The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 10, 1973, Image 1

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Wednesday, October 10, 1973
lincoln, nebraska vol. 97 no. 24
Disputed faculty report
sparks tenure controversy
Demanding more time, long-range planning
and stronger job security in case of financial
cutbacks, the UNL Faculty Senate Tuesday
attacked a report on financial reallocation, and
tabled discussion until next month.
In dispute was an ad hoc committee report
"to shackle the administration's discretion" in
cutting faculty jobs because of financial
necessity, according to committee chairman
Wallace Rudolph, UNL law professor.
The committee was to set up guidelines to
prevent a situation like last year when two
faculty members were given unexpected
dismissal notice on the basis of financial
reallocation. The issue emerged after one
member appealed it through a faculty
Grievance Committee and. was reinstated.
Opposition led by Harry Crockett, UNL
sociology professor, said the final report was
difficult to understand, ignored long-range
planning and asked the faculty to approve its
own termination.
He said Nebraska is "miserly" in supporting
the University and since lack of state funds
would mean financial ruin, UNL should ask for
a bigger budget.
"We can make all the plans we want of what
to do if we get more money," Rudolph said,
but "what we're talking here is not what we'd
like but what will happen if disaster occurs."
He called all persons opposing the report
Astronaut grounded
Edgar Mitchell, Apollo 14 astronaut
scheduled to speak Tuesday night as part of the
Nebraska Union Talks and Topics Committee's
Human Potential Series, was unable to
complete his mission because of illness.
Mitchell will speak later in the semester.
"Polyannas" who wanted the committee to
determine how to have more jobs and more
money. All report opponents said they
supported the committee's intention; most
were in favor of more time to reconsider certain
Part of the debate was over "financial
exigency" as handled in the report.
Committee member Max Larsen, UNL math
professor, said a faculty member can be fired
now only on account of incompetency, removal
of an entire department or a state of financial
The last case is unchecked now, he said, and
faculty can be removed or shifted at the
administration's whims.
The report restricts defining of "financial
exigency" to the Board of Regents and the
courts and says it must entail an actual loss of
funds by the University, not merely "financial
The report sets up elected faculty
committees to help make reallocation decisions
as they arise. This includes dismissal of tenured
or non-tenured faculty members.
John Braeman, UNL history professor, said
he didn't think the report guaranteed the
intended safeguards and moved to disapprove it
and appoint a new committee to study the
Desmond Wheeler, chemistry professor, said
this was unwise and the original committee
should reconsider it with input from other
faculty members.
Despite Rudolph's stand that he hadn't heard
any worthwhile complaints to make report
changes, the senate approved Wheeler's motion
as a replacement to be considered in November.
Earlier the senate tabled till next month
discussion on restructuring the senate into a
representative body.
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The Accounting dept. has ruled that students can't use
calculators for tests. A student is challenging this
decision. See story on Page 7.
CSL discrimination groups to hear charges
By Jane Owens
A two-step process for investigating discrimination
complaints at UNL is "almost ready to go," after
more than three years of study and discussion,
according to Donald Shaneyfelt, Council on Student
Life (CSL) chairman.
Chancellor James Zumberge, after approving a CSL
proposal passed last January to establish a Committee
on Equality and a Judicial Board on Equality, named
members to the two groups last month.
Shaneyfelt said he probably will explain the
committee's charge to members at an organizational
meeting this week.
The Committee on Equality, established to prevent
discrimination by race, creed or sex can investigate
charges of "limitation of access to participation in
education, social, cultural or other activities of the
University," according to the CSL proposal.
Disci imination also is prohibited in housing
"supplied or tegulated by the University for students
and staff, including fraternities and sororities," unless
based on distinctions between the sexes, the proposal
The committee also can investigate discrimination
in off-campus UNL-sponsored activities.
Members of the UNL community who have
discrimination complaints should contact the
Committee on Equality chairperson once the
committee is organized and a chairperson named,
Shaneyfelt said.
The seven-member committee, which includes two
faculty members, two administrators and three
students, first will review policies and practices, then
recommend appropriate changes.
The Judicial Board on Equality can receive appeals
from the committee and recommend policy changes.
All xtions then will be forwarded to the chancellor,
the proposal states. Two faculty members, two
administrators and three students will serve on the
Discrimination probably is not too widespread at
UNL, Shaneyfelt said. "I doubt if the committee will
teceive many complaints," he said "but it's still
essential to hive a proper means of investigating
allegations of discrimination."
Shaneyfelt said he was aware of four or five cases
of discrimination last year that should have been
The establishment of a Committee on Equality and
a Judicial Board on Equality initially was
recommended in a 1970 Report 1 Racial
Discrimination, prepared by John Robinson, former
CSL chairman and chairman of the UNL English
depai tmcnt. Robinson was asked to ptppate the
report during the 1969-70 school year by NU
president D.B, Vainer.
A 1971 CSL proposal, based on the report, called
for the establishment of the two bodies.
Implementation of the Robinson Report
ie( ommendations was delayed when former UNL.
hesident Joseph Soshnik resigned in 1971 and
administi ative offices were reorganised, Shaneyfelt
gives budget
to senate
"To the victor belongs the spoils"
goes the adage. And the victors of this
year's ASUN budget fight won't have
as much to share.
The ASUN Budget Committee, in i
report released Tuesday,
recommended that less money be
given to UNL student organizations
this year than last. The committee has
recommended that $6,504.80 be
divided among 22 student groups. Last
year $6,996.69 was shared by 14
Twenty-seven organizations had
requested more than $35,000 this
The recommendations are scheduled
for approval at tonight's ASUN
The committee has recommended
that five gioups Ik; given $500 or
more. The big winner appeals to be
the Child and Infant Day Care Center,
which has had $650 recommended foi
it. The center requested more than
$2,100 to operate the clay c.aic
Other groups to whii h the
committee has recommended giving
$500 or more include: University
Friends of the Arts ($500), Women's
Resource Center ($50-1.80), Student
Bar Assn. ($500) and the L Week
Committee ($600).
The committee recommended that
five organizations be given no money.
They are Mortal boat d, tin; senior
women's honor society, the Residence
Hall Assn.; the Walk lor Development
Committee, a charity oicjaniaiiou;
Young Democrats; .mil Ma.xq is, a
theater group.
It also has recommended that
.ii e
several groups receive less money tharT
last year. Among thorn are
International Club and the crew team.
Last year, ASUN gave $1,200 to the
(Jnb. If this year's recommendations
ipproved by the senate, the group
receive $100. It requested $895
The crew team also has hit rough
water. The group was given $900 last
year. This yeai S10U has been
recommended. The team requested
$10,800, the largest request of any
In its guidelines, the Budget
Committee said it refused to finance
partisan political activities, social
events, travel expenses foi conferences
and scholarship piograms.
AGUN President Aifu I lent y said
Foe'day sin; doesn't e i!h; senate
to .!iinrov the t tinmi end jts'ms tin,