ls Hie slate's tj);iu-iN should niver.sily is oporjk'il. ulieihei alcohol will enhance I ho i ssi i o i-, u ho'ihoi ilio full S h !h0 continued from page 2 on alcohol and visitation, tin have some say ahoni how (he t "It is no! a question of education oi not," Bader sail liulits and responsibilities gicii to I'l-yeut Legislature should be granted by the University. "I realize some people feel different about it," ho concedes. However, the present policy opens the University to easy attacks for being hypocritical and not dealing with the real world, he said. One issue which has frustrated students at many campuses are so-called parietal rules requiring that students live in approved University housing until they attain a certain age. Lor NU (hat age is 20, although the state's age of majority is l). "It is not contradictory in terms of legality," said Richard Armstrong, director of UNLs housing office. "I he regents may promulgate any regulations they desire." Such a rule Armstrong said is a "philosophical belief that some educational value will be realized by having students live in a lesulence hall foi pai t of their education. Although he doesn't know why the 20-yeai age was decided " ho speculated at least one reason uas to keep the dormitory system llnancialK solvent. In other words, you oan t pay oil the bonds used to build the buildings if the dormitories aren't reasonably full. I ho studies and committees on student lights at NU alone too numeious to count. How much they have accomplished is even moie J 1 1 lieu 1 1 to de'.ei mine. The deciding fictoi in gaining what students have coined the right of "sell dcteimiiKilion" may he time. AIR HOCKEY & FOOSBALL TOURNAMENTS The air hockey and foosball tournaments will take place in the Student Union at 6:00 p.m. Oct. 10 & 11 Air hockey-Oct. 10 Football-Oct. 11 Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2cond place. Sign up at Games Desk (Bowling Alley) Fee 50 I1 legist IUfce,vclch EXTRA WEEKEND "A BRILLIANT FEAT OF MOVIE-MAKING!" ' .Ml MA. .A." Nl ah: piciuncinnw1 nm mSAWWOINPAMS "sn COLOR H, 'S2 7 & 9 Friday & Saturday Henzlick Hall Auditorium Admission 75 c Student I.D (Cmfflrs When you tfivc a tfii'l to someone special, the gift slioulcl he special too. )5 j )icturi'd al)ovi.', Armotah! mug Cliffs (iil'1 Shop specializes in special gills, one-of-a-kind gifts, gilts that say, "This is extraordinary and attractive . . . like you." Sonic of the special things at Cliffs are wooden figurines, hand carved in Italy, durable. Arnietale mugs with your choice of crests, and hand cut leaded crystal imported from linglantl. (lilt giving is a warm and affectionate ceremony. Make it memorable with a gift from Cliffs (Jilt Shop. page 7