o,