The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1973, EXTRA!, Page page 4, Image 4

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    By Nancy Stohs
rphc issues ir.av iii he too dilfeteiil. but 1 1 so
neh: I p: dent .op. h
I iC ; !.!! As S Pi. P ' I 'd tOi.j.lV .!' ' ,P I'lll '
. P , aPigu , aild iA ICtlc! PP i ! Phil ! 'P h' MM s
I w PI Ph.' i M Nebl.tsk.i's U .'.ii .r.;c I p "P .?l ! I '
ha- i : cd I ) 1 1. .u gimicti ! P .; P heed .: id I i. hi
.i.i.i aw av ! i 1 MP student IP-.! 1 1
Kecuncn! denials o! ! ink . I projos.ils bv tip'
Hoard of Regents have led student leaders to seek
lawsuits, stage boycotts ami introduce lulls in the
Nebraska Legislature instead.
Ditleieiil too aie the nanus and hues ol the
leadcis who head the UPcndee.' battle to achieve
c implcto stiuleiil i ights.
I lie Daily Nehraskan t..kcd with Caiolvu
dike Residence llali Wocialion (Rll)
picsidont, Ann llcniv. AM N piesidcnt; and I NI
Noting Dcniocial Blanc Ostciinan. about student
i it'll I s, what theyde doing to achieve them and 'he
( ihsta des they lace in then ob.
Rll is seeking the light hu students to
deienninc their own tesideiue hall policies, Oiice
"We're just as capable as anyone to decide the
type of rules to live under." she said. "After all,
it's our money, and dorms are not supported by
tax dollars."
Proposes loi both coed visitation and alcohol
in liviirj units vvete delcated b the regents in
I he ilc lea ted visitation proposal would have
. K'lniv-vi hoiip. Irom a ..!: i un ol x i..uis
LiiK l" a maximum oi spa i i on. s on w cekd iv
YliilPl.iV ,111.1 Si:
i i ; i on oa liii'
I Pi M ! ' I :
In response to what vvas called a "half
victory", several dormitories bovcotted weekend
visitation, and Smith Hall contacted a lawyer
about a possible law suit.
( iinentlv an RIIA visitation eommi:;ec is
(.sine to drlinc legally the relationship betv.n
residence halls and housing, (.(ice viid.
A !,,,,,.. ,t v.;ii he : iriPiPi '--a!
i, ; ii edor." 'lie said. -Voiding pi hep ilk ic pmv
'. noned loopholes 1 1 1 Xebiaska's laws
ahohol and visitaiion would have to he allowed.
hi the mc.miimc. RIIA is vvoi king to get I :
lioiip, on Sunday and eight on weekdays, (.nee
said llicie are a number ol students who waul
g Idiom visitation, but still uioie students that
Like coed visitation, the question of alcohol on
campus is playing the backfield lor awhile.
Ann Henry said an ASUN Differental Housing
Committee just organized will prepare a proposal
to submit to the regents next spring. It will cover a
broad spectrum of campus living, including coed
halls, visitation and probably alcohol, she said.
She said she thought wailing vvas the wisest
"'I he icgenls were so overly against the idea
(alcohol and visitation) to shut with, bringing it
back over and ovei isn't going to help." she said.
I he icgenls in June voted down -I 2 a proposal
to allow alcohol in campus living units and the
Nebraska Union. Nebiaska Cenlei. Sheldon Art
dallety and the Lacully Ckih on special occasions.
I lie ! ''74 I cgislature may liud ilsell laced with
a similar hill next January il the UNI. Young
I up;, pp s ( N I ) I i ai rv out 1 1 1 M i plans.
ccordmu to Aii'mr Blanc Osteniian. YD
.u!mi!id!nlive assist, mt. Sen. Steve low k r has
t,!tei . d to 1 poh-oi Midi a bd!
t.l u
jf m min i in m
ff I J
- ' ! P P I 1 i ' I I i.i I . , o; i K
'. II P! ii- hi'P r i : . :HP
' ' ' ' '.-. . I 1 - ' -.
iii' : i P- Si,- is e i I" p si a del: - hike
w oil. -i I to increase sludciii i igli Is.
In ifpise eailv eais, liuii'ss didn't
ah.', av v i -pit up i ' ii I) stalks. ( '. n'd
v IP la lion 'UP i he v in.' ak oho! m the .h i ills
weieu'l issues in IN.XO. Sludenl- iheii
seemed to Miink oihei laccl.. ol JikImiI
hh wine hi.dn'i on their list id prioi it les.
According to "Cciilennial History of
the University of Nebraska" by foimer
UN L. hisioiy professor Robert Mauley,
the validity, ol cniiamc cvamswas bi iug
(jucslioiicil by students. 1 he students
appaienllv did mil object Jo the
e x a in iuat ions so mm h a n. ,v
iitv utisislciii ,it,d vague way in v. I'm- ' 'iuy
were given
( Ii. i i id-,' ,i I Maid ', !,',- d
iPv. !'. i-d p' -I, .SI 1 1 ' ' .1 : Us I ! ; : sr
e h- i ! -is ; j ' ' ' i ' i ' -1 1 1 , a si i i
i : i o , i n i i ' a 1 1 ' P 1 1 i u ; P i I ' 1 1
m O
r-'&js f 'lf y?n''
p h N vc:
wJ mm jjjov
Oslcrman said VP's havend dialled the bill yet
because the are looking loi co-spoiisoi
Ilovvcvei. he sud the ch iiips of n, pa sine. ,ne
"diahxp" one prohK-i Ivmg. that iheie au; so
iPinoi s on campus
Speaking loi i esideuee hall student (ince Mid.
'Ae ail led vvc'ic capable cnn-.!i to h.imile
cupselves. Alcohoi is mie ol ipe M'.'hi. ,..i:ici (o
lis h the I c."isla I ui e. and we mmuiM Ipp.j pp We
.I.omU'i' t have lc ; o il.ii.iilnv. i lo a i'sii
As O'lemiaii said. a qui slum ol gaming
"stii I'.'iil lights", but id. opiiiiug legal adult lights.
(Jetting the regents to realize this is another
story, the student leaders agree.
Another problem is all the red tape connecting
Rll with the regents. An RIIA proposal now
must "o through the housing staff, the Housing
I'oIpa Commit i.v. ASUN and CSi belore ic.khing
the lege! Ms
Hiiing a student lawver for legal advice m iv
open some new channels lu cross the student
i il'. In t s deadlock
lli'iuv s.nd ASIA v. ill liips'i in lei c icw me
ai'"iiks and lawhipis this week am! hue one
soon e lawver could onK otlei adv ice. I letuv
asid. He could not hung a lawsuit against the
lege n!s.
She said ASUN also is discussing selling up a
consiunci advice oil ice loi students in the
"I he idea of in lovo planus has been a, omul Ndl;lska updatim; a handbook olk-a!
... i ..... i i . i "ii i '
ioo long io pisi niusii it asnie, iiemy saut.
One YD goal. Oslcrman said, was lo gel enough
students involved in the legal and political
processes of the stale lo make icgenls and the
public icalie students aie adults.
If a student was placed on the Board of Regents
Ibis could be another boost to achieving student
righ Is.
According to Osterman, two student regent
"IUs very discouraging," said Henry. "Moie bills are on Legislative file now. One gives NU
depiessing than that they (icgenls) turned us down
was the reasons they gave.
"We approached them as legal adults and were
students (UNL and UNO) three seats and one vote,
and the other only one seat and one vote.
Oslcrman said he would rather see a student
turned down by more regents on the grounds that rcPl:,a' 01,0 uf ll,c ci'jhl ,e'llls ,han :idd an oxlia
alcohol is not good, so we shouldn't have it But
seal, or sec students become more active in
tl.ev can fo home and have a drink. It's iust m,l .mpa.g.l ing lor regents.
. i,i . " ' .Alter alcohol and visitation, what next? Do the
. uju u a imc
(nee .vi id the biggest obstacle lacini', RIIA's
Pilion and disli usl
elloi Is now is lack ol c
on h-olb silk's.
pp en I n ic! am
i : 1 ', I I 1 ! P .
iv e
o:ne i ml aid ,i 'W,
's. . d ' ! p p s I di.p
P-. hip I hei i '-. ipPh.ii:
cm lent sludent leaders think the struggle lot
sludeti l i ights w ill ever end'.'
Iiemy said she expects ihe legal age in Nebraska
to be low eicd to S soon, and this w ill .smooth the
e av a hide
" I 'h'nl. iheie will alw ivs be a piohleui," she
-id " I heie will alwavs he the assumpuion dial
-" n-'v.j-, iu oine a. hill- aieu epperieiiceil lo
' ,' !i" '.' a ' h lie- i i : ii"s w ill p pvi he pel I c. i .
... I i
iio 1 1 , i ,e i en lo Po.
I"!, r hallo,: p. hei:1'.
-ii' die lie s p -
'- . o "W s o! 'PC-. P
ii-.'-: i
p ih ' hp ped " " p,deu- : a -k.'-l lot
I o - 1 1 !oi .ia is -' on! a! mehP -.eiple
i'i open I hh 1 1 -, 1 1 : i is.1
b. p.i ' I I' see then
p .oP.elbilk lhc ;ed III II o I oil'
U- 'e ,11
P. I,! PiP
:- saul the no , 'ilk, m:
AV, I! lead.' i Is ho, -.. ,
I'P a , . ' i 1 1 he c,si . Pine, a ' v
d.cP pp dh . '(dh ens - !
I h ho lod. n; ., h' -' "
hie-. ' I hal will do ' a: I I ! '
h ive pas ,ed
Since dial lime ciiMpp i
been sl,iudatdied a-, n t'i 1
I'.id uls have ea i!v ' ops : :,
made to In" I lei ihi'k sp, ! a a-
Stud', nt at livism s ed, .moth, r bh,u
in Ih7.' when s(td. ;i!s dem eid. i1 in :(ae
a i lo ibv ?,hi!(i b..i-!. Ih,;:if . I'h i r lore
ih.ii- one I: ne '.! 'b dav hi p pon-.i to
P. deiceuils the .rv e-n re ' -p.m
lo '-(prh li's l.-l I U it le-i rs a d.,-,
i'.C ;,,,W , -', -h..: .'d-l-. ' id- I I
v .lintel u's' gi iissln ippi r i. n'iie
W lole.
I ailv in Ihe I wenl lei b
1 1
l M
.hiccup- , gicst loip.-q the icipPA'i
il lend chape! evet v day I lie I :i
had liken upon themselves the !pP
rc'-ponsibiii y of spiiilual and
euidaiiee ol the students, bul ,s ihe
I 1 1 I o 11 g e o i j
P.p. loliowed die ;
! "" h e i all'.''. is
ipip inihhriv dcpai I 'e-em
! nP ho a I- mi:! I ime.
debate win.
I lie second consistency concerns the
'e'imso a i em kepi .puet consumption of alcohol. In the
d id' .plained, ihe f'liiversii y "s emly days, even students ol
.! '-ecu a lie.ul.idie damLing age were prohibited lroni
di inking in bars and saloons. Now more
One head mhe oec'irivd in 1905 when sludcnls are able io drink and arc asking
t''e coik.iiie.ider .ia'. a d liis cad' Is ) fix n x- able to have alcohol in their
but University grew and sludenh. e-pioo d bonnets am' have ihe .Vbraskj-Colncr donnitoiy rooms.
i-'hi the sciences, they began to 'd n-e Universjtv ImmA:,!, game off the I he 1 1 (S ;,l udonl handbook desei ibed
qticslions about the Irullis of i. vp I. d combined li-.-l1 :v tt- lield m t fu: cadets pu. j , i i 1 1 1 ; 1 1 y objective ol Ihe Univci sily as
o. ripiure." Mauley wide
In 1906, a local minister charged thai
the University vvas a "hotbed ed mid br
and that its .students md graduale- wece
gen-, rally infidels of tb-' wo;-.( I , pi
I h'spile lie ; ii 'es md ',!"
haecs ,!;. -..hns .us:
I' ' .i:i',i - I P, I 'iii',', i i i
.11 . , : i
imiiii pjaciii e. i n;.-. .ame u ne Know n av
(lie "(be led if- d' (be diamond
! !,,. ,.,,1, i. , ,, . I ' . . , .'.-,,
i lie.'
ii i i' e
, i ,ii i
nig, lo piovnie laciinies. stall ami
e. I'ouiiieiil wilh ihe goal ol "lolal
he 1 1 1 o 1 1 " ' d o lal edueal ion ," il
i . i 1 1 " i h 'in. ludi'i ui p p n si lion ol a
: p-i ii ol hie iw I, -dec. si. lils, at lihid: s and
hie:, ill II Will lesiill ill ilic I easiligl
j-ne il le is h .1' loi . '
; P i , i. , 1 1 1 1 o : i ! i ', ' 1 1 i" ,P - ds-
ph .e e see ! bsloi v , pai;c 6
v .. i
pace s